Chuka and Champawat Feedback

Chuka and Champawat Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xeyon.6419


Just finished my Chuka and Champawat last night, and I wanted to briefly share some of my thoughts on it.

Overall really like the aesthetic of the bow; Was not fond of the concept when it was first introduced, but after working through the story, it warmed up to me. The kittens are an especially nice feature that personalize the bow beyond just another weapon.

Thoughts on needed improvements:

While the bow is exceptional, it is still somewhat lacking when put up next to The Dreamer. Two years ago, the bow would have matched up nicely with the Dreamer, but with all the added effects, it doesn’t quite muster up. The main three issues I see with the bow are as follows.

1) The sound effect is far too quiet. The firing sound effect for the dreamer is much more audible, and is far more integrated with the base shoot sound. Chuka’s shoot sound effect is very quiet and difficult to hear over the base shoot sound effect, which doesn’t mesh well.

2) The trail isn’t prominent enough. I love the trailing effect of this weapon, but I can’t help but think it doesn’t stand out as boldly as it should. Additionally, the trail doesn’t seem to work nearly as fluidly as the Dreamer does with teleports, other than infilitrator arrow which does trail quite nicely.

3) The projectile is a tiny bit too transparent. The projectiles are gorgeous for this weapon, especially their trails and distortion effects. However, they are just a tad bit hard to make out their form, especially in visually heavy areas (areas with alot of shaders and color filters).

All in all great weapon; extremely happy the last legendary to be added for now as a shortbow. Just needs some tweaks to make it on par with pony bow, in terms of effects.

Most of all, I would say the sound effects for the projectiles really really need to be bumped up in loudness.

Chuka and Champawat Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


Most of all, I would say the sound effects for the projectiles really really need to be bumped up in loudness.

Blech… That C&C’s sounds AREN’T as loud and obnoxious as the Dreamer’s is a major plus for the bow.

Chuka and Champawat Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xeyon.6419


Most of all, I would say the sound effects for the projectiles really really need to be bumped up in loudness.

Blech… That C&C’s sounds AREN’T as loud and obnoxious as the Dreamer’s is a major plus for the bow.

Granted the pony noises get annoying, but these are outright inaudible. They are tiger roars; are you really suggesting tiger roars would be annoying if you could hear them?

I mean really, the default bow string sound firing a bow makes is at least twice as loud as the bow’s sound effects.

Chuka and Champawat Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulie.6215


The footfalls need to be DRASTICALLY increased in duration.

Chuka and Champawat Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulie.6215


And the opacity of the projectiles needs to be made more visible. They disappear to nothing by the end of the distance fired.

Chuka and Champawat Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

All new legendaries have to short footfall duration (compared to old weapons).

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

Chuka and Champawat Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

The footfalls need to be DRASTICALLY increased in duration.

As said in other topics, I completely respect your point of view, but not everybody shares it. I love subtle footsteps and would be kinda kittened if they increased the new legendary ones (I don’t have the new SB yet, but I’ve crafted Nevermore).

Chuka and Champawat Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulie.6215


The footfalls need to be DRASTICALLY increased in duration.

As said in other topics, I completely respect your point of view, but not everybody shares it. I love subtle footsteps and would be kinda kittened if they increased the new legendary ones (I don’t have the new SB yet, but I’ve crafted Nevermore).

I think a middle ground would be acceptable. Half way between old legendaries and new ones. These footfalls are barely visible after the first step!