Character position in character select
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Crystal Desert
More like allowing to place characters where you want without having them moved when a character has logged in.
For example, I have 8 humans, 4 asura. Humans are all after each other and asura as well. Then when I play 1 asura, that character is placed before my 8 humans, when I play 1 human my asura is sandwiched between humans. I just want my 8 humans to stay next to each other and my 4 asuras as well.
I support this.
Ooo, yes yes, want!
Also the ability to choose how many characters to display per ‘page’.
I think there is a lot of opportunity in the character select window.
It would be nice if we could choose a sort – like last played, time played, level, etc.
I would also like to see some sort of grid view and some sort of portrait mode where we could take some screen shots. If you’re really going to go crazy, how about a wall paper or even a screen saver generator (too much? yeah)
Also, why does it only show 5 or 6 characters along the bottom?
That would be nice for people with many characters
~Sincerely, Scissors
It would be nice for me. I just have one of each profession, but I’d love to reliably KNOW where that profession is on the list, without having to search for the one I want.
Would be cool if you could have a ‘view all’ and it would show all your characters standing with each other ^^
(No, I’m not asking for this, as it would never be implemented. Just a thought I had)
I support and approve of almost every suggestion in this thread.
Perhaps the only RP-oriented guild on the server
Main Character: Farathnor (sylvari ranger) 1 of 22
I can completely agree with this. ~thumbs up~
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
I think there is a lot of opportunity in the character select window.
Make sure to +1 for the devs to see!
I think there is a lot of opportunity in the character select window.
That UI for character select is so pretty
Would love a grid. Also, while it’s a tiny change, I’d love the display to stop defaulting to the dailies instead of account medals.
Yes, please!
Actually, make something that works consistently, like what we now have isn’t… I have the characters I don’t play with ATM parked at JP’s, and I hit them one after the other. And often I go to the same character twice, because the game doesn’t put it in front, like it should.