Changes I would like to see in the game

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anon.3041


I have just to many issues with the game atm to be able to enjoy it. I’ve heard you can get refunded but Im willing to give Anet a chance to explain how they are gonna improve the game in the coming months.

I got my hopes up abit hearing they are rewamping the dungeons since I consider the dungeon experience to be some of the worst thing Ive seen in MMO game for very very long time. But I doubt that would be enough to keep me interested for coming months.

Here are few of the things I would like to see.

a) Allow players to change the order of weapon abilites in action bar. (simple)
b) Add more abilites per weapon – but you can only use 5
c) Give ppl real choises on how they want to play – If they want to be more tanky or healing – then allow them. Current system does not.
d) Add mounts into the game !! Make ppl pay for them … I dont care … just get them in.
e)Improve the dungeon experience. I know of alot of ppl that like to play trinity way and would be playing GW2 if it had good dungeons that offered more tratidional gameplay.
f) Add 10 man raids into the game.

So if 1 or 2 of this would be yes then I might think about it – but right now I think refund and never looking back seems to be the only way for me.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Trixie.7614


Oh please add mounts in this game and remove every creature that has CC abilities. They don’t make the game more challenging-fun. They make it really annoying.

Glorious Human Master Race

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vince.5937


a) Allow players to change the order of weapon abilites in action bar. (simple)

UI work is not simple. Never has been, never will be.

d) Add mounts into the game !! Make ppl pay for them … I dont care … just get them in.

Fast travel system > Mounts.

e)Improve the dungeon experience. I know of alot of ppl that like to play trinity way and would be playing GW2 if it had good dungeons that offered more tratidional gameplay.

This is not WoW.

f) Add 10 man raids into the game.

Again, this is not WoW.

So if 1 or 2 of this would be yes then I might think about it – but right now I think refund and never looking back seems to be the only way for me.

It sounds like you want a different game entirely.

vince.5937 — Tarnished Coast — Les Saintes
R.I.P. City of Heroes, 2004-2012
Long Live Atlas Park 33

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arisal.9740


I agree with vince. It sounds like your looking for stuff that might be in your “traditional” mmo aka another game.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drifter.8453


WoW is that way —-—————→
If you do not want to go back to WoW then:
DKonline is that way—————>
Dk is in BETA and they need testers, and you get mounts. I tried Dk and it is a bit grindy, more grindy then GW2 so have at it.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Wai.4052

Sir Wai.4052

Why do people ask for a refund…? It’s not a monthly payment game, even if you disliked it would a store let you return a video game for your console? No, I love how it only a one time fee even with it faults and such. This is focused on people who didn’t want constant grind, while the new fractals does push a little towards it I don’t mind. The game is design to be able to stop playing and come back a month later and continue with no new “item” to acquire.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kuruptz.4782


a) Allow players to change the order of weapon abilites in action bar. (simple)
b) Add more abilites per weapon – but you can only use 5
c) Give ppl real choises on how they want to play – If they want to be more tanky or healing – then allow them. Current system does not.
d) Add mounts into the game !! Make ppl pay for them … I dont care … just get them in.
e)Improve the dungeon experience. I know of alot of ppl that like to play trinity way and would be playing GW2 if it had good dungeons that offered more tratidional gameplay.
f) Add 10 man raids into the game.

So if 1 or 2 of this would be yes then I might think about it – but right now I think refund and never looking back seems to be the only way for me.

are you trolling?

or do you usually buy games COMPLETLY randomly without getting info or watching youtube

you close your eyes and click buy on something and comes complain about it?

oh god….. some people

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


I think mounts would be pretty awful in the open world and here is why I think that.

Right now, GW2 has THE best gaming community par none. This can be attributed to the core game design. We share nodes (people often call out on map chat alerting others to valuable nodes), we get rewarded commesurate to our contribution in killing monsters (no mob tagging) and we support each other with rezzing downed players.

Now imagine if mounts were introduced. A player is in a down state, arm outstretched, desperately trying to heal himself while fending off a mob. Currently, if you are running by that area you stop to help heal the player and help him kill the mob. If you were on a mount however, you would have to dismount, heal the player and help kill the mob, then remount to go on your way. People would be less likely to do it, it would introduce a “convenience over cooperation” element that would be detrimental to the culture of the game.

