Clothing Options
They actually used to sell hoodies in the gem store; the Leather Hoodie, Designer Hoodie and Casual Hoodie
Then they stopped selling them and… didn’t actually remove them but turned them into tonics so they’re basically never seen in game. But you can still buy them on the Trading Post.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Miss town clothing.
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”
I personally prefer it the way it is though I respect your viewpoint. I’m one of those people who likes the lore and everything behind GW2 though and put a lot of effort into my characters and their background so when I run by and see the hipster rocker star humans and the giant male Norn in pink skirts I’ll admit I’m not overly fond lol. ^^"
Town clothes should have been a free outfit..not a tonic…..
(edited by TheFool.4589)
Additional town clothing and casual clothing as outfits/cloths/tonics/whatever would be great. But I disagree on modern clothing, while no RPG seems to be able to completely avoid the gimmick items like random angel wings, bunny ears and quaggan backpacks, I’d prefer added fashion to be strictly in the spirit of the Guild Wars setting.
I am completely opposed to modern clothing. They aren’t appropriate for the Tyria world. Talk about breaking immersion!
Dont care much for modern clothing. Id love to see town clothes as armor instead of tonics though.
I’d like to see at least the original default town clothes as an outfit that can be dyed.
I am completely opposed to modern clothing. They aren’t appropriate for the Tyria world. Talk about breaking immersion!
Immersion? In GW2? Haaa haaa haaa.
There’s a reason why most games are set in either the future (usually involving space travel, lots of creative potential there as alien civilizations are, well, alien allowing for more creative scope) or medieval or at least steampunk times: modern design and architecture is frankly bad compared to the past. We have so much computing power to augment our creativity and create countless styles that won’t interfere with functionality (and even overly simplistic designs can as some car back doors open way too narrow and their angle makes getting out a hassle and a half) yet everything gravitates towards banality and plainness.
All new houses and cars basically look the same and there’s no real inspiration to draw from and architects are no longer artists but rather people who want six figure incomes for being lazy. The Metro design and interfaces also follow this cheap and lazy trend since Windows 7 was reasonably simple while 8 and 10 give the impression of a “designer” whose attitude is, “Whatever can I get paid now I don’t have the time or energy to add a gradient or shadows to these buttons.”
Modern clothes tend to follow the same trend somewhat. I don’t mind them in the game but keep in mind why medieval and steampunk are more popular settings (in addition to the reasons listed above the world was also much larger with scope of major exploration and discovery whereas modern settings have every continent and city mapped out to perfection.)
Dont care much for modern clothing. Id love to see town clothes as armor instead of tonics though.
Yes and no.
I loved that they added back the outfit system from GW1, so you could enable/disable the outfit on top of the armor etc.
But I had really hoped that they used the “Town Clothing” for it instead, so we had multiple parts, could dye them, and mix and match them.
I know it is asking for much But they already had it in the game, and some nice town clothing stuff, loved buying those. I’m not unhappy with Outfits, I just felt it was a missed opportunity, and so much wasted potential.
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”