Co-op story mode???

Co-op story mode???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: death.2497


So I was just randomly playing GW2 while skyping my friend, And I got an invite for his story mode. And I joined his story mode and it was super fun!!!! I am wondering how I did this/If I can control when to do this? Any suggestions

I love penis

Co-op story mode???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824


You just make a party, and enter the instance- boom co op story mode!

Co-op story mode???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zerdand.5308


Is there limitations to this tho? I was having issues with one of my story instances and had a few level 80’s come down to help out and they were not getting the message to enter.
Is it only if people have not done it before?
Is there a limit on the level allowed in?

Co-op story mode???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SuperRofltank.3902



As far as I know, there are no limitations for this kind of stuff. However, the reason they probably weren’t invited was because they were not in your zone. So for example, if your story mode quest is in Queensdale, they have to be in Queensdale too in order for them to receive an invitation. If you’re not sure if they’re in your zone, you can tell by looking at your party bar. If their picture is black, that means they are not in your zone. But if their picture shows their face, that means they’re in the zone you are currently in.

Co-op story mode???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


It’s supposed to be that you can bring party members to your story quest.

It doesn’t always work, as so much of the party system in GW2 isn’t fully functional yet.

You do have to be in the same zone. Seems to help if you’re close. Race/Order/Level completely doesn’t matter at all.

Frequently when you’re the guest party member, you won’t be able to see the cut scenes. All of them are in instances, but when the instance is the same as an open world zone, you’ll miss out on the story.

Co-op story mode???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cancer.9065


Would like to add that if both of you have the same story (as in all choices have been the same) you both get credit for clearing the instance.

Cancer is also a Zodiac sign.