Look, I came from a game that had mounts and I had a period of adjustment when I first started playing. Then I started to understand the brilliance of this concept and now I fully embrace it.

No mounts, please.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Why do people ask for a refund…? It’s not a monthly payment game, even if you disliked it would a store let you return a video game for your console? No, I love how it only a one time fee even with it faults and such. This is focused on people who didn’t want constant grind, while the new fractals does push a little towards it I don’t mind. The game is design to be able to stop playing and come back a month later and continue with no new “item” to acquire.

They ask for a refund because they feel they deserve it. After all it’s their money, and they were “tricked” into giving it to the company.

If only it was that easy to get refunds of games I didn’t like. I’d have a lot less in the way of PS2 games I can’t get rid of

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saidor.7028


To all the people saying it’s not wow. Shut up already. No one want’s it to be wow. They are simply looking for improvements in the games. Other games have good features, some have already been compied in this game, no reason why others cant be added.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


IMO it’s quite low-class to talk about a refund for a game you played.

It reminds me of a time I was at an Asian-style buffet restaurant and this heavy-set lady was asking for a refund cuz her family saw a bug. Meanwhile the rest of the family was still packing away the plate-fulls.

You have a lifetime subscription to GW2. That doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy it for a lifetime. And you better believe you’ll see some bugs.

If you’re done eating, it’s best to just step away from the table. Even if what you ate was all that you could physically eat, you got your meal.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HyDraLiNsK.2470


Here are few of the things I would like to see.

a) Allow players to change the order of weapon abilites in action bar. (simple)
b) Add more abilites per weapon – but you can only use 5
c) Give ppl real choises on how they want to play – If they want to be more tanky or healing – then allow them. Current system does not.
d) Add mounts into the game !! Make ppl pay for them … I dont care … just get them in.
e)Improve the dungeon experience. I know of alot of ppl that like to play trinity way and would be playing GW2 if it had good dungeons that offered more tratidional gameplay.
f) Add 10 man raids into the game.

A) No. Why would you need to swap the predetermined skills in the bar? You can keybind ‘2’ to the first slot etc if you HAVE to. Utilities are custom already. This request makes no sense.
B) I’m sure they will add more weapons/skills as the game matures. They aren’t gonna do it now.
C) Umm, you can do that. That’s what the +healing +toughness etc trait lines are.
D) I wouldn’t care either way. I’m fine with the current system, but yes it would be cool to ride something.
E) This isn’t wow.
F) ….

“This rose has thorns…. here they are!!”

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saidor.7028


IMO it’s quite low-class to talk about a refund for a game you played.

I would agree, excpect where a game is not as advertised and in a game like this it does take a while for you to undertsand whether the game is or isn’t as advertised. Why shouldnt people get a refund if they were told they were getting X but ended up with Y ?

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HyDraLiNsK.2470


Because when you purchased the product it WAS X. If it (arguably) transformed into Y 3 months later, too bad so sad. It’s an MMO.

You didn’t pay $60 for lost shores or the content patch, you paid $60 for GW2, and you’ve played that for 3 months, exactly as advertised.

If I bought a red shirt, wore it for 3 months and it turned pink from the wear and tare, I can’t refund the shirt kittening that I paid for a red shirt. You people need to get real. This is an MMO. Which means it is always changing. If you don’t like it leave and quit playing it’s really that simple.

I personally won’t miss any of you.

“This rose has thorns…. here they are!!”

(edited by HyDraLiNsK.2470)

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valtameri.2075


To all the people saying it’s not wow. Shut up already. No one want’s it to be wow. They are simply looking for improvements in the games. Other games have good features, some have already been compied in this game, no reason why others cant be added.

And what would be the point of another WoW clone then? Why not just play the real deal.
WoW had good features (maybe those features were from EQ/UO originally, that’s not the point here) they got copied into several other MMO’s and what happened to them? They died (most of them at least) since everyone realized that it just does the job better.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rehashed Jibe Tube.7102

Rehashed Jibe Tube.7102

before you decide whether ot not to ask for a refund, ask yourself how much of the product you consumed.

