Changeable Gear Stats System

Changeable Gear Stats System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

since they announced that changing traits is made more flexible, almost immediately, the wardrobe system is announced. this is as expected of course.

the next logical step to take, would be the basic function to change the stats of all our gear. just like the newly announced wardrobe system, the new changeable gear stats system would consume transmutation crystals for each change as well. this is to ensure the gem store has healthy sales volume.

also, the player community has been asking for stats changing feature since 2006


- change stats (once unlocked)
- change sigils (once unlocked)
- change infusion (once unlocked)
- change infusion type: defensive, offensive, utility (once unlocked)

- change stats (once unlocked)
- change runes (once unlocked)
- change infusion (once unlocked)
- change infusion type: defensive, offensive, utility (once unlocked)

back item
- change stats (once unlocked)
- change infusion (once unlocked)
- change infusion type: defensive, offensive, utility (once unlocked)

rings / accessories
- change stats (once unlocked)
- change infusion (once unlocked)
- change infusion type: defensive, offensive, utility (once unlocked)

by the way, any arguments related to legendary weapons, are, invalid.
legendary = ugly skins
change stats = basic feature, can be thoroughly monetized too

given how people love the new traits system, the new wardrobe system, the players will surely welcome and love the changeable gear stats system as well.

so what do you think?

Changeable Gear Stats System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

on a second thought, maybe just consume a certain amount of transmutation crystal for unlocking them for the first time, and then future switches do not consume transmutation crystals once unlocked.

Changeable Gear Stats System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grim Jr.8946

Grim Jr.8946

Nope, because Legendary.

maybe consume transmutation for every stat change would be okay but unlocked once is no.

I think runes and sigil’s shouldn’t be changeable via this method as it will diminish the Rune/Sigil market,

Changeable Gear Stats System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Killface.1896


We get it when we get legendary armor and trinkets in 2015

Changeable Gear Stats System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Nope, because Legendary.

maybe consume transmutation for every stat change would be okay but unlocked once is no.

I think runes and sigil’s shouldn’t be changeable via this method as it will diminish the Rune/Sigil market,

no, because

legendary = ugly skin, nothing else
changeable gear stats = everyone can have it

i think they should be changeable via this method as it will greatly help the rune sigils market. the prices will soar up.

look at how the prices of dyes went up.

We get it when we get legendary armor and trinkets in 2015

but i dun want legendary skins.
too shiny, ugly and mainstream.

they made changing traits much easier, removed the gold (silvers) costs for changing traits.

i believe it is only a matter of time before they make changeable stats for everything else.

(edited by Deimos Tel Arin.7391)

Changeable Gear Stats System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grim Jr.8946

Grim Jr.8946

Nope, because Legendary.

maybe consume transmutation for every stat change would be okay but unlocked once is no.

I think runes and sigil’s shouldn’t be changeable via this method as it will diminish the Rune/Sigil market,

no, because

legendary = ugly skin, nothing else
changeable gear stats = everyone can have it

i think they should be changeable via this method as it will greatly help the rune sigils market. the prices will soar up.

look at how the prices of dyes went up.

yeah for now, but when implementation happens it will drop like a fly because when people get the runes and sigils they want then supply will increase and demand will drop

doesn’t matter if legendary skins suck,
“changeable gear stats = everyone can have it” how? oh that’s right! by building a legendary!

Changeable Gear Stats System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Nope, because Legendary.

maybe consume transmutation for every stat change would be okay but unlocked once is no.

I think runes and sigil’s shouldn’t be changeable via this method as it will diminish the Rune/Sigil market,

no, because

legendary = ugly skin, nothing else
changeable gear stats = everyone can have it

i think they should be changeable via this method as it will greatly help the rune sigils market. the prices will soar up.

look at how the prices of dyes went up.

yeah for now, but when implementation happens it will drop like a fly because when people get the runes and sigils they want then supply will increase and demand will drop

doesn’t matter if legendary skins suck,
“changeable gear stats = everyone can have it” how? oh that’s right! by building a legendary!

no, there will always be new demand as they will always be new players and new characters created.
the changeable gear stats system would be character bound instead of account bound.
there will always be demand.

yes, it matters, not everyone wants the legendary skins, but a lot people would want the ability to change the stats of gear once unlocked.

this is a quality of life improvement for everyone, not a luxury feature for a few.

no, i do not want to build a legendary ever, because i do not fancy the legendary skins at all. i am sure a lot of people think the same.

Changeable Gear Stats System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Electro.4173


Oh, I’m sure people would love it for convenience’ sake.

I don’t think the gear economy would enjoy it very much, though. If people never had to buy more than one set of gear, then the fairly steady supply of loot (based on the entire playerbase anyway) would quickly pile up and bottom out in the face of a quickly-diminishing demand.

