Classes related to player personality?

Classes related to player personality?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318

Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318

I have taken a look at a thread in the mesmer subsection of the forum called: Why are we a self defeating community? And I’ve come across a few posts in which appearantly frequent mesmer users consider the general mesmer public to be more intelligent or atleast capable of more critial thought in compairison to warrior player who in thier eyes they view as a more straightforward player even jokingly I assume comparing them to neanderthals. This has made me think for a bit. I noticed that in the pvp community I often hear warrior players calling ranged classes for constantly running ’’away’’ in a fight. And this is regardless of if they are winning a fight or not. Even if they win for example against me, they sometimes say: Why are you running away? Also I noticed that friends that play a warrior, when switching to an engineer, thief or other class. they still play quite aggressively. as if this warrior mentality isn’t quite out of them This is for within the PVP community.

In the WvW Community warriors, guards tend to take the forefront as either melee class or commanders. I also sometimes noticed that there is like this unspoken rule of you as a warrior bieng a bit fearless. infact i noticed other people in zerg calling out the melee group for running away. aside from their bieng a tactical advantage it’s brought up in such a way that you need to grow a pair of balls. Guardians and Warriors bieng cowards is in my experience more frowned upon then for example engineers and mesmer bieng cowards.

I noticed a similar trend in dungeons. So I was wondering if thier is some kind of relation to players personality and thier main class? Do the classes alter your way of thinking. Or does your way of thinking influence which class you use a main?

At this moment I don’t really have a main class. I play necro, warrior, engineer, ranger, elementalist, mesmer and guardian at a mediocore level. but I notice, I feel a lot more honourable when playing with a guardian, In a pvp environment I feel somewhat a bit more lenient. But if I for example play with a mesmer, I’m quite playfull. I kitten around a bit more. for example.

So I thought it’d be cool to discuss the relation between classes and class affinity in relation to your personality.

Classes related to player personality?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roseblood.6793


This is a really cool idea
I suggest you take it to the GW2 reddit page though, it won’t get much attention here imo.
As for personality types, I main a necro and I have the tendency to try and dish out as much bleeding as I can while ignoring my own health bar. I like to think that I can prove everyone wrong and that Necros aren’t all that terrible at PvE. (Off course, sometimes people don’t give me the chance to do so…). I am also quite a fan of fiction where major characters are killed (queue GoT or Mortal Engines) and I tend to like non-dramatic love stories

Classes related to player personality?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Emergencee.8259


Yeah, a person’s preferred classes probably says something about their personality or other preferences. People are going to play the classes that they like best and which fit them best. They’re not going to play something that doesn’t fit them well because they won’t enjoy it as much. Everyone also has their own playstyle, so it’s natural that they’d play different classes similarly to some degree.

Classes related to player personality?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BunjiKugashira.9754


I’d say it’s a bit of both. When choosing your main-class you usually choose based on what class you find fun / challenging / rewarding / whatever to play. In other words: you start playing the class you like, which says a lot about your personality.

For example I like playing the squishy guy that can single-handedly wreck a whole enemie-platoon. In GW2 my main is ele, in LoL it’s ap-carries and even in Witcher3 I’ve chosen light armor and anything that can raise my dps.

On the other hand what you play greatly influences your skills and your ability to adapt to other styles.

I wouldn’t be able to play mesmer effectively in PvP, because my movements would always give away who’s the real one. If I started to play melee in WvW I would never find the right time to engage and either end up dead even in nomads gear or engage when it’s too late. Showering the enemy in fire and sulfur from the backlines without getting harmed myself is what I’m good at.

Shana Flamewielder
Sylvari Elementalist of [SFF]
Abaddons Maul

Classes related to player personality?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ralanost.8913


Not just profession, but also weapons/traits. Professions play very differently from the very same professions based on builds and weapons. For instance, I enjoy my signet ranger with GS and A/WH. It’s not meta at all, but I find it fun.

Classes related to player personality?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broom.2561


Part personality, part physical abilities, in my case. I have RSI, so I don’t really do well with twitch and instant reaction. This meshes with my personal preferences though: I’m a strategist, I like to study the situation and anticipate and exploit enemy behavior. I also tend to lead, not follow. And since I’m usually not really enamored with casters, I traditionally play tanks and rangers. Since there’s no such thing as a tank in GW2, it’s mostly ranger for me here.

Classes related to player personality?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kamikazi.5380


Here’s my experience in general with class personalities in sPvP and WvW.

Warriors tend to be commanders or zerglings. They are generally seen as PvE heroes and players generally think of most Warriors they meet to be at the low skill side of PvP. Generally seen as the newbie class and is the class with the highest low skill player to high skill player ratio

Guardians tend to be commanders or zerglings. Guardians can either be scary if they are medi or harmless otherwise (anyone can outrun a Guard). Most Guardians tend to be bros and are pretty chill in general.

Thieves tend to be gankers and roamers. Some are like Velociraptors that travel in groups to kill low skill targets. Thief players are probably the saltiest players in the game, a common trait Rogue players in MMOs have. They tend to be obnoxious and arrogant and don’t like losing.

