CoF Inflation

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harbard.5738


  • ATTENTION: This is not a post about what’s healthy/good or bad for the player. It’s about the economy and how CoF farming is affecting prices for normal players.*

As people are running CoF over and over for ~10 gold an hour for ages now, isn’t about time ANet shutdown this farming already? Aren’t open world farming spots being dealt with? Isn’t there a DR system? So what’s keeping anet from doing a more restrictive gold DR to CoF and overly repeated dungeon runs in general?

I can only see a ton of inflation coming out of this CoF craze. Or whatever the next instance/dungeon they find. It’s dumping gold into the game and i’m worried it would either inflate TP prices and/or GEMS gold price, punishing people who play normally, spreading their game time across all the content, and who acquire gold at a much slower pace. It’s even punishing farmers themselves, because there are a ton of them now, apparently.

All that excess gold IS going somewhere. And it’s going fast. So is this a problem, or am I wrong?

Seriously, look at this people:

My suggestion is diminishing GOLD returns that kick in after an X number of dungeon runs, ANY dungeon run, and that DR would reset daily as well. I think it should be done in a way people who play normally and farm occasionally won’t even feel it, but people who farm for hours will.

That way, the economy would be healthier (imo, it’s up to you devs tell us what is your view on this) and heavy farmers might even benefit from looking out of the window sometimes, or at least taking showers again. ANet could be even saving a life or two :P

So, ANet, please do something about it. or at least drop a note here clarifying your position on this. Thanks.

Give me game. Not grind, not gating, not RNG, not +stat junk, not checklists.

(edited by Harbard.5738)

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chessrook.8643


How? THey’d just find another yanno.

If there’s one thing players are good at, it’s finding the most efficient way to get crap and then publishing it everywhere.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harbard.5738


Yeah by that logic ANet should stop balancing classes because “what’s the point if they’ll never be 100% balanced”.

Give me game. Not grind, not gating, not RNG, not +stat junk, not checklists.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MightyMicah.7451


  • ATTENTION: This is not a post about what’s healthy/good or bad for the player. It’s about the economy and how CoF farming is affecting prices for normal players.*

As people are running CoF over and over for ~10 gold an hour for ages now, isn’t about time ANet shutdown this farming already?

I see only a ton of inflation coming out it. Am I wrong? Doesn’t even make up for the lower prices of some stones while everything else gets more expensive for people who just play the game normally (that includes the occasional farmer).

Seriously, look at this people:

So, ANet, please do something about it.

I think you’re right to a degree. I just discovered CoF literally last night. Call me a noob, but I mostly enjoy exploring maps and doing WvW with my two younger sisters. I was extremely shocked at the gold I could farm. I made like 10 gold in a few hours which was like a third of my total profit made in the last couple months.

Like the guy above me said, if they nerf it, people will just find another exploit, but I still think it needs a nerf. Even though I just discovered a way to make gold, I’d rather lose that way. I’ve played games where inflation took over and it isn’t fun at all. In fact, it can destroy games if it gets bad enough. I’m not sure CoF has the potential to ruin the game, but it is certainly an extremely faster method of obtaining gold than any other method.

All that to say, I’d have to agree that it needs a nerf. GW2 doesn’t strike me as a game that is lopsided in any way. Anet seems to try their best to make this a game where you just do whatever is fun and gain profit from it. CoF can potentially take away from that fun experience if players (myself included) feel obligated to farm it simply because it’s the only formidable method of obtaining Gold.

Just my two copper (=

This is that new sound. Ya’ll ain’t ready.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chessrook.8643


Touche there. Really though, I think it should be left as is. There’s a careful balance, and do it too much and it’ll end up becoming a downward spiral. Nerf CoF? OK, people run to efficiently do CM. Nerf CM next? Fine they’ll run to AC. AC gets nerfed? Onwards to HotW they go! Fine then, let’s nerf that! And on and on it goes until finally they’re running ARAH because it’s the most efficient way to get coin. And THAT is something way too far.

