I don’t really know where to put this post, so I figured the General Discussion section would be best.
I’m having problems enjoying the game lately—when I’m starting to run into things which are so outrageously overpowered beyond belief, that it’s taking away my enjoyment of the game when I’m literally ‘one shotted’ to death by things in the zones I’m leveling in.
And both times these have happened, have been by the same mob types and in the same zone itself.
The way I level up is that I map out ALL of the lowest level zones, then I move onto the zones of the next tier higher. Been trying to get my Guardian to Level 80, so she can do things other than PvE—I won’t do dungeons with her until she is level 80, due to how -short- the learning curve is inside of dungeons.
She’s a Power/Precision/Toughness Guardian, who uses a greatsword and a scepter/focus in the off-hand, spear and trident underwater. She has around almost 2,000 HP whilst in Kessex Hills, which is where I was leveling up at. And the Krait were able to basically ‘burst’ her health down to literally -100 HP in one hit by something called ‘Explode’. I can’t ever see them do it, I don’t see the animation que for it. But when I checked my combat logs, it listed the damage being between either 1,000 up to around 1,500 to 2,000 damage overall.
This happened twice: Once in Triscall Quey, or however you spell it—the fishing village with the slavers, and the Risen Krait in the event by the southwest corner of the map.
Now, I’m all for a challenging fight and a tough encounter—but there’s nothing tough or challenging about something that can just one-shot you without so much as a thought. It’s just aggravating and annoying. And I’m sure there’s more than enough people who play this game who have had similar experiences of their own, and not just with the Krait.
Another instance is whenever you’re attempting to do dungeons, the enemy mobs hit so hard and have so much health that unless you have as near a perfect a group as you can get—with everyone knowing how to play their class, and how to handle the mobs—you are definitely 100% assured you will likely wipe anywhere between two to six times between each fight. I’m all for Silvers being a challenge—but please, can you at least reduce how much armor or health they have so they’re not tougher than Champions—which are supposed to be a higher-ranked enemy?
And don’t even get me started about Orr.
Lately, I’ve been playing other games or doing other things between playing Guild Wars 2; because my enjoyment is decreasing the more I am exposed to how brutally unforgiving the learning curve of this game is. It’s basically ‘You miss one dodge, you mess up one time; and you’re dead’.
If anyone can toss up some kind of comment or helpful advice to HELP me with these situations, to make me able to enjoy the game again—please do so. I’m starting to near my wit’s end, and I’m beginning to hate playing the game because of how brutally HARD it is.