It’s one thing to take a bite of a steak and send it back because it was under cooked. It’s another entirely to eat the whole thing without saying anything, then ask for a refund.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say you played the kitten out of this game already and got your moneys worth. Now it may be time to move on to something else. But that doesn’t mean they owe you anything.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narkosys.5173


As Chris stated in the AMA this is now WOW Lite so if that is what you want then stay.

But if you want they originally promised – horizontal progression and no grinding -all player equal -then yes get your refund.

Otherwise keep asking for stuff like the trinity,mounts,dueling,loot rolls ect cause they are more than happy to accommodate you.

Hope that helps your decision.
I think it is low class to switch a product you explicitly sold me on than say you didnt switch it.
See if people are held accountable they tend to not keep doing things like scamming.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BioFringe.7945


You should’ve predicted a white knight brigade by posting this thread.

Just post on an unofficial forum where the fanboys aren’t protected and you can post honest opinions without being infracted.

Or better yet…make up your own mind and decide for yourself instead of posting such questions on the game’s official forum where you know that it’s just going to become a flame fest. Sounds logical enough. Unless of course he got exactly what he was looking for in which case your suggestion would have no baring to him. Either way, the OP won’t get any type of real answer to their question.

This sentence is false.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ualtar.5047


To all the people saying it’s not wow. Shut up already. No one want’s it to be wow. They are simply looking for improvements in the games. Other games have good features, some have already been compied in this game, no reason why others cant be added.

Well….mounts were never going to be a part of this game…not sure how he/she got tricked in that regard.

Sure get the refund if it makes you happy. It is as easy as that.

Alrekr Yerling
Khazad Fundinul [KF] – Tarnished Coast

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saidor.7028


Because when you purchased the product it WAS X. If it (arguably) transformed into Y 3 months later, too bad so sad. It’s an MMO.

You didn’t pay $60 for lost shores or the content patch, you paid $60 for GW2, and you’ve played that for 3 months, exactly as advertised.

If I bought a red shirt, wore it for 3 months and it turned pink from the wear and tare, I can’t refund the shirt kittening that I paid for a red shirt. You people need to get real. This is an MMO. Which means it is always changing. If you don’t like it leave and quit playing it’s really that simple.

I personally won’t miss any of you.

3 months is a very short period of time. If the core concept is changed that fast, which people believe it has, then they’ve been missold a product. That isnt an example of a game being as advertised. Sheesh.

You pink t-shirt analogy is stupid. The game didnt change because people played it… good grief.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saidor.7028


It’s one thing to take a bite of a steak and send it back because it was under cooked. It’s another entirely to eat the whole thing without saying anything, then ask for a refund.


What if you eat the whole ‘steak’ only to be told afterwards it was ‘pork’.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HyDraLiNsK.2470


No, it changed because the entitled kids who have no jobs and no life rushed the hell out of it and then kittened there was no end game content.

“I made lvl 80 in 2 days there’s no end game content!”
“Now I’m mad they added content!”
“Now I’m mad because they did what they said they wouldn’t do to shut me up!”
“Now I want holy trinity and mounts!”
“Now I’m mad they are giving me what I asked for!”

That’s the generation of gamers we all know today. It is truly pathetic. My analogy is stupid? What about the “cry to cry to cry to cry again” analogy?

If you don’t like the game, GO PLAY ANOTHER ONE.

There’s an easy analogy. To sit here and cry about $60 when you’ve probably spent 400 hours playing is HILARIOUS to me. It’s one thing to complain you were misled before getting your moneys worth, it’s a whole other to play something for 8 hours a day and then kitten 3 months later because they added content to shut all the crybabies up.

Go play WoW if you want to.
Go play _ _ _ _ _ _ _ if you want to.

I don’t care. Just quit crying over $60 when you’ve easily gotten your moneys worth ten folds.

“This rose has thorns…. here they are!!”

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mandrax.7342


a) Allow players to change the order of weapon abilites in action bar. (simple)

UI work is not simple. Never has been, never will be.

d) Add mounts into the game !! Make ppl pay for them … I dont care … just get them in.

Fast travel system > Mounts.

e)Improve the dungeon experience. I know of alot of ppl that like to play trinity way and would be playing GW2 if it had good dungeons that offered more tratidional gameplay.

This is not WoW.

f) Add 10 man raids into the game.

Again, this is not WoW.