Changeable Gear Stats System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyn.3295


I figured these threads would pop up again as soon as Anet announced that Ascended would be account bound. Honestly I feel they should have left those soul bound, sure it makes my life easier but I don’t feel it will be the best for the game economy. Leave it with Legendary weapons stat changing and ascended keep their set stats.

“We have now left Reason and Sanity Junction. Next stop, Looneyville.”

Changeable Gear Stats System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Oh, I’m sure people would love it for convenience’ sake.

I don’t think the gear economy would enjoy it very much, though. If people never had to buy more than one set of gear, then the fairly steady supply of loot (based on the entire playerbase anyway) would quickly pile up and bottom out in the face of a quickly-diminishing demand.

incorrect, people would still need to buy new sets to unlock them.

for example,

1. craft ascended berserker chest armor
2. craft ascended soldiers chest armor
3. combine both pieces of ascended chest armor
4. get one piece of ascended chest armor that can change between berserker and soldier stats
5. craft ascended clerics chest armor
6. combine with zerker / soldier chest armor
7. that chest armor now can swap between zerker / soldier / cleric stats

people still need to craft a lot of sets.

I figured these threads would pop up again as soon as Anet announced that Ascended would be account bound. Honestly I feel they should have left those soul bound, sure it makes my life easier but I don’t feel it will be the best for the game economy. Leave it with Legendary weapons stat changing and ascended keep their set stats.

no, it already started back in 2006 about 8 years ago.


we have already been asking for the ability to change skins and stats. this is not a new topic.

account bound ascended armor is nice, but able to change stats is even better.

no, the ability to change stats on all types of gear must be made available to everyone, not just limited to legendary weapons owners only.

Changeable Gear Stats System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyn.3295


Oh, I’m sure people would love it for convenience’ sake.

I don’t think the gear economy would enjoy it very much, though. If people never had to buy more than one set of gear, then the fairly steady supply of loot (based on the entire playerbase anyway) would quickly pile up and bottom out in the face of a quickly-diminishing demand.

incorrect, people would still need to buy new sets to unlock them.

for example,

1. craft ascended berserker chest armor
2. craft ascended soldiers chest armor
3. combine both pieces of ascended chest armor
4. get one piece of ascended chest armor that can change between berserker and soldier stats
5. craft ascended clerics chest armor
6. combine with zerker / soldier chest armor
7. that chest armor now can swap between zerker / soldier / cleric stats

people still need to craft a lot of sets.

I figured these threads would pop up again as soon as Anet announced that Ascended would be account bound. Honestly I feel they should have left those soul bound, sure it makes my life easier but I don’t feel it will be the best for the game economy. Leave it with Legendary weapons stat changing and ascended keep their set stats.

no, it already started back in 2006 about 8 years ago.


we have already been asking for the ability to change skins and stats. this is not a new topic.

account bound ascended armor is nice, but able to change stats is even better.

no, the ability to change stats on all types of gear must be made available to everyone, not just limited to legendary weapons owners only.

The point is that no matter how easy anet makes this game people will want it easier. I do not care how far back through the years you dig

And no it does not be, as not having it is not game breaking for anyone. If you want to stat swap get a legendary.

“We have now left Reason and Sanity Junction. Next stop, Looneyville.”

(edited by Talyn.3295)

Changeable Gear Stats System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Oh, I’m sure people would love it for convenience’ sake.

I don’t think the gear economy would enjoy it very much, though. If people never had to buy more than one set of gear, then the fairly steady supply of loot (based on the entire playerbase anyway) would quickly pile up and bottom out in the face of a quickly-diminishing demand.

incorrect, people would still need to buy new sets to unlock them.

for example,

1. craft ascended berserker chest armor
2. craft ascended soldiers chest armor
3. combine both pieces of ascended chest armor
4. get one piece of ascended chest armor that can change between berserker and soldier stats
5. craft ascended clerics chest armor
6. combine with zerker / soldier chest armor
7. that chest armor now can swap between zerker / soldier / cleric stats

people still need to craft a lot of sets.

I figured these threads would pop up again as soon as Anet announced that Ascended would be account bound. Honestly I feel they should have left those soul bound, sure it makes my life easier but I don’t feel it will be the best for the game economy. Leave it with Legendary weapons stat changing and ascended keep their set stats.

no, it already started back in 2006 about 8 years ago.


we have already been asking for the ability to change skins and stats. this is not a new topic.

account bound ascended armor is nice, but able to change stats is even better.

no, the ability to change stats on all types of gear must be made available to everyone, not just limited to legendary weapons owners only.

The point is that no matter how easy anet makes this game people will want it easier. I do not care how far back through the years you dig

And no it muat not be. If you want to stat swap get a legendary.

no, you are wrong.

the point is, anet will continue to make the game as easy as can be for casual players, because casual players make up the bulk of the player base. this is fact, proven again and again as time passes by.

the wardrobe announcement is just another recent example of how anet listens to the community and implements their requests into the game.

changeable gear stats system will come.
it is only a matter of time.

and, no.
legendary = ugly skins, purely optional.
change stats = quality of life improvement for everyone, must have.

