(edited by Tyler Bearce.3427)
Clarification on the Star icon UI
Game Designer
Ow lol would have thought it was for the new event starting
What about daily information? Can’t we get an option to turn it on/off? If someone is playing on lower resolution (like me, can’t play on higher, because im playing on hdtv) this takes huge chunk of the screen. It enough that ive got story information on screen 24/7, now it’s story, star, daily + event, quests.. this is too much.
What about daily information? Can’t we get an option to turn it on/off? If someone is playing on lower resolution (like me, can’t play on higher, because im playing on hdtv) this takes huge chunk of the screen. It enough that ive got story information on screen 24/7, now it’s story, star, daily + event, quests.. this is too much.
You can click the headings to expand/collapse each section. Surely that helps?
No, i need to click it after each vista, waypoint, entering story, etc. Well, give me a daily then, expand/collapse tracker 1000 times a day.
Yeah same, I want to be able to unload this form the UI it was more than enough as we had already. When are we going to be able to customize our UIs???
Some kind of UI customization would be nice yes. Something similar to GW1 maybe?
Toggle it OFF … please!
Can you make all trackers, tabs etc. maintain their status until I change them? If I expand or collapse the daily tracker, for example, it should remain that way until I change it.
It’s not fun expanding the daily tracker, collapsing the bank tabs and playing Tetris with the various windows on my screen all the time.
Can you make all trackers, tabs etc. maintain their status until I change them? If I expand or collapse the daily tracker, for example, it should remain that way until I change it.
It’s not fun expanding the daily tracker, collapsing the bank tabs and playing Tetris with the various windows on my screen all the time.
Yes, this. A thousand times this. It’s a real pain when you have your story quest tab, daily tab, renown heart tab, event tab and a quest chain info box jumping around and minimizing and resizing each other all the time.
In a related note, I seem to remember that for the last event (Lost Shores) there was a box about the event on the top right which was not toggleable. If there is going to be a similar thing for this event, please make it toggleable. It can be rather distracting.
Please add an option to turn the daily achievement information off completely. I don’t want to do the daily tasks every day and don’t want a constant reminder of what I am not doing.
Star bug notwithstanding, the Daily UI section is utterly annoying and in the way. It’s bad enough not being able to close quest/event entries, but this is over the top. Please remove it, or at least provide an option to turn it off.
+1 for giving us option to turn UI elements completely off. I’d even like an option to minimize or turn off the skills/health/utilities bar too now that I have mine memorized.
Having less UI in your face just helps with the immersion factor.
+1 to more flexible UI. Habib (or his cohort in the interview) mentioned the UI was meant to be simplified, because they saw people playing GW1 were filling the screen with windows, and they wanted to solve that problem.
I didn’t see it as a problem, myself, but the end result is a UI which I’ve found more intrusive because of the inflexibility of the layout. The chat window is the best example of this..
And then there is the ESC button. Wayyyy too over-purposed. Nothing quite like pressing it to stop and attack and being blinded by the red options window (which doesn’t even match the rest of the UI).
Don’t get me started on the same problem with Interact. .. Just.., PLEASE..
Make “auto loot” do just that so we don’t wear out 2 million “F” keys what happens when I don’t autoloot? Shaking my head.
Make “auto loot” do just that so we don’t wear out 2 million “F” keys
what happens when I don’t autoloot? Shaking my head.
Let’s say an enemy dropped a sword and a staff. If you have auto loot enabled, you hit F and you pick both of them up. If you have auto loot disabled, a little window will pop up showing the sword and the staff and you can click on whichever one(s) you want to pick up.
Just wanted to say that as of the patch on 1/29 – it looks like the star in dungeons has disappeared but I still see the empty orange star in the top right corner out in the world. This happening to everyone else?
From the patch notes: “Hid blank world-event UI for Temple of the Silent Storm Week”
Make “auto loot” do just that so we don’t wear out 2 million “F” keys
what happens when I don’t autoloot? Shaking my head.
Let’s say an enemy dropped a sword and a staff. If you have auto loot enabled, you hit F and you pick both of them up. If you have auto loot disabled, a little window will pop up showing the sword and the staff and you can click on whichever one(s) you want to pick up.
I’m confused. Are you saying that you regularly leave loot on the ground? WHY??
Just wanted to say that as of the patch on 1/29 – it looks like the star in dungeons has disappeared but I still see the empty orange star in the top right corner out in the world. This happening to everyone else?
From the patch notes: “Hid blank world-event UI for Temple of the Silent Storm Week”
Same for me, star still showing…
A number of people have asked what the star icon, underneath the new Daily Achievement UI, in the upper right corner is. The star is related to the week long paid PvP tournament change, but wasn’t supposed to be displayed. It will be fixed in the next patch.
I thought that it was for new “living story” quest.
OK. Now, please, make option to turn that pvp notification on/off. I don’t play PVP that much, so i don’t wan’t to see any notification in that area of the screen, only events “quest log”.
Same thing would be nice to do with daily “quest log”. Please, make it optional. For me is not hard to enter hero window and click on achievements.
Keep UI clear, don’t put unnecessary things on screen.
Let’s say an enemy dropped a sword and a staff. If you have auto loot enabled, you hit F and you pick both of them up. If you have auto loot disabled, a little window will pop up showing the sword and the staff and you can click on whichever one(s) you want to pick up.
Thanks I do know that already, and initially have the same thought as the other poster.. Why would you not want to pick something up? Checking on each item before acquiring is far too time consuming in battle..
And there seems to be a limitation to the persistence of your personal drops, as I now see the odd drop disappear with its foe at the end of an event.
The patch on 1/30 has removed the orange star in the top right corner out in the world. Woo!
But daily (and after finishing daily, montly) is still there without option to get rid off it.
The Daily I can handle, it’s the Monthly one that shows up when you’re finished with the Daily that annoys me to no end.
Toggle FTW.
Kyxha 80 Ranger, Sokar 80 Necro
Niobe 80 Guardian, Symbaoe 45 Ele