Grinders gonna grind, it’s something you have to realize, and honestly as far as I know there hasn’t been that huge of a market crash due to how people are farming CoF. The market in fact seems fairly stable (Although I admit I don’t follow the market, I go by how much complaining there is on the forums) and the 10 gold an hour is, to my knowledge, mainly from the grinders who have nothing better to do than grind grind grind.

Plus hey, at least this way they’re all in their own little private instance and not cramming 60 people around that bridge in Kryta waiting for the Centaur to respawn. So there’s that.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: colesy.8490


If they nerf CoF and don’t give us another way to make money, people will go mental.

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CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


I suggest you trust in John Smith. The guy knows what he is doing and it’s his job to watch the economy. If Cof1 was as destructive as people make it out to be it would have been nerfed a long time ago.

This game has a lot of great goldsinks and that’s what is keeping the economy in check.

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CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jemmi.6058


Personally, I think the best way to tackle this is to come up with a formula for calculating reward at the end of a dungeon that adequately rewards time and skill spent.

Reward = (Time * Kills) / (Deaths+1)
i.e. speedrun in CoF
Reward = (360 seconds * 10 kills) / (0 deaths + 1) = 3600 copper = 36 silver -

i.e. 2 hour Arah run with some deaths
Reward = (7200 seconds * 40 kills) / (4 deaths + 1) = 5760 copper = 57.6 silver

i.e. Arah speedrun
Reward = (1080 seconds * 10 kills) / (0 deaths +1) = 10800 copper = 1.08 gold

Anyway, these can obviously be adjusted for balancing reasons. The main point is that if you do a longer dungeon and/or kill more, you get more reward. If you die more, you get less reward.

End of the day: If you did 5x speed runs of CoF for 36 minutes or 2x speed runs of Arah for 36 minutes and killed the same amount, you would get roughly the same reward.

(edited by Jemmi.6058)

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MightyMicah.7451



Good thoughts, mate. The only thing I believe you should consider is that you’re absolutely right. They can only nerf things so far. Once they’ve nerfed dungeons down to make about the same as perhaps farming, free roaming, wvw, etc. they won’t need to nerf anything anymore. In other words, they need to find the balance. Once they find the balance, no further nerfing will be required. Thoughts?

This is that new sound. Ya’ll ain’t ready.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241



Good thoughts, mate. The only thing I believe you should consider is that you’re absolutely right. They can only nerf things so far. Once they’ve nerfed dungeons down to make about the same as perhaps farming, free roaming, wvw, etc. they won’t need to nerf anything anymore. In other words, they need to find the balance. Once they find the balance, no further nerfing will be required. Thoughts?

There’s no such thing as balance in MMOs. People will always look for the most efficient and rewarding task in game.

After Cof1 farming gets nerfed I bet you everyone will go to CoE

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CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaybug.9284


There is conflicting info in your statement.

If people have been doing this for ages, you would expect that a gradual inflation would have been occurring all along. The prices for most items on the TP have been keeping relatively steady and going down on some items (looking at you dust).

Your assumption that things will continue to get more expensive is not supported by historical prices.

As people are running CoF over and over for ~10 gold an hour for ages now, isn’t about time ANet shutdown this farming already?

I see only a ton of inflation coming out it. Am I wrong? Doesn’t even make up for the lower prices of some stones while everything else gets more expensive for people who just play the game normally (that includes the occasional farmer).

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chessrook.8643



Good thoughts, mate. The only thing I believe you should consider is that you’re absolutely right. They can only nerf things so far. Once they’ve nerfed dungeons down to make about the same as perhaps farming, free roaming, wvw, etc. they won’t need to nerf anything anymore. In other words, they need to find the balance. Once they find the balance, no further nerfing will be required. Thoughts?

Pretty much exactly what I said. The main thought is that such a point is nearly impossible to reach with how big a game like this is, and how many factors can be involved. Effort, drops, end loot, player perception, etc. All of this is involved, and others I can’t think of. With something as complex as this, getting the exact perfection is like threading a needle from 70 yards. And the thread is attached to a rocket. Without any guiding wings.

