Classic MMORPG Quest Type / i miss it in GW 2

Classic MMORPG Quest Type / i miss it in GW 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


I just miss the classic type of quests.

> Kill NPC XYZ
> Kill 20 Rats
> Collect 10 Roots of XXXX
> Epic quest line
> Small Sidequests

The dynamic Quest system is good but in addition i miss the old Quest system.

I miss to have a classic “To do List” when i log into the game.

I would love to have 10-20 Quests to finish when i log in instead of roaming around looking for Events in form of Circles on the map.

Thank you

Classic MMORPG Quest Type / i miss it in GW 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

I don’t miss it. It always felt like a chore list, and I got enough of those at work.

But heart events are still somewhat of the old-fashioned quest-lists.

Classic MMORPG Quest Type / i miss it in GW 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: synk.6907


Hearts are those quests. Some of them even involve turning in trophies.
Personally, I feel that the GW2 system of heart areas and dynamic events makes questing a more fluid part of exploration since it all comes along with hitting PoI and vistas and gathering resources, not a rote and banal series of repetitive events driven by a bunch of lazy NPCs with punctuation above their heads. Sure, overall we’re doing the same exact thing, there’s no two ways around that, but I don’t know, at least for now I don’t feel like sighing as much when I enter a new explorable map.

Not that all quests done in the "traditional" sense were bad -- quite the contrary. There have been some great quests in various games launched by our !-equipped, coded friends.

Though it’s my opinion that we could all benefit from quest-driven events for "cool" gear. Don’t get me wrong -- the current legendary system has some really neat looking skins and gives the endgame play an carrot on a stick. That’s cool. But I am disappointed that it’s essentially just a matter of grinding (be it for the mats or the money) and buying with no neat storyline or event. But I don’t want to get to off-topic, so I’ll reign myself in here...

(edited by synk.6907)

Classic MMORPG Quest Type / i miss it in GW 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


When I get home I find a to do list:
- carrots
- salad
- pasta
- chicken
- oil
- vinegar
- eggs
- bread

As soon as I finish that list I get behind my pc and DONT want such a list again. I want to get lost in Tyria and stumble upon these events rather than being spoonfed what to do. Kill 20 rats type of quests are an insult to my intelligence, and I’m not even that smart.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Classic MMORPG Quest Type / i miss it in GW 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NetherDiver.6079


I just miss the classic type of quests.

> Kill NPC XYZ
> Kill 20 Rats
> Collect 10 Roots of XXXX

You still get those in DE’s and Hearts.

> Epic quest line
> Small Sidequests

Main Story and Event Chains.

The dynamic Quest system is good but in addition i miss the old Quest system.

I miss to have a classic “To do List” when i log into the game.

I would love to have 10-20 Quests to finish when i log in instead of roaming around looking for Events in form of Circles on the map.

Thank you

You have a to do list, it’s just on your map in the form of blank hearts.

Classic MMORPG Quest Type / i miss it in GW 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


You know what this game needs more of. The quest like what we had for halloween to get the book. It got people out into the world eploring and often into area’s were DEs were already active.

We need more of that

Classic MMORPG Quest Type / i miss it in GW 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


I mean hell all one of the quest needs to be is something like getting a job as a mail man in LA your misson to diliver mail to the people of h land. Higher levels as you progrss you have to diliver the mail to solders in orr

Classic MMORPG Quest Type / i miss it in GW 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


Your rewords could be enogh gold to cover the cost of waypoints (and a little extra) so worth more if you walk and some awsome item for completing a chain (like a mail bag back slot ;P)

Classic MMORPG Quest Type / i miss it in GW 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

-Kill 60 monsters
-Kill 15 different types of monsters
-Gather 20 times
-Participate in 5 events

Hey look, a daily quest.


Classic MMORPG Quest Type / i miss it in GW 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drazharm.1829


@Waark Kijk Je Naar, dont forget:

- Kill 50 invaders
- Recycle X items
- Do 5 dungeon paths
- Special misterious events!

Hey look, a monthly quest

Classic MMORPG Quest Type / i miss it in GW 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arcaneclarity.5283


I don’t really miss those quests, but I do miss the classic Everquest quests where quests aren’t identified by an exclamation point of the NPC head and it neatly tells you what to do in the GUI. I prefer the exploration the old EQ quests gave. You talk to all the NPCs, looking for identifiers for quests and read what they want or need, often the quest heading into a quest chain.

Classic MMORPG Quest Type / i miss it in GW 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


I dont miss them, but if I did that is usually why I keep a second MMO on the side. I would prefer this MMO not emulate classical themepark MMOs and I’d prefer that classical themeparks not try to emulate GW2. Let them remain separate and very different so that I have variety in my choices.

Classic MMORPG Quest Type / i miss it in GW 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dra Keln.2015

Dra Keln.2015

I don’t miss the to do list. I do occasionally miss the sense of completion of emptying your quest log

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Yaks Bend

Classic MMORPG Quest Type / i miss it in GW 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haishao.6851


As long as they are not kitten quests like “kill as many drake as you can: 0/5” they would be welcome to me. I also think they should be made for specific item only instead of exp.

Like say a coward necromancer who need 1000 porous bones for reason he refuses to tell and will trade you a unique necromancer staff for them.

There’s actually at least one traditional quest in GW2. In Iron Marches there’s a charr that gives you a town cloth headgear if you fix his vehicle.
There should be a lot more quests like that all over the world. Some could be simple like the charr vehicle, other could be fetch quests, other could be proving your worth by slaying things or finding old relic deep in a ruin.

All orders should have quests. Right now they are very useless. Joining the Kurzick or Luxon had a lot more meaning than joining any of these order.
Actually, the order of whisper in GW1 had more meaning than they do now. You could get a title and skills that became more powerful the higher in rank you were. Now all we get is the ability to buy an armor of their style.

(edited by Haishao.6851)

Classic MMORPG Quest Type / i miss it in GW 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Noppy.1348


I don’t miss them at all!
I just love that you can wonder around in a new area and by doing that, talking to NPC’s and just basicly doing your own thing, you get exp, loot and a feeling off being able to do something in the world.
In WOW (my previous addiction) you have that quest list off things to do but it feels like work, not like pleasure and i like my game time to feel like pleasure. If not, i might just go back to the real job and earn some RL money.

Just my idea about this.