"Charr and Asura use Male Model"

"Charr and Asura use Male Model"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: smilango.5960


Seriously can we get some response from ANet on this its really starting to annoy me.

This trend of merging male/female armor skins, outfits, and faces (the last Asura face updates were exactly the same) for Charr and Asura actually causes detriment to people play either of these race-gender mains.

GW2 endgame is aesthetic/cosmetic; veteran players enjoy having new ways to customise your character (and make them unique/personal). With each update that introduces more skins, which does not give two gender options for Charr and Asura, we’re essentially receiving a lesser “endgame” (I know, bit of a stretch but hey).

There may be lore/physiological issues to address, but we should be given equal opportunities options to promote our race-gender choice. The recent Raiment of the Lich outfit for instance, would it really have been too difficult to provide a model without the breast/cleavage?

I accept it will require 1-2 additional designs but in most cases those would only be minor chest reworks – a small amount of work in support for the races you created and your players who chose them, no?

"Charr and Asura use Male Model"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aguri.2896


I like asura and charr the way they are. They don’t express gender the same way humans do, so why should we expect them to act like it? If they ever separate armor skins (outfits I can live with) I will either delete all my female asura and charr or change them to male. I like the gender neutral look, it is one of the reasons I appreciate asura and charr so much.

Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean other people don’t. Changing it will probably upset more than it will please because people chose their character for a reason and have gotten used to the way it is. I can understand changing certain outfits because they are just too inappropriate but other than that it should not be touched.

Also, the last asura face is not the same. Set all the sliders to the middle then take screenshots of the two and compare. Those faces look do look alike but more like siblings.

I’m only here because sometimes I just like to watch things burn.

"Charr and Asura use Male Model"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Followedbyrocks.8751


I’m far more concerned with the horrible clipping issues with Charr tails and Asura ears getting fixed.

"Charr and Asura use Male Model"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ToT.7018


I started similar post in Asura section.
I want my female mesmer asura to have butterflies on the new Carapace armor.
As usual we get the crappy end of the stick, show us some love anet <3

"Charr and Asura use Male Model"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure.8670


…. 90% of the female armor is hoochie restricted. Its legit the most annoying thing in video games. Every fractal I run is 3-4 human females, possibly one norn one, wearing hooch gear. I actually get excited when I see a female asura/charr… or any male. I wear phoenix armor on my male human mesmer and people dont even know what it is because so few people play light armor males, or males in general it seems (besides norn/charr warriors and guards)

"Charr and Asura use Male Model"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kveldulf.7605


I like asura and charr the way they are. They don’t express gender the same way humans do, so why should we expect them to act like it? […]

you just gave Anet the greatest excuse for beeing lazy ever!
I am playing male only and have two Charr. So I don’t care. But: I can imagine there are plenty female Asura out there very unhappy with this. But for the Charr I have to say Aguri is right…

Kveldulf Frost – Thief (Charr)
Wlaadas Frost – Warrior (Charr) Torlic Frost – Guardian (Norn)

"Charr and Asura use Male Model"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ninetales.5208


I like the gender neutral look

It is not gender neutral, though. Gender Neutral =/= Male.

I see my female human guildies get excited when a new armor skin/outfit comes out but it is always awful for asura. Why can’t we have a butterfly? Why couldn’t we wear a dress? Why couldn’t we have a few feathers on the phoenix armor? It is so frustrating. I am not asking for an elaborate skimpy outfit, if I (and probably most charr/asura players) wanted skimpy and revealing we sure as kitten would have rolled humans/norns. I just don’t want default male skins all the time.

It’s true, I’m not dangerous. But these golems are!

(edited by ninetales.5208)

"Charr and Asura use Male Model"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yoroiookami.3485


Yeah, I demand hawt asuran and charr ladies!

Seriously though, one of the reasons I dislike playing charrs is because of this.

"Charr and Asura use Male Model"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aguri.2896


I like the gender neutral look

It is not gender neutral, though.

Gender Neutral =/= Male.

Looks gender neutral to me. Since the asura have small, bottom heavy frames the male armor comes across as neutral, unless your one of those super buff asura with the spikey mohawk. Meanwhile, the uh…. mammary window on the female ancestral outfit doesn’t look neutral at all. Perhaps I see it this way because nobody walks around in robes, leather coats, and metal armor in my country so I don’t really know what gender to pair it with unless it has distinct gender specific traits, like the female armor does.

