I have been playing various classes with various races since the game has released, though I did not participate in the beta. The problem I have been having is no one class seems to appeal to me and haven’t level any of them past 15. I believe after looking over the way the game was designed has given me some incite into my problem.
The programmers were going for class harmonization so that no matter what class you play, all the same basic ideas are present. A little damage, a little control, and a little self preservation. The only difference is how each class achieves these goals.
Well sadly, to me, the programmers achieved what they were going for very well. The reason all the classes seem to bore me is because they are all essentially the same thing. The intention was no roles just a group of people. I play MMOs for the roles. I like one class being much more damage based then another but overall lacking control or a healing ability. And no tanks or healers is ok but still feels blan.
My personal opinion is the game was strongly designed around the pvp aspects. A class harmonization would make balancing pvp real easy for them yet leave most pve aspects rather boring. And since most of the time when I look up specs for a class all I see is loads of pvp specs and almost nothing for pve it seems most players are looking for player vs player. Not to mention learning every combat ability I will use for the rest of the game in the first 5 minutes seems strongly pvp based and removes a lot of the enjoyment of obtaining a new level pve wise.
I had fun, my money was spent and I don’t regret that. But I play MMOs for classes with varied abilities and varied roles. I can still hope someday a MMO is made purely for PvE players. Maybe elder scrolls online crosses fingers