So if 1 or 2 of this would be yes then I might think about it – but right now I think refund and never looking back seems to be the only way for me.

It sounds like you want a different game entirely.

1. UI work IS actually quite simple providing the functionality is built in when the UI is originally created. Surely Anet must have expected that people will want to at least move around their skills on their hotbar. I accept that changes to UI once it has been created becomes more difficult, but this should have been a consideration from the start.

2. That’s personal preference. Personally I would like to see mounts added and those that want to use them can, and those that prefer the waypoint system can use that. I’m a fan of choice.

3. I’m not sure why you would mention WoW specifically when the trinity system was neither invented nor monopolised by Blizzard for their game.

4. As above. Personally however I couldn’t care less about raids, I actually like the way anybody can take on world bosses right now. That said, I wouldn’t be against raiding providing they were not implemented in such a way that only raiders get the best loot. If it’s a further way of gaining Ascended for example, then as I said earlier, I’m a fan of choice.

I don’t think he wants a different game entirely, more that he would like some features of other games to be adopted. This seems perfectly normal to me.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rehashed Jibe Tube.7102

Rehashed Jibe Tube.7102

before you decide whether ot not to ask for a refund, ask yourself how much of the product you consumed.

It’s one thing to take a bite of a steak and send it back because it was under cooked. It’s another entirely to eat the whole thing without saying anything, then ask for a refund.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say you played the kitten out of this game already and got your moneys worth. Now it may be time to move on to something else. But that doesn’t mean they owe you anything.

I would not be asking for a refund if I had played this game to any extend. I got 1 character – its lvl 60 and I have not been able to play the game since I did few of the PVE dungeons. Cause the experience was so bad.. that I just could not belive that a game would release with such lackluster feature.

It has now been 2 months since I played that and nothing has improved other than few balancing issues of the class. I do not intend to play this game for PVP and havn’t bothered with it. So the PVE content needs to strengthen alot.

I can well live with no trinity game – but then players need to have the tools and the content to play the pve in enjoyable manner. Thats not the case atm. I know I base that on just few dungeon runs. But thats exactly the case. I did not play the crap out of the game – I just got to a point where I saw the game was not delivering for what Im after.

So ye… I consider myself to still be in line for refund. I also payed 20$ for gems that I will not ask for refund on so I Anet will still have some of my money.

fair enough. sometimes going out on a limb means the limb breaks out from under you.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HyDraLiNsK.2470


It’s one thing to take a bite of a steak and send it back because it was under cooked. It’s another entirely to eat the whole thing without saying anything, then ask for a refund.


What if you eat the whole ‘steak’ only to be told afterwards it was ‘pork’.

Do you eat to eat what it is or do you eat to be full and taste?

If you can’t tell by the taste it isn’t steak, and it fills you up, good luck with that refund. The only chance in hell you would get is if you’re allergic to pork, which doesn’t apply to a video game.

A better and more matching analogy, would be if you ate the pork, left, and came back 3 months later and demanded a refund.

“This rose has thorns…. here they are!!”

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carltonbanks.1754


before you decide whether ot not to ask for a refund, ask yourself how much of the product you consumed.

It’s one thing to take a bite of a steak and send it back because it was under cooked. It’s another entirely to eat the whole thing without saying anything, then ask for a refund.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say you played the kitten out of this game already and got your moneys worth. Now it may be time to move on to something else. But that doesn’t mean they owe you anything.

I would not be asking for a refund if I had played this game to any extend. I got 1 character – its lvl 60 and I have not been able to play the game since I did few of the PVE dungeons. Cause the experience was so bad.. that I just could not belive that a game would release with such lackluster feature.

It has now been 2 months since I played that and nothing has improved other than few balancing issues of the class. I do not intend to play this game for PVP and havn’t bothered with it. So the PVE content needs to strengthen alot.

I can well live with no trinity game – but then players need to have the tools and the content to play the pve in enjoyable manner. Thats not the case atm. I know I base that on just few dungeon runs. But thats exactly the case. I did not play the crap out of the game – I just got to a point where I saw the game was not delivering for what Im after.

So ye… I consider myself to still be in line for refund. I also payed 20$ for gems that I will not ask for refund on so I Anet will still have some of my money.

