Claw of Jormag - GW's first Terrormancer
And thats why my guild hasnt done Jormag on our boss runs for a while now! Its to frustrating trying to do!
but…but… dragons are scary :’((
“Shake it off!”
Stability, stunbreaks, and toggle walk. Also, if you’re using one of the pact bazookas, you can use the shield to avoid it, too.
One of the rare encounters in PvE where condi cleanse and stability is useful.
Fear is fine, it promotes group support and smart play. The fact that Jormag is a giant HP bag like most world bosses, though…
I wouldn’t gripe about it if Claw’s fears and knockbacks weren’t constant (slight hyperbole). Heck, a single, long duration fear is begrudgingly acceptable, though I’m of the opinion any hard-disable more than 2 seconds is unsatisfactory. Worse still is ANet’s general reliance on it.
But the chain-fear is beyond irritating, because condition cleanses don’t get rid of it.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Toggle Walk Mode.
I’ve bound it to the keyboard for all fights involving predictable fear spam.
That’s an interesting thing the walk toggle. But like everyone else said you just need to equip the right skills to do the job.
Tears for Fears
Every class has a condi clense.. use them…
or you can just full zerk gear with prec might fury signets …heck give your self some swiftness so you could eun further…
Jormag uses fears for more frequently than a condition removal or stunbreaker can take care of. Most professions also do not have lengthy Stability available on relatively short cooldowns.
It’s an annoying boss to fight as you spend a lot of time CC’d and unable to actually play. And a 40+ second cooldown isn’t going to make it that much more bearable
As has been suggested already, if you don’t have enough stunbreaks and stability: toggle walk when you get feared, and (especially during p1) use the bazooka to shield you. It’s very manageable.
Every class has a condi clense.. use them…
Condi cleanse
Second Fear
Third Fear
Fourth Fear
ad nauseum until 90% of the players fighting are back at the missile launcher buckets.
Even if you have 2 or more cleanses, it’s not practical to blow them all on the legion of short-burst fears Claw and similar bosses use.
The same can be said for stability. While it might ignore the entire burst, one time, stability skills have longer cooldowns, so it can’t be countered frequently enough. For all that’s worth, you might as well just suck up the fear each time and find a different skill to mitigate damage or deal more when the shields are down.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Elementalists can attune to water for a aoe clense. With a short cd. Warriors have shake it off. Theres a fairly large group of peole blobing togeather and can help eachother just fine.
theres also that charrzooka 5 fire shield that makes you invurneable?
Personally ive been feared 4times in a row at most and i came out from 3of them fairly eqsy (with my own and with skills from others around me) the 4th one was slightly delayed so it cought me offguard
then again it is a big scary dragon…
then again it is a big scary dragon…
Hiding behind a scawy ice wall. Not fooled. =P
And if I have a bazooka, I ain’t afraid of no dragon.
I’m not sure if I’m supposed to be comforted or sigh that the bazooka is pretty much supposed to be a negate-boss-mechanic-button. ANet’s reliance on gimmick tools has always been a nagging thorn in my side.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Like Vukorep said, there is an easy solution to jormag fear that the game actually provide to us.
Take a charzooka, look at jormag’s claw obvious animation and use fire shield whenever he fear. The trick here is to cancel the shield before it end (usually, just after you see people feared). This will make the skill with a really short cool down.
NB.: Save the fire shield for the fear everything else should be dodged (and don’t worry even with a necro you should have more then enough endurance to dodge every non fear attack).
I’ve done Claw dozens of times and can say only one or 2 instances of 3 Fears in a row… does not happen that often.
…and learn to use # 5 Charzooka skill (blocks fear effect).
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
I just wish the fight was either…
1. Less boring
2. Shorter
I just wish the fight was either…
1. Less boring
2. Shorter
Number 2 could be easily fixed if they didn’t reset his health for phase 2. Let our DPS in phase 1 carry over and we wouldn’t need so many phase 2 burns.
The Claw of Jormag is so scary I never go near it.
Problem solved.
Always follow what is true.” — Sentry-skritt Bordekka
Try kidnapping a mesmer to help you out.