Because of that you kinda have to settle for “Close Enough”. Sure there will be a LITTLE imbalance in efficiency, there will surely be something that all the grinders will flock to because it gets money better… but if it’s not tanking the economy in a horrible way, or inflating it in a horrible way, then it should be good.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MightyMicah.7451



Good thoughts, mate. The only thing I believe you should consider is that you’re absolutely right. They can only nerf things so far. Once they’ve nerfed dungeons down to make about the same as perhaps farming, free roaming, wvw, etc. they won’t need to nerf anything anymore. In other words, they need to find the balance. Once they find the balance, no further nerfing will be required. Thoughts?

There’s no such thing as balance in MMOs. People will always look for the most efficient and rewarding task in game.

After Cof1 farming gets nerfed I bet you everyone will go to CoE

That’s true. But does that mean we shouldn’t strive to be as balanced as possible?

I’d like to see a comparison of what other dungeons can make, vs what CoF can make. If it isn’t that much more, than the game is relatively “balanced” already. However, if CoF is making significantly more, then I’d say there’s a bit of a problem.

This is that new sound. Ya’ll ain’t ready.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dresden.1736


Seriously, why reward people who put the time and effort into a goal they are attempting to achieve? It’s so stupid! ANET should just limit the amount of gold and items a player can get in a day. That way, people who don’t invest as much of their time in the game can keep up with those who invest much of theirs. That’s only fair, right? After all, everyone should be equally entitled to the best items in the game.

Let’s make GW2 the first Communist MMORPG in the world!

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MightyMicah.7451



Good thoughts, mate. The only thing I believe you should consider is that you’re absolutely right. They can only nerf things so far. Once they’ve nerfed dungeons down to make about the same as perhaps farming, free roaming, wvw, etc. they won’t need to nerf anything anymore. In other words, they need to find the balance. Once they find the balance, no further nerfing will be required. Thoughts?

Pretty much exactly what I said. The main thought is that such a point is nearly impossible to reach with how big a game like this is, and how many factors can be involved. Effort, drops, end loot, player perception, etc. All of this is involved, and others I can’t think of. With something as complex as this, getting the exact perfection is like threading a needle from 70 yards. And the thread is attached to a rocket. Without any guiding wings.

Because of that you kinda have to settle for “Close Enough”. Sure there will be a LITTLE imbalance in efficiency, there will surely be something that all the grinders will flock to because it gets money better… but if it’s not tanking the economy in a horrible way, or inflating it in a horrible way, then it should be good.

Again, great thoughts! I’d have to agree 100%. I think the big deal is your last sentence. That’s about what it all comes down to.

This is that new sound. Ya’ll ain’t ready.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nova.8021


Well Anet doesn’t appear to like open world farmers, but their stance on dungeon farmers seems to be different. Otherwise they would have shut that kitten down immediately and put an “Under Construction” sign at the entrance.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241



Good thoughts, mate. The only thing I believe you should consider is that you’re absolutely right. They can only nerf things so far. Once they’ve nerfed dungeons down to make about the same as perhaps farming, free roaming, wvw, etc. they won’t need to nerf anything anymore. In other words, they need to find the balance. Once they find the balance, no further nerfing will be required. Thoughts?

There’s no such thing as balance in MMOs. People will always look for the most efficient and rewarding task in game.

After Cof1 farming gets nerfed I bet you everyone will go to CoE

That’s true. But does that mean we shouldn’t strive to be as balanced as possible?

I’d like to see a comparison of what other dungeons can make, vs what CoF can make. If it isn’t that much more, than the game is relatively “balanced” already. However, if CoF is making significantly more, then I’d say there’s a bit of a problem.

If they keep nerfing everything then there will be nothing rewarding left in game.

Take a look at open world farmers. First they nerfed Plinx, then shelt/pen, then grub farm, then Lyssa farm. Now there is no such thing as open world farming and people have either decided to quit, loiter in LA or farm metaevents.

If they were to do the same thing with the dungeons then people will just keep going to the next best dungeon until dungeon running is only meant for achievements.

