Characters of the same profession ?
Personally, I’ve made both a Norn and a Sylvari ranger. Aside from some skills, both are pretty much the same play wise, I did indeed want to try different “looks” as far as cultural skins and other skins in general. It’s kind of a toss up since I did get both to look awesome, but I don’t regret doing it.
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
I have 2 necros, 2 guardians, 2 mesmers, 2 warriors and 5 rangers…
I wanted a character per armour class per race. I haven’t reached my goal yet, as I don’t have a heavy sylvari at the moment…
Yes, I’ve done this as well and just for the armor access. This is one reason why I would love it if there was some kind of ‘ambassador’ title your toon could earn that would allow you to select one other race whose cultural armor you could wear. I would dance a jig if that were ever added.
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
Ever sicne there was talk about upcoming unlockable skills, I am wondering if its a good idea for Anet to implement something like a ‘path’ system for professions. Like, different types of guardians, rangers, etc akin to, say, a prestige class feature. Of course, it is possible for said guardian to switch to another prestige class but unlike, say, switching a build, this option would be a bit more expensive, and thus, would give players a reason to create another character of the same profession.
I like some of the ideas here.
As for rolling multiples:
Checks spreadsheet.
First account: 7 warriors, 8 mesmers, 4 necros, 5 rangers, 4 elementalists, 4 guardians, 3 engineers, 2 thiefs….
…not bothering to check 2nd account.. 44 altogether and 12 at 80.
You get the idea.
(Does not include the ones I’ve deleted.)
Yes, I do it to try out different looks. (Also I am a creative name junkie, and my characters have different “personalities” and “feel” based on race. Never mind ranger “themes” with matching pets names.)
And there are just armors that look good on one race and not another. I’ve found some that look great on a Human and weird on a Norn because of the stretched/deformed Norn torso. And the same armor is a totally different set on an Asura. And yes, I have rolled characters for the cultural armors in some cases. And the badge armors in others (HoW and TA gear for example.)
I would love to be able to:
1) Have some hair styles shared across races
2) Cultural armor shared across races (assuming the character does some extraordinary feats for the other race and is awarded an “honorary” race title that allows him/her to access that armor.)
PS: some of those alts were classes that were rerolled because I started either Norn or Asura and found them too tall or way too short for good camera angles in Fractals/Explorables (ground target anyone?). At least for me. Human height seems to be about mid-screen.
3) I’d love to have a camera option that allows me to center my camera mid-screen for all my characters, regardless of race.
PPS: Forgot to mention, yes, some of those same professions have totally different builds/gear and are played differently for different guild needs.
(edited by goldenwing.8473)
I have 3 rangers. I just like the class, and they are played differently, different weapons, different pets, different style of play. I like to feel in a world, and my girls don’t carry but one weapon swap, bow to melee. Different attributes, armor, etc. They all tend to focus on one area of the game now, like, if my Norn live in the north, I don’t go kiting off to Maguma to kill the local wildlife for some silly daily, stuff like that. My norn use wolves, my human a Krytan hound. Little things like that.
One uses shortbow only and lives with that. One Longbow. One is Axe. I deal with the limitations rather than swap. Same on melee side, although both Norn use sword and horn.
2 eles and 2 guards so far. I need a human heavy for t3 so I may make another war.
My decision for multiples so far is mainly for looks and mules ofc.
I have 19 characters…it would be hard to make them all unique as far as profession goes.
For me, the characters have some life/will of their own…and they have ways to play. For example, one of my guardians is more of a solo sort of DPS guy that doesn’t really play the support role at all. My human guardian, however is all about support.
Not because I can’t change back and forth on one but because it would be out of character for my Norn to be that way. He’s more of an in your fact, let me hit you with the mace/hammer type of guy.
It’s just a different thought process to how most people play.
Absolutely. Once a character has progressed far enough for me to “know” who he or she is then I don’t change anything except appearance. I have a few warriors who use different weapon combinations and are of various races (species!), same with rangers and even engineers. Some are weaker and some are stronger but overall they who they are.
Having said that, I can’t imagine maxing out all combinations. Not this year anyway…
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Yes, especially for professions I really like. If made with a different race they can play quite differently due to the different racial skills.