CoF contested ninja nerf since patch?
With the way parties and guesting works I have never not been able to go to any dungeon I have wanted to do within a couple of minutes.
Another conspiracy theory…its been a while since last one. Tin foil hats are on discount these days?
I should be investing in a few tin mine stocks, seems like conspiracies are on the rise.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
Believe me or not, I run CoF a lot… minimum 10 runs a day and I definitely see a difference… the same guesting system was there before patch and you could always get it somewhere… these days it’s contested all day long…
last week havent been able to do cof Contested all the time and event wont trigger. Why do u you spend so much time on content that u dont allow players to play? What is the main idea of contested? I think its needless. If you want to play hour or two GW2 in worst luck u cant do anythin. no world bosses, all ur main dungeons contested and rest pve is just blah.
Believe me or not, I run CoF a lot… minimum 10 runs a day and I definitely see a difference… the same guesting system was there before patch and you could always get it somewhere… these days it’s contested all day long…
Go do the events then. Can’t rely on the normal players to enable your farming forever. Those unlock events are out of the way for most players and they will stop doing them at one point or another.
Consider yourself lucky you could ride on the back of other groups until now.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
I should be investing in a few tin mine stocks, seems like conspiracies are on the rise.
It doesn’t seem strange to you that all of a sudden people are noticing these things? If you dismiss conspiracy theorists and think they’re crazy, why did it take them 7 months to start coming out with these “crazy tin foil theories”… If they/we are so dumb, why didn’t people start the crazy theories from launch? The maw timer was changed and ANet admitted to it… why is CoF timer being changed such a crazy idea?
Believe me or not, I run CoF a lot… minimum 10 runs a day and I definitely see a difference… the same guesting system was there before patch and you could always get it somewhere… these days it’s contested all day long…
Go do the events then. Can’t rely on the normal players to enable your farming forever. Those unlock events are out of the way for most players and they will stop doing them at one point or another.
Consider yourself lucky you could ride on the back of other groups until now.
Why do you assume that I don’t do unlock events? I escort and do bridge all the time…
I should be investing in a few tin mine stocks, seems like conspiracies are on the rise.
It doesn’t seem strange to you that all of a sudden people are noticing these things? If you dismiss conspiracy theorists and think they’re crazy, why did it take them 7 months to start coming out with these “crazy tin foil theories”… If they/we are so dumb, why didn’t people start the crazy theories from launch? The maw timer was changed and ANet admitted to it… why is CoF timer being changed such a crazy idea?
Because didn’t “admit” it. That pretty much covers it. I’m not someone who jumps on the next bandwagon every time a new conspiracy pops up.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
Marnick… Except that they did, right here on this board… I’m currently at work on my phone so I can’t look through the board to find it, but I’ll definitely find the post for you when I get back home in which a mod says that they changed the maw timer to be in line with other world bosses…
Marnick… Except that they did, right here on this board… I’m currently at work on my phone so I can’t look through the board to find it, but I’ll definitely find the post for you when I get back home in which a mod says that they changed the maw timer to be in line with other world bosses…
i think he meant since they did not ‘admit’ to changing the CoF timer, it is very clear the maw was changed. if they changed CoF they would have indicated it, just like they did for the maw. to sugest otherwise, implies a ‘tin foil’ theory. just do the events to open it and it is not a problem. maybe less people are farming CoF this week cause they are in the SAB? just maybe.
however, it is only a matter of time before they do a real nerf to CoF path 1 farming. when they do, they will announce it.
Very good point medazolam… I didn’t even think of that… I guess farmers switched to sab for the time being… I guess that could explain it…
Or people could help defend it. A lot of times when i went to defend the bridge i had one guy with me. The rest were just standing there in front of the entrance doing absolutely nothing.
If you ask me, this is more of a case of “why should i bother when someone else will do it for me, i will just wait for them to finish and i can go back in”. Apparently 6 minutes of defending isn’t worth it when you can spend another 20 trying to find a uncontested server. Logic and priorities.
Very good point medazolam… I didn’t even think of that… I guess farmers switched to sab for the time being… I guess that could explain it…
Aye, i was thinking the same as i read through the thread. The most simple answer to the question of why it’s contested more would be less people are running CoF runs.
A timer change is not outside the realms of possibility, but I think it’s far less probable.
CoF is the only dungeon I run that gets contested… AC and HotW both stay open… which brings me to my point… I wonder why more people don’t run HotW… path 1 is super easy… only thing I guess is that they don’t have zerk gear as reward… but the skins are nice, gold reward is there and it’s always open…
It is simple. The nice people who usually run the event and keep the dungeon open for you, well they are enjoying the new content, SAB. If you don’t have people there to keep it open then it stays contested. It is not just CoF, a bunch of events have had a fall off of players since SAB opened. It will return to normal in about a week once most players have the skin they are looking for.
It is simple. The nice people who usually run the event and keep the dungeon open for you, well they are enjoying the new content, SAB. If you don’t have people there to keep it open then it stays contested. It is not just CoF, a bunch of events have had a fall off of players since SAB opened. It will return to normal in about a week once most players have the skin they are looking for.
The massive crowds around the Super Adventure Box in Rata Sum attest to that!
(I did my daily for the first time yesterday since the Box came out, haven’t done much in the world at all – like nothing)