Coalescence of Ruin

Coalescence of Ruin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daendur.2357


Patch Notes

Coalescence of Ruin: The recharge of this skill has been increased from 2 seconds to 4 seconds. Enemies are now able to be struck by this ability only once every 0.5 seconds.

This is the dumbest thing ever seen in the whole mmorpg universe.

This is the only skill that if done by 2+ players will hit just once.

Do you even think before doing things like this one ?

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Coalescence of Ruin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderous Clown.9723

Murderous Clown.9723

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by Anet being incompetent at writing tooltips and patchnotes. What I think they mean is “Enemies are now able to be struck by each use of this ability only once every 0.5 seconds.”

Has anyone tested which description is the case?

Edit: It turns out the wording is in this case correct, see here. I agree this is a rather weird way to fix it. I guess I’ve already given a suggestion for what it should have been.

Jimibabob – Valkyries of Dwayna [VoD]
Piken Square

(edited by Murderous Clown.9723)

Coalescence of Ruin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sourde Noire.5286

Sourde Noire.5286

Considering this thread it does mean what it says – an enemy can only be hit by this ability every 0.5 seconds, regardless of the source.

I can only hope this is an oversight (like the one that gave Guardian’s ludicrous damage with the symbols). If it isn’t then it’s clearly a cheap fix for WvW that really kittens up PvE yet again.

/edit: I’d assume Berserker Longbow works the same now, since they both got the same treatment.

Coalescence of Ruin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Arenanet fixes.

0.5 steps forward, 3 steps back.

Coalescence of Ruin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nausicca.6038


That’s such a kittening good news. Byebye brainless no skill high reward hammer 2 spam in wvw.


Coalescence of Ruin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daendur.2357


That’s such a kittening good news. Byebye brainless no skill high reward hammer 2 spam in wvw.

you will die anyway

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Coalescence of Ruin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Altair.8402


So if multiple revenants hit a mob with the skill within 0.5 seconds of each other, it will only take damage from the first one?

How on earth is that considered a “fix”?

Coalescence of Ruin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dyvor Kurozu.4893

Dyvor Kurozu.4893

First of all this should probably go to the Revenant-section in the forums, second this is Anet we’re speaking of who butchered ele’s DS into nonexistence as well so it’s not a surprise they will just nerf skills without any proper thought..

Coalescence of Ruin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deaths Sensei.5317

Deaths Sensei.5317

pretty certain this is only meant to fix the CoR doubl-hitting people standing on the max range of it hitting. Multiple sources of people will still hit the person, just can’t double-hit yourself.

Coalescence of Ruin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


pretty certain this is only meant to fix the CoR doubl-hitting people standing on the max range of it hitting. Multiple sources of people will still hit the person, just can’t double-hit yourself.

Well the test linked futher up in the thread suggests otherwise.

As of right now, no 2 or more revenants can hit a target with CoE within 0.5 seconds of each other.

I’ll actually link directly to the youtube video with the proof since it was linked in the reddit thread and just mentioned in the thread mentioned further up:

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Coalescence of Ruin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


pretty certain this is only meant to fix the CoR doubl-hitting people standing on the max range of it hitting. Multiple sources of people will still hit the person, just can’t double-hit yourself.

Well the test linked futher up in the thread suggests otherwise.

As of right now, no 2 or more revenants can hit a target with CoE within 0.5 seconds of each other.

That’s dumb. Does than mean they’ll do the same with other attacks? I’m sure doing that with Ele’s lava font would be “just awesome”. Why not just fix whatever it was that needed a change rather than practically remove its usefulness in large groups of players?

Coalescence of Ruin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nausicca.6038


That’s such a kittening good news. Byebye brainless no skill high reward hammer 2 spam in wvw.

you will die anyway

A little slower though


Coalescence of Ruin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fellyn.5083


So if multiple revenants hit a mob with the skill within 0.5 seconds of each other, it will only take damage from the first one?

How on earth is that considered a “fix”?

Going on past changes Anet has made to the game they consider things fixed when they aren’t usable.

If no one is using it then it can’t be a problem.