They have strived for a balance in terms of classes though. That’s why they made the changes to the warrior (although to be fair they are still powerful). I think what they should focus on is somehow include other classes in the cof1 farming, but that’s simpler than it sounds.

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CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bloodletting wolf.2837

bloodletting wolf.2837

There is open world farming still – it’s just not “exploitive” any more. I can still manage an average of 1.25 g per hour. The fact that I can make that much in open world pve is the only reason I have no problem with the Cof farmers. Now if they would just tweak the rewards in WvW a tiny bit…..

Kaa Mchorror NSP grenadier [hayt]

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MightyMicah.7451


@Vol, I’m about 99% sure you didn’t even read my response.

If they “nerf everything” (which I never suggested) the value of gold in general will go up. Have you ever wondered why governments don’t print as much money as possible? It’s because, if they did, the value of money in general will drop. In a similar way if people can “print money” aka farm CoF over and over, the value of gold will drop, thus causing a rise of pricing in the market. By nerfing the dungeons, they are making these other farming methods which currently give “nothing rewarding” actually give something rewarding because the value of the reward has gone up. In other words, if everyone has a million dollars, is anyone really rich? No, because the value of that million dollars is low. However, if everyone was reduced to having only ten dollars, did they lose any money? No, they didn’t. Why? Because the value of that ten dollars is the same as the value of the million dollars. The value of money in general has gone up due to a decrease of total money. In the same way, nerfing dungeons like CoF can result in the value of gold rising. This will cause what we currently view as a waste of time to be fruitful because the value of money will rise.

That being said, I’m not so sure we should nerf CoF. I don’t believe that CoF is causing an inflation. However, others disagree with me. This is why I made my above statement about wanting a comparison between CoF and other dungeons’ profit. If it’s not that much greater, and isn’t causing an inflation, than we can say that things are “balanced.”

This is that new sound. Ya’ll ain’t ready.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harbard.5738


Everyone is overcomplicating this. C’mon guys, this makes SENSE. I know you want to defend your easy CoF “profits” (which are worthless if there are people farming 16x more than you are), but a serious, harsh, diminishing returns for dungeons, especially CoF, is in order.

What i’m suggesting is Diminishing GOLD Returns after 2nd/3rd run in ANY dungeon.
*It will force those people to farm dungeons from half to 1 hour a day and then stop. *

I mean it’s ridiculous someone making in a day of CoF zombie attack button-mashing insanity the same amount it takes months of normal gameplay across all content.
You know, if they’re forced to farm it only for 1h a day, most people won’t feel the hit. The rest of the healthy people can still farm a little when they feel like it, and everyone benefits from a healthy economy.

You know, it’s even good for those crazy 16h/day farmers. They might even star taking showers, eating, not dying from thrombosis… can even prevent some lawsuits from outraged mothers :P

Also makes legendaries look less of a joke. At least people will stop calling them CoFgendaries.

Give me game. Not grind, not gating, not RNG, not +stat junk, not checklists.

(edited by Harbard.5738)

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MightyMicah.7451


Everyone is overcomplicating this. C’mon guys, this makes SENSE. I know you want to defend your easy CoF “profits” (which are worthless if there are people farming 16x more than you are), but a serious, harsh, diminishing returns for dungeons, especially CoF, is in order.

What i’m suggesting is Diminishing GOLD Returns after 2nd/3rd run.
*It will force those people to farm 1 hour a day and then stop. *

I mean it’s ridiculous someone making in a day of CoF zombie attack button-mashing insanity the same amount it takes months of normal gameplay across all content.
You know, if they’re forced to farm it only for 1h a day, most people won’t feel the hit. The rest of the healthy people can still farm a little when they feel like it, and everyone benefits from a healthy economy.

You know, it’s even good for those crazy 16h/day farmers. They might even star taking showers, eating, not dying from thrombosis…

Also makes legendaries look less of a joke.

This I don’t agree with. If there’s a method for farming gold, it should never be limited. Time is money. Why shouldn’t it be?