Changeable Gear Stats System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyn.3295


Oh, I’m sure people would love it for convenience’ sake.

I don’t think the gear economy would enjoy it very much, though. If people never had to buy more than one set of gear, then the fairly steady supply of loot (based on the entire playerbase anyway) would quickly pile up and bottom out in the face of a quickly-diminishing demand.

incorrect, people would still need to buy new sets to unlock them.

for example,

1. craft ascended berserker chest armor
2. craft ascended soldiers chest armor
3. combine both pieces of ascended chest armor
4. get one piece of ascended chest armor that can change between berserker and soldier stats
5. craft ascended clerics chest armor
6. combine with zerker / soldier chest armor
7. that chest armor now can swap between zerker / soldier / cleric stats

people still need to craft a lot of sets.

I figured these threads would pop up again as soon as Anet announced that Ascended would be account bound. Honestly I feel they should have left those soul bound, sure it makes my life easier but I don’t feel it will be the best for the game economy. Leave it with Legendary weapons stat changing and ascended keep their set stats.

no, it already started back in 2006 about 8 years ago.


we have already been asking for the ability to change skins and stats. this is not a new topic.

account bound ascended armor is nice, but able to change stats is even better.

no, the ability to change stats on all types of gear must be made available to everyone, not just limited to legendary weapons owners only.

The point is that no matter how easy anet makes this game people will want it easier. I do not care how far back through the years you dig

And no it muat not be. If you want to stat swap get a legendary.

no, you are wrong.

the point is, anet will continue to make the game as easy as can be for casual players, because casual players make up the bulk of the player base. this is fact, proven again and again as time passes by.

the wardrobe announcement is just another recent example of how anet listens to the community and implements their requests into the game.

changeable gear stats system will come.
it is only a matter of time.

and, no.
legendary = ugly skins, purely optional.
change stats = quality of life improvement for everyone, must have.

I would think that had anet intended to move this to ascended they would have in this patch. I really like how it goes from a discussion to a your wrong thread. Point is you want the game easier. It is all you care about. I myself like a challange and a discusssion. This thread has neither. I wont bother wasting any more time here.

“We have now left Reason and Sanity Junction. Next stop, Looneyville.”

Changeable Gear Stats System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Oh, I’m sure people would love it for convenience’ sake.

I don’t think the gear economy would enjoy it very much, though. If people never had to buy more than one set of gear, then the fairly steady supply of loot (based on the entire playerbase anyway) would quickly pile up and bottom out in the face of a quickly-diminishing demand.

incorrect, people would still need to buy new sets to unlock them.

for example,

1. craft ascended berserker chest armor
2. craft ascended soldiers chest armor
3. combine both pieces of ascended chest armor
4. get one piece of ascended chest armor that can change between berserker and soldier stats
5. craft ascended clerics chest armor
6. combine with zerker / soldier chest armor
7. that chest armor now can swap between zerker / soldier / cleric stats

people still need to craft a lot of sets.

I figured these threads would pop up again as soon as Anet announced that Ascended would be account bound. Honestly I feel they should have left those soul bound, sure it makes my life easier but I don’t feel it will be the best for the game economy. Leave it with Legendary weapons stat changing and ascended keep their set stats.

no, it already started back in 2006 about 8 years ago.


we have already been asking for the ability to change skins and stats. this is not a new topic.

account bound ascended armor is nice, but able to change stats is even better.

no, the ability to change stats on all types of gear must be made available to everyone, not just limited to legendary weapons owners only.

The point is that no matter how easy anet makes this game people will want it easier. I do not care how far back through the years you dig

And no it muat not be. If you want to stat swap get a legendary.

no, you are wrong.

the point is, anet will continue to make the game as easy as can be for casual players, because casual players make up the bulk of the player base. this is fact, proven again and again as time passes by.

the wardrobe announcement is just another recent example of how anet listens to the community and implements their requests into the game.

changeable gear stats system will come.
it is only a matter of time.

and, no.
legendary = ugly skins, purely optional.
change stats = quality of life improvement for everyone, must have.

I would think that had anet intended to move this to ascended they would have in this patch. I really like how it goes from a discussion to a your wrong thread. Point is you want the game easier. It is all you care about. I myself like a challange and a discusssion. This thread has neither. I wont bother wasting any more time here.

well, the ability to swap every stat, including all runes, sigils, infusions etc, not only just the base stat (zerker, soldier, clerics etc) may take a while to design and implement properly.

so, it will come.

the point is, the community wants something like this, not only just me. and they have been wanting something like this for a very long time.

there is a still a challenge to unlock all the stats for swapping, nothing is free.

the amount of grind involved in for a legendary weapon ugly skin, is, however, absurd and ridiculous. should not be ever made mandatory for the ability to swap stats at all. the grind itself for the ugly skin is okay, but for the ability to swap stats? no.