I love this game still and hate the community and how they behave… Or at-least the community on the forum.
It reminds me all too much of what I see in other games, players not actually reading what developers write, thinking about how changes actually impact them or responding in sensible manners.But then again you are all the 90% right, whatever your idea is EVERYONE holds the same idea.
I find it funny that people talk about grind in ascended gear, the rings drop and fairly easily with one guarenteed and if you cannot afford a black slot after doing over EIGHTY fractal dungeons I have to ask… How bad are you at this game… I mean seriously I get what 60silver roughly per three dungeons at LOW LEVEL DIFFICULTY in those dungeons… You get through 80 dungeons + to the level you are required to actually use the back slot item and you get a ring AND can afford a backslot item… It is that simple.
The stats on the item make a 1%-2% difference to your OVERALL character strength which is NOTHING and a lesser difference than rare to exotics. And makes no difference in world vs world, especially if we cannot select runes and have rune effects in play (and people who use runes for their stats only and don’t work with the effects are just bad players, like the glass cannon only groups, lacking in intelligence)
There is still no gear grind in the game that isn’t optional, none that effects the gameplay in a meaningful way and ascended isn’t even a grind atm due to how they implemented it.
All I see is a bunch of people having a kneejerk reaction without actually having a closer look at how it will effect them and the way the game is played.
lol i have looked closely. it’s hours and hours of a grind in content some of us hate. How difficult is that to understand. the rings don’t always drop. How can you say what is a grind for some of us? It’s not optional. stop saying that. the stats are at least 20% better than exotics. not optional.
Buutttt you don’t need them, the stats are 8% better than an exotic and you don’t need them outside of fractals and even then only after level 11…
That 8% stat bonus is a 1-2% character power bonus at best and even less as you cannot get a full set yet.Multiple analyses have shown its at least 20%, lol. This is only the beginning.
Actually, It truly depends on the stat you are looking at. Take the jewel slot stats, those are 20%-28% better for regular stats and crit damage is 33% better. However if you go by the item stats it’s only like 4-6% better and crit damage is 33% better. Overall the items are ~12.5%-24% better depending on the stats you want. Condition damage doesn’t increase nearly as much as crit damage or magic find. Which is another thing, why is the stat weighting in this game so wonky? I mean it feels like they just tossed stats on items without doing the math.