So, I have been really, REALLY hyped for Soulbeast ever since it leaked… but now that it’s being demo’d, it’s left me really, really disappointed, especially in the animation department for Charr. The developers talked about trying to experiment with how characters would use animal’s attacks. I’m not sure about the other races, but… Charr have tails, horns, claws, and teeth too, just as the beasts that attack.
Unfortunately, we’re stuck with what have the be the least impressive punches and kicks replacing what should be amazing attacks. I think we can and need to do better. In fact, it’s even possible to get better results through re-using already-existing animations. And to that extent:
Feline Skills:
Bite: Currently, the animation is… open-palmed punches? No. We have massive teeth and jaws, and should actually be able to use them. It may require tweaking of another skill or animation, such as one of the many roars
Maul: Currently it’s a double-swipe with one hand, and rather lame-looking, even for a single use. Re-use the Norn Snow Leopard transforms Auotattack. Let us rip and tear with our claws! In fact, the Snow Leopard form animations can be used for a lot of these animations, since it seems to use the Charr rig.
Devourer Skills: Alright, I admit I was hyped when they explicitly mentioned the devourer in the blog: They remembered my favorite pet! But unfortunately, the skills are lackluster.
Tail Lash- Currently, this is the wimpiest swipe/punch/uppercut I think I’ve ever seen animated outside of cheap early 3-D indi attempts at games. Sorry, but it is. It should use a larger, more dramatic animation – possibly unique. Unfortunately, Charr tails don’t arch over their heads. Therefore – we’re going to have to backflip! Other races could possibly get away with having a two-foot kick in the flip. But the current animation is terrible.
Devourer Retreat: Pirouette into the ground and pop up somewhere else? That’s not right! It should be a quick duck, followed by the tunneling to the exit and popping out again!
Bear Skills:
Again, we have Bite. It should be an actual bite, not that open-palmed punch
While not mandatory, a full-body flex would probably look better for Defy Pain.
Canine Skills:
Crippling leap: The “Two hands brought down” was dumb when Oblivion had it in 2006, and it’s dumb here. Honestly, re-using Snow Leopard skill 3’s animation would look better.
Brutal Charge: It’s a wierd, glidey kick that looks terrible. The Wolf itself lunges with its jaws. The Charr should likewise use their head- we even have horns! Re-using the Warrior’s Headbutt animation would be better than the current kick.
Drake skills:
Chomp: Again – we have teeth. Let’s use them, instead of this wierd, slow punch/swipe thing.
Tail Swipe: This is a wierd animation, and I think it distorts the body. An actual tail-swipe for Charr, and a Chuck Norris Roudhouse Kick (With the burst on the ground) for non-charr would be an improvement, IMO.
Bird Skills:
Swoop: Again with the overhead double-smash? I was hoping for something more agile and more or less floaty… though I guess Dagger 3 already stole whatever it could have been.
Spider Skills:
Okay, I’m at a loss for these. They look terrible (Just throwing something), but I have no idea what they could be.
Porcine Skills: OKAY SO THIS IS WHERE ALL THE COOLANIMATONS ARE HIDING! Brutal Charge should finish with a headbutt instead of a kick, though. We may not have tusks, but we do have horns.
Wyvern Skills:
Again with the Tail Lash – I’d rather it be an actual tail lash instead of this wierd, glitchy multispin.
Wing Buffet: This one needs to be reworked for all races. We should leap up with our arms oustretched for balance (Like the Crane pose from Karate Kid), and kick with both legs to knock our enemies back!
The bristleback skill is fun and fine.
The Smokescale’s Smoke assault is fine, but the Takedown sounds like it should be a tackle with both arms outstretched., not Yet Another Kick.
Jacaranda: These skills might look better as a spit instead of a throw, but possibly not.
Rock Gazelle: Finally! Animations that match our attacks! Just… bring the head down a bit more for Charr, so we’re slamming with our horns (Except for the minority of horns that are front-facing instead of top-covering or back-facing)