I’m only here because sometimes I just like to watch things burn.

"Charr and Asura use Male Model"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ninetales.5208


I like the gender neutral look

It is not gender neutral, though.

Gender Neutral =/= Male.

Looks gender neutral to me. Since the asura have small, bottom heavy frames the male armor comes across as neutral…

We’re not talking about their body shapes and frames, we’re talking about the armor/outfits they wear.

It’s true, I’m not dangerous. But these golems are!

"Charr and Asura use Male Model"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cuddy.6247


GW2 endgame is aesthetic/cosmetic

Yeah, I find it surprising that they would half-kitten the endgame as much as they do. Although I love the story, so I can forgive them for some of the really craptastic aesthetics they’ve released over time.

As far as the charr/asura issue goes, though, I don’t see much of an issue other than I think they should change it up a little bit – such as adding the butterflies to female charr/asura with the newest armor. It’s not anything that strikes me as something that needs to be addressed because either gender is kind of unisex except for some very minor changes you can see.

One of the things I disliked most though was making asura male/female faces the same. That felt completely uncalled for and lazy.

"Charr and Asura use Male Model"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EntropiaFox.4109


With asura at least, I think they’ve found a nice compromise. There are several outfits that do use the female version (witch, hexed, ancestral) and they look great on them. Female asura facial and hair options are also clearly more stylized and dare I say, pretty-looking. Being asura doesn’t forbid you from expressing femininity, as you can see from Taimi with her ribbon and pretty eyelashes. I do wish I could have butterflies with the newest armor, though! With the right tint it would fit my necromancer nicely, as butterflies are associated with transformation, death and rebirth.

With charr I think the issue is more complicated, and they do kinda go out of the way to point out how much they value gender equality (With Kalla Scorchrazor standing against the Flame Legion, leading the original rebellion and opening the doors to all female soldiers into the other legions)

Ultimately, if you ask me, it’s just ANet’s laziness. :P They’ll go “Hey there! Look at these fellas, they don’t have quite human anatomy! There’s a lack of two compelling reasons to go the extra mile, therefore we’ll just use the male version of armors and costumes most of the time!”

(edited by EntropiaFox.4109)

"Charr and Asura use Male Model"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ToT.7018


i have 7 asura females all level 80, they are all i play i really have taken them to heart.
I and im guessing most people who play them dont want anything skimpy at all that’s not an issue at all.
The problem with genderless armor in this game seems to be heavily weighted in favour of males. Female asura with the new carapace armor with NO butterflies seems a kick in the teeth to me.

"Charr and Asura use Male Model"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aguri.2896


I like the gender neutral look

It is not gender neutral, though.

Gender Neutral =/= Male.

Looks gender neutral to me. Since the asura have small, bottom heavy frames the male armor comes across as neutral…

We’re not talking about their body shapes and frames, we’re talking about the armor/outfits they wear.

A lot of female armor only looks female because it is designed to show off.. things. Things female asura don’t have. You don’t really see much in terms of gender specific accessories and details on armor like some other games have. Really the only notable difference in most armor aside from the fact it is sexualized is that many female armors have skirts and necklace like collars, very few have other accessories like the butterfly on the new armor. Mini-skirts aren’t really armor though… so I think it’s fair to say the male version is closer to gender-neutral armor based on the fact it’s still armor at least. Ties are present on same male light armor, but a lot of respectable women wear ties in real life so I’m not sure if that counts as strictly male these days.

None of that is really important though. It’s not fair to change the style of armor someone’s character wears based on a few people who dislike it, that’s what matters.

I’m only here because sometimes I just like to watch things burn.

(edited by Aguri.2896)

"Charr and Asura use Male Model"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure.8670


Considering almost all male armor looks like garbage, especially medium armor, be happy with what you get

"Charr and Asura use Male Model"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NeuroMuse.1763


The reason asura/charr get the male versions is the female designs all focus on having an exposed or overly prominent chest area to please a certain demographic. There are a few exceptions where the armor or outfit isn’t designed in that way and asura/charr can use the female versions since the design isn’t focused on the chest area(hexed, ancestral).

To make alternatives that would fit and scale on asura and charr properly would require building additional models and texturing which they don’t seem to want to spend the resources on. This is also the reason you don’t see any work on tail/horn clipping on charr or ear clipping issues on asura.

(edited by NeuroMuse.1763)