Chaos in GW2
cant wait to see this thread locked, closed and removed in the morning
I won’t exactly call it bad decision. The button line is this game is designed to be casual, and inclusion.
Not to mention open world events don’t equal all events. The Orrian temples are much harder than the Claw of Jormag, so much so that most people don’t even do them. And of course dungeon content is harder too. Guild missions are harder. Fractals are harder.
Why pick a single very visible dragon event to make your point, OP?
I won’t exactly call it bad decision. The button line is this game is designed to be casual, and inclusion.
Casual is almost forced upon players. With the caps on dungeon tokens, daily chests from world bosses, etc. sPVP and WvW being excluded in this comment.
I think it is because of one or more of Anet decisions:
Anet created a Zerg game where you don’t need others and it is total chaos.
GW@ should be called Zerg wars.
2-Skills being tied to weapons.
Not trying to be picky, but how can you have a Zerg where you don’t need others?
Aspiring Brotherhood [PACT]
Fort Aspenwood
I think it is because of one or more of Anet decisions:
Anet created a Zerg game where you don’t need others and it is total chaos.
GW@ should be called Zerg wars.
2-Skills being tied to weapons.
…Not trying to be picky, but how can you have a Zerg where you don’t need others?
To do anything that is called group event you need other players to take that HUGE HP down that creates zerg .
Not to mention open world events don’t equal all events. The Orrian temples are much harder than the Claw of Jormag, so much so that most people don’t even do them. And of course dungeon content is harder too. Guild missions are harder. Fractals are harder.
Why pick a single very visible dragon event to make your point, OP?
Harder does not equal more challenge since we have one hit kill in this game
I think it is because of one or more of Anet decisions:
1-Removal of holy trinity with nothing replacing it.
this has caused NO Challenge NO Team Play.
every time I do the claw of jormag and see players dying not because they are bad players but it is the game design and notice that I have died in GW2 more than in all my years playing mmos.
Anet created a Zerg game where you don’t need others and it is total chaos.
GW@ should be called Zerg wars.
2-Skills being tied to weapons.
this is the worst decision they made has led to boring game play .
I think the above two decisions are the worst Anet came with.
Funny but the things you mention are some of the things I like most about the game.
1. Removal of the trinity means that I am not tied to some boring role and can adapt my playstyle to the situation.
To me that seems a lot less lazy than standing in the fire waiting for the cleric to heal you.
I like seeing the fight from the perspective of: how can I support this guy, how can I use that guy’s combo field to do even more damage, how can I control the enemy to give that guy at his back a better chance.
To me that seems much more engaging and co-operative.
The fact that I do not ’Need" others but can play with others on my own terms is really great for me too.
I hate being forced by game mechanics.
The design choices in GW2 has led me to be much more social than I have ever been in any MMO, simply because it is my choice.
2. Skills being tied to weapons is also something I enjoy simply because you can really learn what those skills do in each situation and you can change all of that by hitting ~
it makes for very fluid and adaptive game play imo.
So you see OP, people differ.
Interesting. Those two items are ones that I happen to really like. No trinity and weapons actually making a difference in how you play. But I would like to see the weapons have a greater selection of skills to choose from, sort of like a pool of 10 skills per weapon and you can select 5 of them to put on your skillbar.
you clearly havent done arah or high lvl fractals…. world bosses isnt meant to be hardcore.. its just smthing ppl can do for fun
aaannnd really. the trinity is boring. gws way of doing it is much more chaos like you said. but its controlled chaos and if you are bad you die. in trinity games if you are bad. dosnt matter if your healer is good or your tank is good.
I’ve tried trinity games and I fail to see how a tank taunting does anything but put the game on ez mode.
Take off those trinity training wheels and play a real game.
Casual is almost forced upon players. With the caps on dungeon tokens, daily chests from world bosses, etc. sPVP and WvW being excluded in this comment.
I suppose WoW is a really casual game then, because you’re caped at running a raid once per week. -_-
Dungeon caps in Guild Wars 2 are really not that bad. You can still get full reward if you run with alts and 1/3rd of the reward if you just continue to farm on your main.
Daily chests are capped one per account per world boss, however you can still get the big chest by running with alts. Big chest still has a high probability of giving a yellow.
