Charged Greatsword Attacks
PTR servers?
And I remember charge attacks being something they had planned when the game was still in development…
this video will be deleted soon (it’s an advertisement for his stream) but it mentions both ptr and charged skills
i want to know more as well
I think it’s fake… The animation look more like a bug.
(edited by yanoch.7051)
Hmmm maybe tho on the video when he used other skills the sword went back above his head sooo hmm dunno bug maybe.
Hope not charged attacks would be cool
Btw this “skill charging” was promised in early development some years ago. We were told that there will be cast time in the game, but you can abort it and finish the spell, but will deal less damage. As far as i remember.
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
Mr or Mrs Dev who is watching the forums today can we please have some info on this pritty please
Btw this “skill charging” was promised in early development some years ago. We were told that there will be cast time in the game, but you can abort it and finish the spell, but will deal less damage. As far as i remember.
Thats how Elementalist Meteor shower works.
WvW Commander of Blacktide.
@RaugoolGW2 on Twitter
Didn’t those testers sign a very hard non-disclosure agreement?
Edit: in case the video linked above gets deleted, it was posted by “Dontain” from “Get crit”. Or at least that’s what he says in the video. Never heard of the guy, but perhaps others know more.
(edited by Buttercup.5871)
Saw this earlier & thought “wtf, there is a PTR!? How do so many stupid ideas & bugs get through?”.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
GW2 doesn’t have a public test server. It has a private one that they occasionally let special people (like press) on to. Considering it’s under NDA, this is fake. It’s to spark interest to get people to watch his stream.
Lol well I ant watching it lol
this video will be deleted soon (it’s an advertisement for his stream) but it mentions both ptr and charged skills
i want to know more as well
It’s an obvious animation bug there is no PTR, I assume he’s joking.
There does appear to be a test server.
There is a test server
You just dont have access. Its meant for in house testers and a select few from the beta pool.
Quoting from here:
(edited by Buttercup.5871)