Changes needed to world boss events.
For as long as Claw of Jormag is.. they could at least reward us with a bit more than just “60 copper” for a long fight. I mean Tequatl gives at least 1 gold and isn’t a lvl 80 encounter.
For as long as Claw of Jormag is.. they could at least reward us with a bit more than just “60 copper” for a long fight. I mean Tequatl gives at least 1 gold and isn’t a lvl 80 encounter.
Tequatl is also a lot more difficult, requires more effort and coordination to beat while Claw of Jormag is a joke where people just take a bazooka, stand on a corner and spam auto attack all the way to victory. If that changes, then I can see the justification for better loot.
still 60 copper? .. i mean thats barely anything.
For as long as Claw of Jormag is.. they could at least reward us with a bit more than just “60 copper” for a long fight. I mean Tequatl gives at least 1 gold and isn’t a lvl 80 encounter.
Tequatl is also a lot more difficult, requires more effort and coordination to beat while Claw of Jormag is a joke where people just take a bazooka, stand on a corner and spam auto attack all the way to victory. If that changes, then I can see the justification for better loot.
Just because it isn’t “harder” (tequatal is just as stupid easy when you have enough people who know the fight. Static, scripted content negates the need to think) doesn’t mean it doesn’t take forever.
Event training on cursed shore gives far better loot for the time invested and it doesn’t need to drop my frame rate to single digits to do it.
There’s really no point in fixing them to make them non-AFK-able without redesigning the entire reward/contribution system.
Take Jormag for example. Sure, you can sit on the side and be safe, but all it takes is a few hits on Jormag to get credit. By abusing this flaw, you can participate in the actual encounter for only a few seconds then run off and go AFK somewhere safe while waiting for the event to end, at which point you can go and collect your free loot. Likewise, you can do this in reverse by showing up at the last second and getting in a good hit.
Without a vastly improved contribution system, there’s simply no point in putting in the time to remove these safe spots. Doing so would make it slightly more interesting for those that already do it legitimately, but it wouldn’t really affect much else, unless they also greatly increased the difficulty. There really needs to be something like a scoreboard at the end where you need to be within a certain percentage of the average contribution to get credit. Contribution would be based on the special mechanics events may have and combat stats like damage dealt, damage taken, outgoing healing, interrupts, revives and evades.
For as long as Claw of Jormag is.. they could at least reward us with a bit more than just “60 copper” for a long fight. I mean Tequatl gives at least 1 gold and isn’t a lvl 80 encounter.
Tequatl is also a lot more difficult, requires more effort and coordination to beat while Claw of Jormag is a joke where people just take a bazooka, stand on a corner and spam auto attack all the way to victory. If that changes, then I can see the justification for better loot.
Just because it isn’t “harder” (tequatal is just as stupid easy when you have enough people who know the fight. Static, scripted content negates the need to think) doesn’t mean it doesn’t take forever.
Event training on cursed shore gives far better loot for the time invested and it doesn’t need to drop my frame rate to single digits to do it.
You already said it youself, you need enough people that actually kno the Tequatl fight to beat it, throw 250 ppl of newbs in it and they will still fail it miserably. For Claw, you can throw 50 newbies into the fight and they will beat it like a pro.
Even with vets, people still fail Tequatl consistently 5 mins into the fight when they fail the first battery defense. It happens and especially frequent in maps where most people are expecting to get carried and get free loot. For Claw, unless no one bothers to do it, there is 0 possibility to even fail it.
There’s really no point in fixing them to make them non-AFK-able without redesigning the entire reward/contribution system.
Take Jormag for example. Sure, you can sit on the side and be safe, but all it takes is a few hits on Jormag to get credit. By abusing this flaw, you can participate in the actual encounter for only a few seconds then run off and go AFK somewhere safe while waiting for the event to end, at which point you can go and collect your free loot. Likewise, you can do this in reverse by showing up at the last second and getting in a good hit.
Without a vastly improved contribution system, there’s simply no point in putting in the time to remove these safe spots. Doing so would make it slightly more interesting for those that already do it legitimately, but it wouldn’t really affect much else, unless they also greatly increased the difficulty. There really needs to be something like a scoreboard at the end where you need to be within a certain percentage of the average contribution to get credit. Contribution would be based on the special mechanics events may have and combat stats like damage dealt, damage taken, outgoing healing, interrupts, revives and evades.
That would be the best but for now the events need a temporary band aid fix that punishes those people for being lazy by failing it.
World boss like Claw of Jormag, Shatterer, golem near Old Sledge Site, Shadow Behemoth and others need some overhaul in their behaviour, attacks and location design I order to make people actually play the events instead of just stand in 1 location, spam auto attack, afk and collect loot.
This is especially obvious in events like Claw of Jormag, Shatterer and the golem near Old Sledge Site where people will just stand in a corner, set auto attack then just wait to collect loots.
For the case of Claw and Shatterer, the solution could simply be making the boss attacks hitting all the area with high player concentration and spawning groups of champs and elites on them instead of just the cannon area.
For the golem world boss, just make sure that there is no safe spot where plsyers can afk ans still be in attacking range, this includes the steps leading up to the platform.
As for Shadow Behemoth, make the portals tougher so that it tskes more than 5 people to destroy. Also the portals should spawn in the area180 degrees in front of the boss instead of going all the way to the back of the boss. The portal too should spawn more mobs more often faster.
Another world boss I think need some tweaking is the great jungle wurm. The boss used to be fun and require some effort where people actually need to stop the husk from reaching the boss, now the boss is dead before the first husk even has a chance to get near.