Rangers tend to be backliners or keep campers. They are generally fragile and weak alone but any Ranger knows better than to be alone. They will camp keep walls, WvW guard NPCs, camps, or just behind other players and range you from safety. Consensus says they are the most annoying class in WvW, and are generally looked down upon and seen as cowards.

Mesmers tend to be supportive backliners. In WvW Mesmer players are friendly and great team players. They will help their team however they can and are probably the most seflless and underappreciated class. In the forums and sPvP however they are whiny and complain about every little change to their class. They will defend their class so that no one is allowed to call them out on their class’s overpowered abilities.

Necromancers are generally backliners and are played by people who like the attrition class. Necromancers are pretty neutral in every mode and are frequently played as a side class rather than someone’s main class. In the forums Necromancers hanging on by a thread and hoping Anet will finally give them some love.

Engineers are generally backliners and is the most FOTM class. Engineer players vary from veteran Engineer players being chill and PvP experts to newer Engineer players havingThief player level salt and most likely jumped on the Engin train because of the buffs. Seen as the fotm class due to the fact Anet devs main Engineer and have been giving them far more attention than any other class, while ignoring certain bugs that one shot people for over a week now.

Elementalists tend to be backliners and support but outside a zerg they are roamers and duelers. Opposite of Warrior Elementalists have the highest high-skill player to low-skill player ratio. They are played by most elite PvPers and are generally the most knowledgable player base. Ele players tend to be mature and respectable, and don’t really have much salt as being the top PvP class having salt would be embarassing.

Classes related to player personality?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jana.6831



So let me guess what your main is: Elementalist!

Classes related to player personality?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kamikazi.5380



So let me guess what your main is: Elementalist!

Nope, my main is Warrior. Don’t even have an Ele.

Classes related to player personality?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


Thieves tend to be gankers and roamers. Some are like Velociraptors that travel in groups to kill low skill targets. Thief players are probably the saltiest players in the game, a common trait Rogue players in MMOs have. They tend to be obnoxious and arrogant and don’t like losing.

This is spot on haha.

Classes related to player personality?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miss Lana.5276

Miss Lana.5276

In the forums Necromancers hanging on by a thread and hoping Anet will finally give them some love.

This is very true for me, but not just in regards to the class. In regard to everything gw2 related.

48 Characters|Necro|Raider|Fractaller|PvPer|Singer
So long Treeface.
“…Kormir? I know not of whom you speak.”

Classes related to player personality?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonlit.6421


Lol glad I’m not the only one whine curious about a players relation to their class. Honestly I’d say it’s pretty spot on for the most part, at least in my experience with other players. People who like to charge in with warriors and guardians will often play heavy or tank builds on other games as well, it’s the play style they’ve found and developed for themselves over time and it fits them now. Me personally I’m the exact opposite lol, I’ll be the light armor ranged guy any day, casting spelling or firing projectiles from afar, the only time I ever choose otherwise being the occasional rogue/thief class because they normally have more speed but either way, I’ve always been The complete opponent of heavies lol. I have a warrior and guardian now and would love to be able to play them (bc I like the way their armor looks mainly lol) but I just suck at it lol. Now when I get on my main Mesmer and I can teleport around the battlefield causing general annoyance and confusion heck it’s wonderful, just like evading enemies in their own keep while our own Zerg runs their for fun is equally amazing lol, just a fun class for me.

Mesmers tend to be supportive backliners. In WvW Mesmer players are friendly and great team players. They will help their team however they can and are probably the most seflless and underappreciated class. In the forums and sPvP however they are whiny and complain about every little change to their class. They will defend their class so that no one is allowed to call them out on their class’s overpowered abilities.

Lol I love this. First part I was like “omg yay”, read the 2nd and I was like hmmm….meh not wrong lol. Personally I’m one of those stubborn people who just refuse to move. I’ve played a Mesmer since beta, and no matter what I’m going to keep playing one. Don’t get me wrong, I love the recent buffs from running right past an enemy Zerg with twice the stealth to my glass cannon getting more for his shatters, it’s fun lol. A lot of people have already been calling the Mesmer broken or op now and while I will agree there are some improvements, I disagree that we’re broken lol. All the bandwagon people who have made Mesmers and taken them to pvp now aren’t op lol, you can tell the difference between a good Mesmer and one whose just starting out and yet people act like the whole class is broken but Mesmer was always meant to be a risk → reward class like the thief for instance. Can I burst down some people? Yup. Can I still get 2 shotted by a thief or take a rapid fire in the back while fightin someone else? Yup lol, just the way things go.

Oh wow, looking up dat was more text than I thought lol, whoops. Sorry I went off on a tangent there ^^"

Classes related to player personality?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wintersky.5923


Yes, classes match player’s personality, but that depends what you’re looking for when you play.

When I started with GW2, my pick was the Necromancer without a second thought. Later I was disappointed because the gameplay didn’t seem that interesting, but when I heard that Necro was the underpowered class? Whoa, I devoted myself to learn it, created a build I had fun with and now I love to prove the class’ worth in group content. It’s my main class still and unless they make it unplayable, I will continue to use it almost exclusively, because my choice came mostly from a narrative perspective. I like to immerse myself in the story, even in MMOs. I love antiheroes and creepy, insane, deeply flawed but still talented characters, guys who are hated by all, struggle, but eventually overcome their problems (mine’s also a sylvari, so I have the most cheerful necromancer the world has ever seen, and that’s hilarious!)