This is that new sound. Ya’ll ain’t ready.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xolosheep.1649


Agreed on this one. If they’re not nerfing it, at least make other parts of the game more rewarding (other dungeons or world bosses) so people are not forced into grinding in one tiny part of the world.

Its also unfair to people who doesn’t have the “right class” for those CoF speedruns. Some sort of balance is overdue.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harbard.5738


All that gold is going somewhere. If not TP inflation, it’s gonna inflate the price of GEMS to the point you can’t realistically use gold anymore.

Oh wait. Maybe that’s ANet’s goal? Farm or pay?

Give me game. Not grind, not gating, not RNG, not +stat junk, not checklists.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draven.7210


CoF isn’t inflating the economy. Gold Farmers are. RMT trading aka people buying gold from companies who sell players in game gold. I wrote a post about this awhile back that was largely ignored, perhaps because it was over peoples heads.

Long story short, popular items (like precursors) that are in extreme scarcity are focused on by RMT companies. They control the supply, inflate the cost and then sell you the gold you don’t have the patience/time to farm yourself.

All ANet needs to do is eliminate extreme scarcity by giving players more options and way to obtain those items. This new Achievement Reward system they’re about to implement could be a great way to do that.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fenrir.3609


The whole CoF situation is a total joke in all honesty.

The fact that it hasn’t been addressed in all this time, well, the mind boggles quite frankly given the nerfs we have seen elsewhere.

One would hope that the up and coming loot/reward changes should do something to rectify the situation (and the current rather major issues with regard to time/effort vs rewards we see in the game), but I would not hold my breath.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grey Warden.2983

Grey Warden.2983

  • ATTENTION: This is not a post about what’s healthy/good or bad for the player. It’s about the economy and how CoF farming is affecting prices for normal players.*

Absolute contradiction. Anything else you say is, frankly, suspect.

As people are running CoF over and over for ~10 gold an hour for ages now, isn’t about time ANet shutdown this farming already?

A couple of months ago the number was 5 or 6 gold. Who would have thought that a game would have the power to change the very fabric of time…embelish much?

I see only a ton of inflation coming out it. Am I wrong?

I think you are, but if you can prove your premise, then I’ll think you have a point,
but, this doesn’t instill any confidence.

…Doesn’t even make up for the lower prices of some stones while everything else gets more expensive for people who just play the game normally (that includes the occasional farmer).

Obvious contradiction aside, CoF runners do not play the game the way YOU think they should play it so therefore Anet should shut them down and force them to do what YOU say?

Seriously, look at this people:
So, ANet, please do something about it.

Seriously, do you believe everything thing you read on the internet, or just what fits into your personal view?

I have ran CoF 5 times total, and 4 of them have been for personal stories for myself or guild mates. I don’t really care for running any dungeon, some are ok and some are not.

Unless you can prove that farming Cof is causing the whole economy to inflate, you or anyone else really come off as wanting to keep other players from getting something that you can not or will not get yourselves.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilr.9675


Have the Inflation Deniers arrived already?
B/c… just as predicted… Fine Mats have gone right back into an Upward Trend.

I want to hear from those guys who claimed it was a DOWN trend 2weeks ago.
I want to hear their explanations for CDust still being double digits.
I want to hear their explanations for why base cooking herbs are so High…
I want real recognition of ridiculous COF matching on
I want some historical reality-checks on what happened when Ursan-way took over…


But most of all I want to hear them recognize that there’s a “Sixth Race” in this game that doesn’t fit into any of the other 5 stereotypes or content types. It’s a race that behaves like an insectoid Over-Mind and once filled the cursed shores 12 hours out of the day … It persists… instantly constructing bivouacs from the trampled flesh of its own zerging mass of casualties. Thus it flows seamlessly from one DPS’ing path of least resistance to the next. Many speculate it would just do CoE next but those speculators over-estimate this race’s ability to fill more than 1 kind of gap at a time and COE is riddled with “mini-game” gaps and situational awareness tests that this race has not yet evolved above yet. Not to mention a single change to “Alpha’s” AI scripts (make him more like Lyssa-priest) would instantly obliterate any progress the 6th race made towards bridging that most crucial DPS gap…

(edited by ilr.9675)

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MightyMicah.7451


Have the Inflation Deniers arrived already?
B/c… just as predicted… Fine Mats have gone right back into an Upward Trend.

