Clarification on Sigil Stacking
Static bonuses usually stack with themselves. Force and Accuracy are specifically noted as not stacking with themselves on the wiki.
Killstacking sigils, such as Bloodlust, will not allow you to get multiple different types of kill stack (you can’t have Bloodlust and Perception). You can use the same sigil in each hand to get an additional stack per kill, but the cakitten till 25. If you happen to have two different killstack sigils in one weapon set, only the mainhand one will get stacks, unless you somehow already had stacks for the offhand (in which case only the offhand gets stacks)
Sigils that proc on weapon swap or crit all share the internal cooldown, but how the time it takes for that to wear off depends on the sigil itself. For example, if you crit with Sigil of Rage, then no on-crit or on-weapon swap sigils can trigger for 45 seconds.
Also, no two crit or weapon swap sigils can activate at the same time. If you have two weapon swap sigil on one weapon set, only the mainhand sigil will activate. If you have two crit sigils, they’ll check for whether they proc in order; if the mainhand sigil procs, both will go on cooldown and the offhand sigil won’t get a roll. This does mean, however, that stacking two of the same crit sigil effectively increases the chances of getting the proc (e.g. two Superior Sigil of Fire have a 1- (0.7 * 0.7) = 51% chance to trigger on crit, instead of 30%.
(edited by Dingle.2743)
Btw, force + accuracy on dual-wielded weapons do stack eh. Just sayin’. And
Btw, force + accuracy on dual-wielded weapons do stack eh. Just sayin’. And
Dunno what part you’re looking at. "Static bonuses stack with themselves when used on dual-wielded weapons, except for Superior Sigil of Force (only +5% bonus to damage) and Superior Sigil of Accuracy (only +5% bonus to crit chance). ":
Yeah they don’t stack with themselves, but they do stack with each other.
The main thing to remember is that sigil cooldowns are global. If you have an on weapon swap sigil on one hand, and a sigil of blood on the other, your 9 second on weapon swap cooldown will prevent you from getting procs of blood until it wears out.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
They stack and that’s it.