Mantra of Concentration and Mantra of Resolve both cleanse fear instantly in an AoE around the caster, and both can be used three times before going on cooldown if you have the right traits.
Mesmers also have a heal skill which works while feared and can be traited to cleanse conditions, with a very short cooldown.
One of the rare encounters in PvE where condi cleanse and stability is useful.
Fear is fine, it promotes group support and smart play. The fact that Jormag is a giant HP bag like most world bosses, though…
It doesn’t promote anything. Getting hit by fear doesn’t hurt the chance of success and dodging or cleansing it doesn’t lessen the chance of failure. It’s simply a nuisance, nothing more. And if it exists solely to annoy players, why is it in the game at all?
One of the rare encounters in PvE where condi cleanse and stability is useful.
Fear is fine, it promotes group support and smart play. The fact that Jormag is a giant HP bag like most world bosses, though…
It doesn’t promote anything. Getting hit by fear doesn’t hurt the chance of success and dodging or cleansing it doesn’t lessen the chance of failure. It’s simply a nuisance, nothing more. And if it exists solely to annoy players, why is it in the game at all?
I completely agree. We shouldn’t toggle walk for Jormag as a game mechanic… that’s ridiculous.
I’m just asking for a cool down on his fear.
Guys I’ll give you a tip. After running back from burning phase and he starts to land, hide in a tent by the merchants. You can’t get feared. Then wait it out (I think he fears like 3 times) before re-entering the fray of battle. I do this all the time, mostly cause I got annoyed by the fearing and long running back. Tents are awesome. use them.
I just wish the fight was either…
1. Less boring
2. ShorterNumber 2 could be easily fixed if they didn’t reset his health for phase 2. Let our DPS in phase 1 carry over and we wouldn’t need so many phase 2 burns.
or maybe people can get off their lazy kitten and actually destroy the pillars/escort the golems instead of sitting at that spot in the corner that has been fixed ages ago.
I can’t belive I’m saying this….but this is actually a well designed boss fight in certain aspects. I won’t say those mass champ hp sponges that drop nothing are “well designed”. But the dragon fight itself…is.
I hated…no..HATED this fight with a passion and avoided it like the plague. Until i went there with an engi and read this topic.
This boss accually makes you think about group healing (constant frost blasts) and group play (condi clense, stability for those who don’t have a lot of it). Well i can’t say i was giving stability left and right (engi’s weakness), but i elixir infused bombs were huge fun, and A.E.D saved my rear quite a few times when getting near it, or making my escape away from it. I actually found normally unused trait and heal extremely useful here – well played A-net!:)
This fight does need a do over..
I’ve spent many a attempt being feared multiple times in a row.. sometimes upto 4 only then when getting back to the stack spot to have the entire group hit within 2 seconds by a huge knock back Ice spike wall.. and then a second one instantly afterwards followed by a third one several seconds later and then less than 10 seconds after that.. another 4 burts of fear..
this is not ok.. and this is not good boss design im afraid..
I agree that Claw and Shatterer need some serious do overs..
Phase 1 of Claw just needs a cooldown on his fear spam and his knockback spam
and while im at it..
Why don’t his wings come off anymore?
I used to love watching his wings shattering as he plummets into the ground and then gets violently thrown into a nearby cliff side before grabbing the ground and preventing his fall into the ocean..
this is one of the most spectacular and biggest holy crap moments in the game… why did you ruin this by removing his wings being destroyed
I just wish the fight was either…
2. Shorter
That’s a player made problem. They rather sit back in P2 and farm champs instead of actually escorting the golem.
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
This is why I will only fight Claw on my warrior. It got too annoying on my necro. With shake if off and balanced stance, I’ve enough to deal with the annoyances.
Also at the beginning I wait off on the side until he’s done his 4 fears.
This is why I will only fight Claw on my warrior. It got too annoying on my necro. With shake if off and balanced stance, I’ve enough to deal with the annoyances.
Also at the beginning I wait off on the side until he’s done his 4 fears.
You can dodge those fears and his fear animation is pretty easy to see. Also you can use the pact bazooka (which is most likely the best way to dmg the wall anyways) and block the fear with the heat shield.
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.