I want to hear from those guys who claimed it was a DOWN trend 2weeks ago.
I want to hear their explanations for CDust still being double digits.
I want to hear their explanations for why base cooking herbs are so High…
I want real recognition of ridiculous COF matching on
I want some historical reality-checks on what happened when Ursan-way took over…


But most of all I want to hear them recognize that there’s a “Sixth Race” in this game that doesn’t fit into any of the other 5 stereotypes or content types. It’s a race that behaves like an insectoid Over-Mind and once filled the cursed shores 12 hours out of the day … It persists… instantly constructing bivouacs from the tampled flesh of its own zerging mass of casualties. Thus it flows seamlessly from one DPS’ing path of least resistance to the next. Many speculate it would just do CoE next but those speculators over-estimate this race’s ability to fill more than 1 kind of gap at a time and COE is riddled with “mini-game” gaps and situational awareness tests that this race has not yet evolved above yet. Not to mention a single change to “Alpha’s” AI scripts (make him more like Lyssa-priest) would instantly obliterate any progress the 6th race made towards bridging that most crucial DPS gap…

I want to hear why you feel the need to insult any and everyone who grinds CoF.
I want hear why you demand evidence and present none yourself.
I want to hear why you can’t actually attempt to add to the conversation.

This is that new sound. Ya’ll ain’t ready.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quick Mouse.7635

Quick Mouse.7635

Show me this inflation you speak of.

Tactical Fury [TF] – Late NA/early OCX driver (SoS)
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CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrashTestAuto.9108


I suggest you trust in John Smith. The guy knows what he is doing and it’s his job to watch the economy. If Cof1 was as destructive as people make it out to be it would have been nerfed a long time ago.

This game has a lot of great goldsinks and that’s what is keeping the economy in check.

See this is the weird thing, I do trust John Smith, but why do we need to? People have been talking about this for a VERY long time, and even if there is an underlying reason for why P1 is beneficial to the economy, that reason is fairly hidden. Why hasn’t there been an official response on this after so many months? Just a simple announcement explaining the philosophy on farming and the disproportionate rewards for that particular dungeon path.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fenrir.3609


Show me this inflation you speak of.

There has been a massive drop in sell listings a relatively stable amount of buy listings and thus a massive rise in price.

When you nerf the kitten out of the ability to farm materials and then do not nerf one dungeon speed run which pumps gold galore into the economy, then you get inflated prices.

Is CoF totally to blame for rising prices? Ofc it isn’t.

Is everything inflated out of whack? Ofc it isn’t.

Does it make any sense whatsoever to nerf the heck out of pretty much every farm in the game and leave the biggest gold farm of them all totally untouched? Ofc it doesn’t.

Does the disparity between CoF and pretty much everything else make any sense? Ofc it doesn’t.

Does “oh people will just move onto something else” hold as an argument in any way, shape or form? Ofc it doesn’t.

I have zero issue with people running CoF and zero issue with people trying to be as “gold effective per hour”. I do the same. But it seems to me that there is something fundamentally wrong with the current set up.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esplen.3940


@OP, if you’re going to quote the thread where I did the math on CoF gold/run, please quote…
A: The actual post (link right here)
B: The actual gold/hour (from 5g31s90c → 6g81s90c on the first hour).

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: killcannon.2576


  • ATTENTION: This is not a post about what’s healthy/good or bad for the player. It’s about the economy and how CoF farming is affecting prices for normal players.*

As people are running CoF over and over for ~10 gold an hour for ages now, isn’t about time ANet shutdown this farming already?

I see only a ton of inflation coming out it. Am I wrong? Doesn’t even make up for the lower prices of some stones while everything else gets more expensive for people who just play the game normally (that includes the occasional farmer).

Seriously, look at this people:

So, ANet, please do something about it.

Someone is assuming they are a “normal player”.