Harder does not equal more challenge since we have one hit kill in this game
you can’t one hit kill bosses even in berserker’s and you can’t get one hit killed if you’re wearing toughness or vitality armor. If you’re wearing plain power armor, then you yourself chose not to leave room for errors for yourself. No complaining
I think it is because of one or more of Anet decisions:
1-Removal of holy trinity with nothing replacing it.
this has caused NO Challenge NO Team Play.
every time I do the claw of jormag and see players dying not because they are bad players but it is the game design and notice that I have died in GW2 more than in all my years playing mmos.
Anet created a Zerg game where you don’t need others and it is total chaos.
GW@ should be called Zerg wars.
2-Skills being tied to weapons.
this is the worst decision they made has led to boring game play .
I think the above two decisions are the worst Anet came with.
1. I wouldn’t be playing Guild Wars 2 if it offered no interesting new mechanics like no holy trinity or different skills on different weapons.
2. Dungeons (even the easiest dungeon in the game – cof) requires group play and group coordination. Developers didn’t expect 50-100 people to all coordinate their attacks perfectly using the map chat, therefore pve boss events don’t require perfect coordination.
To do anything that is called group event you need other players to take that HUGE HP down that creates zerg .
most group events can be 3 manned or soloed. Map bosses require about 9 people. Low map bosses (Maw, Ele) require at least 2 to 5 people to succeed. Boss health scales up when there’s more people.
(edited by Mirta.5029)
As one who is currently playing in Orr I can tell you that trinity or no, we find ourselves at the mercy of amateur developers—period.
The “holy trinity” is removed just on paper. It is still in the game.
I think the removal of the holy trinity is good, it is just Arenanet that did it aa bit wrong.
1-Removal of holy trinity with nothing replacing it.
Exactly. They removed it by replacing it with…holy trinity.
Your point about the zerg is also valid…at some point.
every time I do the claw of jormag and see players dying not because they are bad players but it is the game design…
There’s almost no excuse to die during Claw event. It’s either carelessness (like being unaware of the champ being trained on to you), or laziness (not getting out of the debuff range when you can’t handle the stack). What other threats does claw really pose?
1-Removal of holy trinity with nothing replacing it.
It was replaced with something called “teamwork”. A trinity doesn’t equate to team work. In fact all a trinity does is relegate players to specific roles. A trinity can function completely absent of any synergy. A good GW2 group is more then the individual members (buff stacking and combo fields for example). A well organized group is far from “chaos”. I find it actually refreshing to not be relegated to a specific role.
2-Skills being tied to weapons.
Well, that’s an opinion. Ultimately, it’s more a factor of the number of available skills available at any time. How that’s implemented is just theatrics. Do you really need to be able cleave with a shield?
I think it is because of one or more of Anet decisions:
1-Removal of holy trinity with nothing replacing it.
this has caused NO Challenge NO Team Play.
The holy trinity doesn’t define teamwork. What the holy trinity is defined by are roles that players are forced to play. A team is a group of people share a common objective; teamwork is the act of those people working together towards that goal.
Reviving players is teamwork.
Interrupting a target is a base for teamwork.
Anything that helps the group towards their goal is teamwork.
every time I do the claw of jormag and see players dying not because they are bad players but it is the game design and notice that I have died in GW2 more than in all my years playing mmos.
Players that go down in the Jormag event tend to either; 1) didn’t pay attention to the champions on the ledges, or 2) too close to the ice field… or 3) set auto-attack and went to grab a snack, planning to be back in five minutes (I’m guilty of this actually).
Anet created a Zerg game where you don’t need others and it is total chaos.
GW@ should be called Zerg wars.
You might not need formal grouping for open world events, but you are still working with those other players in those events. The part about it being Zerg Wars is actually pretty true in many of the DEs lol.
2-Skills being tied to weapons.
this is the worst decision they made has led to boring game play .
I think the above two decisions are the worst Anet came with.
I don’t think so; you have several weapon choices all with 5 skills each, 1 heal, 3 utilities, and an elite. At any given time any class has at least 16-18+ skills at their disposal if not more in some cases. Those are also skills that are almost constantly being used when off cool down; unlike some other games where you can have like 30 skills where you might use half of them and the rest are just filler or rarely used (…and yes, WoW falls in this category). There are plenty of skills in game.