But that’s how I have fun with games. Some people like the mechanics and don’t care for narrative. Some enjoy supporting others, some people like challenging themselves, others like to achieve things without much effort, others want to win, and so on. I have a friend that plays focusing on how pretty the character looks, for example ^^

(edited by Wintersky.5923)

Classes related to player personality?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jesse.4865


It’s a very interesting point, and I think it does make sense.

I think my favourite profession is the Ranger, I like pets IRL, so I picked someone who can also have a companion. Unlike minis, they are functional and normal-sized.
Plus, you can multitask with them, I can send my pet to attack a mob while I sort my bags or whisper someone lol

I also have a Guardian, a Necromancer, a Thief and an Engineer.
I like the Guardian because I can save Quaggans and spin-to-win with GS, my Necro girl is going to dress like an anime fairy, I like Thieves’ quick attacks and sick moves and the Engi can pew pew quite well with pistols, but isn’t as squishy as a Thief.
Generally I like condition-based characters, poison being my favourite.

I don’t think I will ever fully master the last three, but I have fun playing them, and it’s the most important, right?

Classes related to player personality?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucius.2140


On topic

My opinion about classes:

In general people that play warrior tend to have a more forward thinking, meaning less abstration and flexibility, witch go witht he high life, regen, armor and big numbers in dps that the war have.

Guardians tend to play more in teams and valorate team work, this its also normal because guardian has the better overall suport capability in game.

In general main mesmers go more to the intellectual and hipsters, me included (3500+ hours), specially because mesmer has a lot to do with position and a creative use of the utility skills (mesmer have in general the best utilities, so its not wonder).

Rangers tend to be more carefree and less reflective.

Engineer, i cant go to just one kind of engineer, i think theres at least two:

You have your average phsyco, i mean the dude that like to kill things in game (hack and slash kind of without necesaryly the reward), who likes to play flametower.

Then comes the other engies, i cant classificate them in a way i consider aceptable, but i have notted some of them have good analytical and practical skills.

Tend to be relativly more mature, generally they habve better autocontrol.

The salty one that like to think he its superior to others, its also more selfish (to many stealth skills can encourage playing in a selfish way and the ability to kill easily low skilled players in pvp and wvw also has to do with the ego).

Necro: Im really not sure i have meet good and bad necros and their personality varies mostly because of that, the bad necro its carefree (witch has to do with been bad in some form since you need to have a degree of concentration to not been so) and the good ones are a litle colder and more serius.

One thing to considerate its that races seem to be also personality related, to a point i think they tend to influence more than some classes and of course if you consider main class and race you are going to have a better analysis (i will be back with that when i have time- im in a small brb in my work).

Not so on topic

Mesmers tend to be supportive backliners. In WvW Mesmer players are friendly and great team players. They will help their team however they can and are probably the most seflless and underappreciated class. In the forums and sPvP however they are whiny and complain about every little change to their class. They will defend their class so that no one is allowed to call them out on their class’s overpowered abilities.

We are trying to get Pu and lockdown mesmer nerfed, go to the forums. In a sense we dont like overpowered and prefer that the unskilled player base go to other side/class: aka warrior.

Good mesmers were doing great before patch, bad mesmer werent and now are trying to let us overpowered.

Ele players tend to be mature and respectable, and don’t really have much salt as being the top PvP class having salt would be embarassing.

Its not that:
A decent+ ele its harder to kill than a decent+ player of other class. Most people dont take account the atunment the ele its and thats why its more difficult for them to kill the ele. Add that most people dont count skills cds and dodge and you will get that most pople would have difficulty to kill them ones they have passed the very low skill barrier (where they complain about thieves and rangers).


Poeple bursting a ele when he is in water attunment and not just after he get out of it.
Thieves and others trying to burst and ele when he is in earth and traited (inmune to criticals).
Necros losing all their condis cds when the ele its in water.
People not using their knockbacks when the ele its on fire attunment, allowing them to might stack.

This means that your average relativly skilled guy on ele will have less opponents that can counter class, its normal they complain less.

Also take in account that ele had some very good meta periods, that anet toke much time to fix.

Also seems to me you do a lot more wvw than pvp, a lot of skilled players in pvp tend to play several classes, normally sticking with 2 or 3 that they prefer, that means you get a bigger conception of the game and its classes , compared that people that only play one.

Classes related to player personality?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jana.6831


You guys really should become psychologists ;)

Classes related to player personality?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BattleCat.2098


I have taken a look at a thread in the mesmer subsection of the forum called: Why are we a self defeating community? And I’ve come across a few posts in which appearantly frequent mesmer users consider the general mesmer public to be more intelligent or atleast capable of more critial thought in compairison to warrior player who in thier eyes they view as a more straightforward player even jokingly I assume comparing them to neanderthals.

It took me forever to find a main profession, but I ended up with Mesmer and Warrior. ’nough said.