If “normal” means the majority, then I think the daily runners of CoF are the “normal players” and everyone else is in the minority.

Again, who can say who is playing the game “normally”? Are any developers here in disguise? Go ahead…you can tell us.

I sure am glad the “normal players” are here to tell everyone else how wrong they are.

(edited by killcannon.2576)

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692


CoF p1 is roughly 6.1g/hour. It is nowhere close to 10g. Just a FYI.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

CoF p1 is roughly 6.1g/hour. It is nowhere close to 10g. Just a FYI.


Farming Barracudas in the ’Cove is more profitable. Much more so.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Show me this inflation you speak of.

There has been a massive drop in sell listings a relatively stable amount of buy listings and thus a massive rise in price.

When you nerf the kitten out of the ability to farm materials and then do not nerf one dungeon speed run which pumps gold galore into the economy, then you get inflated prices.

Is CoF totally to blame for rising prices? Ofc it isn’t.

Is everything inflated out of whack? Ofc it isn’t.

Does it make any sense whatsoever to nerf the heck out of pretty much every farm in the game and leave the biggest gold farm of them all totally untouched? Ofc it doesn’t.

Does the disparity between CoF and pretty much everything else make any sense? Ofc it doesn’t.

Does “oh people will just move onto something else” hold as an argument in any way, shape or form? Ofc it doesn’t.

I have zero issue with people running CoF and zero issue with people trying to be as “gold effective per hour”. I do the same. But it seems to me that there is something fundamentally wrong with the current set up.

^^^ Pretty much this.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sakri.7234


Whether they nerf CoF or not, I just wish they’d make other dungeons as profitable per time invested. There is no sense in running any of the other dungeons/paths except for achievements and dungeon tokens. The reward should be proportionate to the effort.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


If they nerf CoF and don’t give us another way to make money, people will go mental.

It’s not the way to farm money that is needed, but better ways to get needed items directly.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amadan.9451


how exactly you get 10 gold in cof? i really do not understand

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CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192

Allisa Wonderland.8192

This scenario is mirrored in real life. There are those who will go for the highest paying job, and work their butts off to make more money than anyone else.

There are many other ways to make money in this game. That said, there are many more currencies than just gold. Karma farming got a BOOST with the introduction of the daily jugs.

I do a run or two of CoF, each day, but it’s not the only thing I do. I have no problem with players who want to flip their way to riches, or grind their way to riches.. That’s how they want to play.

Why does it bother you that another player wants to be stinking rich?

CoF is a great supplier of gold, into the economy.

Finally.. Running CoF is a lot more work than farming dragon event chests – you have to move! You have to teach the new player how to stand in the hemispheres… It’s the only dungeon that has an appeal to all players. It also helps people to learn the mechanic.

All I hear is whining that you don’t want other people to make money if you can’t. If CoF is still an exploit since the teleport bug fixes, it’s one that ArenaNet is okay with.

My recommendation? Shorter dungeons. The time commitment to run paths in other dungeons, especially with pugs, is ridiculous for anyone who has obligations in the real world.

The worst thing that ever happened to me in FoTM was hearing that we had to do a BONUS dungeon, which of course meant I would be letting down four other people if I had to leave.

More paths, same difficulty, shorter length. I’d be all over the other dungeons if I knew I could run through the paths in 15-30 minutes vs 1-2 hours.

There is no rampant inflation…

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anzu.5702


  • ATTENTION: This is not a post about what’s healthy/good or bad for the player. It’s about the economy and how CoF farming is affecting prices for normal players.*

As people are running CoF over and over for ~10 gold an hour for ages now, isn’t about time ANet shutdown this farming already?

I see only a ton of inflation coming out it. Am I wrong? Doesn’t even make up for the lower prices of some stones while everything else gets more expensive for people who just play the game normally (that includes the occasional farmer).

Seriously, look at this people:

So, ANet, please do something about it.

I felt the same way, but have sadly lost faith in Anet to take any action. As much as they say they love making video games, gw2 is more about $ generation than it is about player satisfaction.