There are other aspects of this game that you could participate in. if you think you deserve a refund just because one little aspect of the game didn’t live up to your expectations then you have some serious entitlement issues.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rehashed Jibe Tube.7102

Rehashed Jibe Tube.7102

It’s one thing to take a bite of a steak and send it back because it was under cooked. It’s another entirely to eat the whole thing without saying anything, then ask for a refund.


What if you eat the whole ‘steak’ only to be told afterwards it was ‘pork’.

although obviously i think it’s fair to call the game “under cooked” I don’t think you can call it an entirely different species.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anon.3041


There are other aspects of this game that you could participate in. if you think you deserve a refund just because one little aspect of the game didn’t live up to your expectations then you have some serious entitlement issues.

I did not buy this game for the other aspects. I bought it for PVE value. The game has its good sides but its not strong enough in terms of PVE content for me to stay with the game (even tho the lvling experience is fine so far). And ye .. I feel abit cheated cause I expected better endgame pve content than what the game is offering right now.

With that said – Im not doing the latest dungeons. And since Ive not been much online I will probably have zero chance to enjoy them since ANET has said that PVE content is for harcore premade groups rather than casual players. So far standing outside a dungeon hoping for invite sounds really far fetched for me…

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saidor.7028


Well, since the OP has since said he just doesn’t enjoy it, sorry but thems the breaks. Simply not enjoying something isn’t really grounds for a refund. Hell, if it was, just think how little the Twilight movies would have made.

I Loved the game Farcry, one of the best fps ever made. FarCry 2 was one of the biggest piles of kitten kittening kittyness ever made, but I didn’t ask for a refund.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BioFringe.7945


So ask for your refund already and be done with it. Why do you really care so much about what strangers on a forum board think about your financial practices? Sounds to me like you might just want to stir the pot a bit. Just say goodbye and be done with it already.

This sentence is false.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anon.3041


Well, since the OP has since said he just doesn’t enjoy it, sorry but thems the breaks. Simply not enjoying something isn’t really grounds for a refund. Hell, if it was, just think how little the Twilight movies would have made.

I Loved the game Farcry, one of the best fps ever made. FarCry 2 was one of the biggest piles of kitten kittening kittyness ever made, but I didn’t ask for a refund.

Far Cry 2 did not offer refunds.

At least I can take my hat off for ANet for offering it. It shows they care. And like I said… Its not like they havn’t got anything from me. They got my gem money that I will not be asking for refunds off.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carltonbanks.1754


There are other aspects of this game that you could participate in. if you think you deserve a refund just because one little aspect of the game didn’t live up to your expectations then you have some serious entitlement issues.

I did not buy this game for the other aspects. I bought it for PVE value. The game has its good sides but its not strong enough in terms of PVE content for me to stay with the game (even tho the lvling experience is fine so far). And ye .. I feel abit cheated cause I expected better endgame pve content than what the game is offering right now.

With that said – Im not doing the latest dungeons. And since Ive not been much online I will probably have zero chance to enjoy them since ANET has said that PVE content is for harcore premade groups rather than casual players. So far standing outside a dungeon hoping for invite sounds really far fetched for me…

So you bought GW2, and want a refund now that you’ve realized it isn’t WoW?

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anon.3041


So ask for your refund already and be done with it. Why do you really care so much about what strangers on a forum board think about your financial practices? Sounds to me like you might just want to stir the pot a bit. Just say goodbye and be done with it already.

Ye – I probably will.

Can’t say I did not post why I did that tho.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


I totally agree there are parts of this game that are very poorly done.

The meta game for WvW completely revolves around exploiting bugs and weaknesses. Total fail there.
sPvP still isn’t ready for launch.
My traits don’t work a good portion of the time.

But I paid my $60 on the hope it’d be better, or will get better.

If I add up all the times I bought a music album and was disappointed, paid admission to see a sucky band, rented a movie only to fall asleep during it…

I think it’s appropriate to be disappointed. I think it’s ok to be bitterly vigorously disappointed. But I’m thinking if you’re passionate enough to be bitter, you must have really enjoyed some part of it, else you’d have quit on Aug 25.

