Cloaks? Again...
It isn’t the tails, its the fact that they are hunched over that causes problems.
If it were the tails, all they’d have to do is make them short enough that they never reached that far down.
Evey other race can sort of just have it hang freely and not worry too much about it colliding with the body like they did in GW1. With the charr, it would need to be resting on their back while standing still and that presents a huge problem given the variations of armor in the game. It would need to come to a rest quite a bit above the actual body and would look horrible.
If you though floating backpacks on charr were bad…
Sometime in the past Anet already responded that cloaks/capes would cause to much clipping issues.
So, not gonna happen.
For two years it was possible to screw adequate tissue physics to the game. If , of course, someone actually was engaged
I propose a solution:
Coats for all!
Except the charr because they’re hunched!
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
In this day and age, wth engine advancements being what they are, free-flowing cloaks that mold to people’s shape without clipping shouldn’t be an issue.
City of Heroes managed it about 8 years ago
(edited by rapthorne.7345)
I propose a solution:
Coats for all!
Except the charr because they’re hunched!
Charr + leggings.
No seriously, who designed that? I totally love having a stretched tarp around my legs when I run on all fours.
Oh, and ambivalence about cloaks. Eh.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
It isn’t the tails, its the fact that they are hunched over that causes problems.
If it were the tails, all they’d have to do is make them short enough that they never reached that far down.
Evey other race can sort of just have it hang freely and not worry too much about it colliding with the body like they did in GW1. With the charr, it would need to be resting on their back while standing still and that presents a huge problem given the variations of armor in the game. It would need to come to a rest quite a bit above the actual body and would look horrible.
If you though floating backpacks on charr were bad…
Didn’t Grenth Hood fix the hunch back issue?
Indeed, Grenth Hood actually has a small cape of its own.
Racial/cultural back items maybe? Like the armor.
Some kind of cloaks for norn with skin and fur, something (not necessarily capes) with flowers and thorns for sylvari, clothy capes for humans and so on.
That way each cape/cloak or whatever else they can think of to fit each race, would have to be designed to actually fit the individual races in everything from style, material to actually matching body structure and size.
Ofc. we would then have people having 1 race wanting the back item from another… even though it wouldn’t fit them at all. But you can never make everyone happy.
I for one would love more cultural armor sets (exotic tier?) and why not make back items part of that.
4ish words to solve their issues of clipping:
Pre.Baked.Cloth.Animations – you can see it’s using dynamics to currently drive the cloth animations at some areas. Just completely bypass that and key the animations. I mean…really, it won’t take them forever to do this.
An honestly, if Charr’s hunchback stance is a problem, just give Charr Side-capes/Shoulder Capes, and hide the left or right shoulderpad.
(edited by nethykins.7986)
Even a game that I will not name here, with it’s clumsy, ugly and wretched HeroEngine (bweh…) has a cloth physics. I would never believe that handy A-net with they’r epochal (compared with the “HE” at least) engine will not be able to do something like that.
They just do not take the problem seriously.
When it comes to capes and cloaks that don’t exist in the game yet, how about adding capes to all races except charr, until a solution for charr is ready? just a thought.
Leave my tail out of this. >_>
So just give Charr something different? I am so tired of the charrgument against capes. Give em a half cape or something similar that works for them and implement this already!
I’m confused as to why most of you feel it is the charr alone that hampers the development of a cape or cloak. If we went by GW1 standards of “capes”, then the charr tail would be a non issue as those “capes” were nothing but glorified strips of cloth with a guild logo — ending at the waist.
If a full cloak is what you’re asking for instead — there would be clipping issues all over the board and not just with charr posture and tails. How do you propose stowed weapons lay under or over a cloak effectively across all the races? Or should a full cloak just magically make them vanish when stowed like many helms do for charr horns? What about in motion? In combat? Backpacks?
But sure, go ahead and blame the charr for what good it will do you, I don’t care one way or another. Either ArenaNet will decide to try for it or they won’t. While I have guildmates that would like to see a cape again — It’s no loss off my back if they’re not implemented.
… how about adding capes to all races except charr, until a solution for charr is ready? just a thought.
While the charr especially have been hit with the designer’s ugly stick over the last few years, it would be a major blow to all that favor that race over the others if they released such a high demand item to all the other races but not their own. Remember that choosing one race should not have any more advantages or disadvantages as any other race. True, this wouldn’t be a disadvantage as far as gameplay goes, but it would still be damaging to those that care enough.
Everyone talking about modern engines seems to be forgetting that GW2 was built on a modified version of the GW1 engine. Obviously it will not have the features of more recent engines, and to suggest that ANet should invest exorbitant time and money in completely replacing a satisfactory engine is ridiculous.
Everyone talking about modern engines seems to be forgetting that GW2 was built on a modified version of the GW1 engine. Obviously it will not have the features of more recent engines, and to suggest that ANet should invest exorbitant time and money in completely replacing a satisfactory engine is ridiculous.
But ANet have clearly shown that they are willing and able to add new features to the game engine, as can be seen with several revenant skills and the hang glider mechanic, among other things.
ANet developed the engine themselves, after all. thinking they can’t/won’t expand and update it as the game grows is a bit silly
I’ll just leave this here.