And then when you make them too hard, they become abandoned until a super-guild comes in and prevents players from joining the map, like Teq and Wurm.
Anet really needs to find a balance between the two extremes.
World boss like Claw of Jormag, Shatterer, golem near Old Sledge Site, Shadow Behemoth and others need some overhaul in their behaviour, attacks and location design I order to make people actually play the events instead of just stand in 1 location, spam auto attack, afk and collect loot.
This is especially obvious in events like Claw of Jormag, Shatterer and the golem near Old Sledge Site where people will just stand in a corner, set auto attack then just wait to collect loots.
For the case of Claw and Shatterer, the solution could simply be making the boss attacks hitting all the area with high player concentration and spawning groups of champs and elites on them instead of just the cannon area.
For the golem world boss, just make sure that there is no safe spot where plsyers can afk ans still be in attacking range, this includes the steps leading up to the platform.
As for Shadow Behemoth, make the portals tougher so that it tskes more than 5 people to destroy. Also the portals should spawn in the area180 degrees in front of the boss instead of going all the way to the back of the boss. The portal too should spawn more mobs more often faster.
Another world boss I think need some tweaking is the great jungle wurm. The boss used to be fun and require some effort where people actually need to stop the husk from reaching the boss, now the boss is dead before the first husk even has a chance to get near.
And then when you make them too hard, they become abandoned until a super-guild comes in and prevents players from joining the map, like Teq and Wurm.
Anet really needs to find a balance between the two extremes.
I am asking for tweaks and fixes that make players to spread out more evenly and actively engage in the events and fights instead of stand in 1 corner or 1 safe spot, spam auto attack and afk.
That is very different from asking for the content to be made into Tequatl or Three Headed Wurm level fight though I am doing Tequatl everyday with random people on random map with 100% success rate so far.
Also, I hate TTS right to the core because of their exclusive and elitist attitude.
still 60 copper? .. i mean thats barely anything.
Tbh I wish they’d give Jormag the Teq treatment already. Jormag is just such a tedious fight.
I have to say I agree… I would like to see Shatterer have a few more mechanics/major overhaul (like Teq). Jormag needs looking at but not sure what to suggest, perhaps phase 2 should have a weaker freeze condition on the ground and players are meant to melee it rather than protect Golems that seem to target the Icicles that spawn, then just give him a few new attacks?
The Golem I find is ok, but yes, the cannon area where everyone stacks while I actually take the time to die to help kill him… Does seem a bit annoying.
world boss Fire Ele needs A LOT more HP as it goes down too fast.
The 3 Wurms could be made a little bit easier too.
I’m fine with Phase 2 of Jormag .. if you want to protect the golems you have to move all
the time and can’t just afk auto-attack.
Phase 1 however is just annoying and boring and i would like to see that be shorter and
with less fear spam.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
I disagree, mainly because you lumped too many things in together.
For Jormag, phase 1, you get your pea shooter, dodge falling rocks, dodge waves of ice, and get feared until you knock down the wall. That is the mechanic of the boss and everyone does it. For phase 2, you get your flamethrower run around and destroy ice crystals so the golems can get through and weaken Jormag. That is also the mechanic of the boss and most people do it.
We don’t need a “rework” that introduces ridiculous bullet sponges into the event.
I disagree, mainly because you lumped too many things in together.
For Jormag, phase 1, you get your pea shooter, dodge falling rocks, dodge waves of ice, and get feared until you knock down the wall. That is the mechanic of the boss and everyone does it. For phase 2, you get your flamethrower run around and destroy ice crystals so the golems can get through and weaken Jormag. That is also the mechanic of the boss and most people do it.
We don’t need a “rework” that introduces ridiculous bullet sponges into the event.
None of what you said actually happened at all in Claw of Jormag Phase 1 besides the part where people will grab a bazooka.
90% of the prople doing the event will grab a bazooka, stand in 1 corner and proceed to spam auto attack until the wall is down. Those that actually decent enough to carry a bomb up to the wall to detonate it while dodging all the attacks can be counted with 1 hand.
Now that I think of it, simply removing the bazooka from that fight will solve all the issue with Claw of Jormag Phase 1.
Without a vastly improved contribution system, there’s simply no point in putting in the time to remove these safe spots. Doing so would make it slightly more interesting for those that already do it legitimately, but it wouldn’t really affect much else, unless they also greatly increased the difficulty. There really needs to be something like a scoreboard at the end where you need to be within a certain percentage of the average contribution to get credit. Contribution would be based on the special mechanics events may have and combat stats like damage dealt, damage taken, outgoing healing, interrupts, revives and evades.
While I agree that contribution credit needs to be looked at, I’m not in favor of forcing people into berserker gear, partying up and having to use only certain profession/weapon combinations to get full event credit. And let’s not forget condition builds. Contribution meters are already skewed by the need to group and have the group tag as many mobs as possible, even if the taggers are using staff guards and doing almost no damage as a result. So, imo, the fix needs to occur at a more fundamental level of game design.
Ah jeez, another person thinking they know best and want the game/things changed (and ruined for many) to satisfy their own personal agenda.
Ah jeez, another person thinking they know best and want the game/things changed (and ruined for many) to satisfy their own personal agenda.
So you think the current trend of spam auto attack, afk and collect loot is great for the game?
Also do enlighten everyone what I can gain from making fights more dynamic? If anything, I would gain more personally if the fights are as stiff and scripted as possible so that I can afk and get free loot.