The goofy logic that’s surfaced here makes me think there’s cause for a massive class-action suit against George Lucas.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FluffyDoe.7539


Would love to see new weapons skills, more builds, and more dungeons with variety of mechanics involved like the FotM (still, the FotM is not consistent with cool gameplay. Some parts are awesome, other parts are just plain annoying/bosses with ridiculously high amount of HP).

If this game’s combat can improve from just being about spamming skills for a long periods of time against PVE bosses with large health pool, like what people did in the Lost Shore One-Time Event; then I would love to continue playing this game along with what they’re doing now – which is releasing newer contents each month. I think if combat improves, this game would absolutely win back the hearts of a lot of GW2 fans.

I also like the idea of huge battle like the Lost Shore One-Time Event, but would highly recommend Anet to optimize the game system before they implement more contents that requires these large battles which requires a heavy heavy amount of renderings.

Overall, I think GW2 is still a beautiful game & one that’s worth to hold on to [for life], but that’s all in hopes that they can seriously get some of the issues solved. The mainstream issues that needs corrections begins (like I had mentioned) with the following points:

1) Rendering issues on large scale battle.

2) Find a way(s) to make combat process more interesting than just spamming bosses with massive HPs. I would suggest (like a person mentioned above), provide each class with more viable roles and tactics (if somebody’s playing a thief, allowing that player to be able to keep teammates alive as good as an elementalist/guardian; or if that does not fit the meta, maybe just expand on the style that a thief can take role in, not just kiting but also some sort of viable tanking method or some sort of effective way to heal).

3) No more bugged out one-time events. If they want to use it as ’a chance to stress test their servers/collect data (which IMO, that was their goal with the Lost-Shore One Time event), please make sure to not give out too much rewards for those that could get it as oppose to those that might not get the reward, as well as lower the event time from being a hellah long 2h to just a sizable 1h spam doing the constant fighting. Again, “fighting bosses with HP pools that takes hours to diminish = no fun [gameplay]”.

They are the basics that I need to see Anet correct before I think I can change my approach to the game from “playing it just when i’ve got nothing to do”, to “playing it cuz I really look forward to logging on to GW2 each and every day”. Because in honesty, I don’t think about logging on GW2 everyday like I use to anymore (only look forward to logging on to forums everyday and waiting patiently for actually “bigger & more progressive” stuffs to happen).

@ OP – I’m looking at keeping this game from a perspective that suggest “I’m only keeping this game because of its potential investment value”, since these things are hard to predict where it will go. Although again, if your judgement tells you that the cost of $60 bucks isn’t worth the wait, then I guess it is best then that you refund your copy of GW2. I personally would give advice ppl to hold on to it… (ie. remember what League of Legend was like when it first came out? It had all the flashes of being a good RTS… except the fact that Pantheon could menta kill ppl in the fountains.


(edited by FluffyDoe.7539)

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HeeHee.5208


I agree with vince. It sounds like your looking for stuff that might be in your “traditional” mmo aka another game.

And why people need to do their research before buying the game, most of the points (except point 1) that the original poster makes could be found based on various review websites / youtube videos.

Also, if Anet implemented points such as reintroducing the tank / healer class, a lot of current players may be unhappy, more likely, pissed off too… such as with the ascended gear…

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katai.6240


a) Allow players to change the order of weapon abilites in action bar. (simple)
- You can already change keybinds. Though this would be convenient (i would make use of it), I don’t think this is something that makes/breaks games

b) Add more abilites per weapon – but you can only use 5
- Most classes can weapon swap in battle, so you typically get 10 weapon skills. Those that can’t get even more. Elementalists get 20 total weapon skills, and Engineers can use 1 utility slot to gain 5 weapon abilities (so total 20 total weapon skills, at the cost of 3 utilities).

c) Give ppl real choises on how they want to play – If they want to be more tanky or healing – then allow them. Current system does not.
- While a healing spec is not really useful, I know tank builds work really well.

d) Add mounts into the game !! Make ppl pay for them … I dont care … just get them in.
- Redundant when you can just port everywhere for dimes. Mounts are cool, but it’s all vanity items.

