Cheap Deaths

Cheap Deaths

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murdertrain.9860


Hello community,

First I’ll say I’m having a blast in this game. It’s much more impressive than I had imagined. That said, I have one major frustration, and that’s cheap, unavoidable deaths.

Most importantly, I guess, is I should say my toon is only level 61 so this may change at higher levels—it’s my first toon so I do not know.

But there have been at least a dozen times when I’d pop a skill challenge, an event boss would spawn, or something similar and I’d die instantly or be sitting at 10% HP before I can move.

I’m pretty quick with evades/dodges and think my twitch skills are pretty darn strong, but I’ve gotta be doing something wrong here—that sort of issue can’t be fun or intended, I’d think?

So rather than being a whiner that says “TOO HARD!!!” I’d like to ask how you guys deal with instagibbing? I’ve tried timing my evade for the moment the mob spawns, but that’s only decent results. The one I’m having a hard time with right now is the Soldier Mesa skill point where the 3 imps spawn. I’m sitting at just below 8khp and the initial burst from all 3 totals between 6-8k. Not easy to recover from and still do any sort of dps.

I know there are strategies i can work on—pick one off and reset it, etc. I’m not too worried about the strategy part. But what I am worried about is how to avoid going from clicking an “Accept Challenge” button to being dead or almost dead without having a chance to react.

This same issue has happened in story mode quite often, too.

I’m wearing crafted green at-level gear with yellow weapons, so I’m not struggling from that standpoint.

How do you guys deal with insane upfront damage?

Again, this is not a whine in any way, shape or form. It’s just a player trying to get better.


<3 Murder

Cheap Deaths

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


What profession are you playing?

Cheap Deaths

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murdertrain.9860


Aw crap.

I made that big giant post and left out something as basic as profession lol.

I play a thief.

I just finished the event by going in with Dagger Storm which avoided the initial burst, so in a way the difficulty taught me something. So that’s a good thing.

But still I hate feeling like I have no chance after eating a huge burst to start a fight. Heck, I dunno, maybe that’s a way to learn more.

It taught me something, anyway. lol.

Cheap Deaths

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Cheap Deaths

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shakkara.2641


Thief is most fragile profession, basically dodge-or-die.

The heavy armor classes are much more resilient. That’s why most people play those…

I play thief too by the way so I feel your pain.

Cheap Deaths

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarcShriek.5829


I hated my thief until recently. Now it’s becoming my favorite class.

Cheap Deaths

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murdertrain.9860


Great link!

Thanks, Karizee.

The awesome part is that I haven’t looked into any guides and that’s precisely how I play with the exception of Withdraw. I will definitely give it a shot. Glad to see the D/D Shortbow combo getting some love. So much fun to play!

Death Blossom spam is crazy fun—when I don’t fall off a cliff…

Cheap Deaths

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murdertrain.9860


Thief is most fragile profession, basically dodge-or-die.

The heavy armor classes are much more resilient. That’s why most people play those…

I play thief too by the way so I feel your pain.

Even with the occasional frustration and the lack of perma stealth, I’m loving it.

I’ve always been just fine with playing a fragile class as long as the DPS they dish out is superior. I’m hoping the thief in GW2 can do just that. fingers crossed