Cof = inflation = more $ needed to convert to gems and buy gold (for those who buy gems to gold and there are a lot of them). The gem-gold conversion does fluctuate with the value of money but not close enough afaik.

Otherwise gold wouldn’t be as powerful, the other currencies would have more buying power, we’d see no rng boxes, and they precursor hunt would have long been introduced. I imagine the the mystic toilet is a huge earner for them (ppl buying gems to gold, buy rares, throw into forge in hopes of getting a precursor.). And legendary wouldn’t = gold.

I’d rather pay a sub fee and see non of this tbh. But they know that something that brings in money on the back end (like a gem store) once players are emotionally attached to the game is way more effective than sub fees. Sure not everyone will buy gems, but the ones that do spend more than enough to cover the ones that don’t plus some. All this “and still no sub fees” is just marketing ploy (a good one at that) that make people go “omgty it’s free to play? wow ty so much”. Cash shop when done correctly is more profitable.

How much of what the game produces goes into the hands of Anet or back into improvements for gw2 is anyone’s guess.

Xarvacious: Guardian | Xarvo: Engineer | Achiles Augustus: Warrior

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harbard.5738


Edited it to make it more clear and added my suggestion. If a mod sees this, feel free to move it to suggestions. Thanks.

Give me game. Not grind, not gating, not RNG, not +stat junk, not checklists.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Curo.2483


I stopped reading at “10g an hour”. If you think the average person makes 10g an hour from CoF, then you have never heard from or played with an average person farming CoF. At best, it’s 5g an hour. Perhaps with a coordinated group of expert players on voice chat who run a specific niche build, you could crack this hypothetical 10g barrier, but I doubt even that is possible.

Curo Lunesque – “Concerned Citizen and Community Builder”

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CharrGirl.7896


Or how about instead of nerfing CoF we get boosted rewards elsewhere? Like nerfing one dungeon will achieve anything. Besides haven’t the prices of ectos and dust/other mats gone down?

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esplen.3940


I stopped reading at “10g an hour”. If you think the average person makes 10g an hour from CoF, then you have never heard from or played with an average person farming CoF. At best, it’s 5g an hour. Perhaps with a coordinated group of expert players on voice chat who run a specific niche build, you could crack this hypothetical 10g barrier, but I doubt even that is possible.

7g an hour is the current “coordinated expert group” amount. It’s possible to exceed that by adding all sorts of boosts, but they cost other things, such as influence and laurels. Breaking 10g an hour WITHOUT counting loot is currently impossible.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MightyMicah.7451


All of this boils down to proof, people. The mods won’t listen (and frankly neither will I, or anyone else) unless you show us how much more gold CoF is making per hour than other methods, and how much inflation (if any at all) is actually occurring. We need statistics. If no statistics are presented, then all you have is an opinion, and there are plenty of opposing opinions.

This is that new sound. Ya’ll ain’t ready.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esplen.3940


All of this boils down to proof, people. The mods won’t listen (and frankly neither will I, or anyone else) unless you show us how much more gold CoF is making per hour than other methods, and how much inflation (if any at all) is actually occurring. We need statistics. If no statistics are presented, then all you have is an opinion, and there are plenty of opposing opinions.

I already did the math on how much gold is coming in from CoF, however using that to figure out inflation is a hard process because you’ll have to consider the trading post tax (which can occur more than once on each unique piece of gold) and other variables… a lot… other variables.

Also, ANet already has information on the influx and sinks of gold.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aurust.8961


I’d rather they not nerf COF because then the masses may actually discover the more profitable farms and possibly alert ANET to them or just mess them up with supply/demand.

Master- [DKLT] The Darkness and The Light

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Titan.3472


Allow people to run each path of each dungeon only once per day per account. problem solved.

CoF Inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: killcannon.2576


Or how about instead of nerfing CoF we get boosted rewards elsewhere? Like nerfing one dungeon will achieve anything. Besides haven’t the prices of ectos and dust/other mats gone down?

That suggestion is way too logical.

How did you get past the screening process for these forums, hmmmmm?