e)Improve the dungeon experience. I know of alot of ppl that like to play trinity way and would be playing GW2 if it had good dungeons that offered more tratidional gameplay.
- I don’t think moving towards the “Trinity” setup is “improving”. The main issue being that pretty much everyone already knows how that works, and it’s incredibly boring IMO. I’ve done enough MMOs to be done with the Trinity setup. I like this “Diablo” style class system where everyone does damage, and everyone does support. The only issue I have right now is that no one can take damage too well without being fully spec’d for it. Either that or everyone is glass canon except for me…

f) Add 10 man raids into the game.
- A cool as this would be, I have a hard enough time getting 5 people together to do normal dungeon runs…

(edited by Katai.6240)

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anon.3041


d) Add mounts into the game !! Make ppl pay for them … I dont care … just get them in.
- Redundant when you can just port everywhere for dimes. Mounts are cool, but it’s all vanity items.

Exactly – its just vanity. It would still make Anet alot of money. I was expecting this to be announched already into the ingame store by now. Cause again – it makes alot of money and has zero effect in terms of gameplay. Just like every outfit in store…

Anyway – I have asked for my refund now. Like I said – 20$ I payed for gems should cover my 60 lvls of gameplay. And its obvious with the tone from the forum posters that they think Im asking for to much in terms of changing the game.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


Same as they did with Diablo 3, I don’t really want a refund ~ I want a game I can enjoy, GW2 is something I originally enjoyed but the new changes and directions just add far too much elitism and grindfests, I personally want to play the game and not farm gold for months on end for one item.

protest this travesty of a patch -
Get it taken down -
Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rakuren Kenshou.7689

Rakuren Kenshou.7689

And its obvious with the tone from the forum posters that they think Im asking for to much in terms of changing the game.

I think a large portion of the forums are just upset with all of the “I demand this” and “I demand that” that they are hearing lately. And I’m in the same boat as they are.

If you company offers refunds, and you want a refund, then you’re entitled to it. I wouldn’t do it personally, but I’m not the type to ask for refunds. I’m honestly quite surprised to hear that they are offering refunds though. Seems strange.

This actually seems like a very accepting community (at least in-game). The forums are… not. I wish you luck in your future, but if you’re looking for a comment or change from ANET, just email them yourself to avoid the forum posters.

“I reject your reality and substitute my own.”

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stayBlind.7849


You want there to be more build variety while at the same time adding mounts (which kill build variety e.g. perma swiftness builds)?

No thanks; then I’d have to play a GS Warrior like everyone else.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


So, basically, you want GW2 to be a different game?

Easily solved.

Go play a different game.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Levetty.1279


As a Mesmer I can say that they should add mounts since people seem to think it would be OP if Mesmers had the same access to swiftness as every other class.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anon.3041


As a Mesmer I can say that they should add mounts since people seem to think it would be OP if Mesmers had the same access to swiftness as every other class.

Where did I say that mounts would need to go any faster than walking pace ? I just asked for mounts – not that they added extra traveling speed.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kumu Honua.2751

Kumu Honua.2751

Yes. Just ask for your refund and go away. Really. Enough with the flouncing already. Just do it…

Sylvari Guardian. – Dragonbrand.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: paelen.3821


Hmm, I don’t see any issue making mounts. Get rid of wp’s all together. Use mounts and make us have to feed and give them water. There is your sink. Then they could scale it up for faster mounts, more water, more grain. MORE, MORE and MORE!!

ok never mind.

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Levetty.1279


As a Mesmer I can say that they should add mounts since people seem to think it would be OP if Mesmers had the same access to swiftness as every other class.

Where did I say that mounts would need to go any faster than walking pace ? I just asked for mounts – not that they added extra traveling speed.

Then what is the point?

Changes I would like to see in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tael.5432


I definitely agree with adding more skills to weapons so that you can choose which 5 you prefer, out of say 10. (Kind of like how the utility skills work I guess).

It would add more personalization and perhaps if you just disliked one of the skills. For example I’m an elementalist and don’t find myself using my ‘burning retreat’ skill very often because it’s basically just a dodge (Which I can already use by pressing ‘v’) that adds a burn if somebody walks over it. If I could alternate that for something more useful it could be good. I’m sure other classes find a few weapon abilities that they would like to be able to swap out.

“b) Add more abilites per weapon – but you can only use 5”

I can’t say I really agree with the other things you’ve mentioned though. A lot of them just sound like WoW features, mounts, raids etc.

Fairy Tael – Elementalist