Combat Mode: TSW going this road next update, what about gw2?

Combat Mode: TSW going this road next update, what about gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrNobody.4357


There have been debates already about a combat mode, aka locked mouse look+crosshair, but so far there has been only a custom mod using a popular keybinding application script, nothing dangerous but still 3rd party.

Will ever gw2 support it natively?

Combat Mode: TSW going this road next update, what about gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: delmarqo.5038


TSW was fun. A shame about the business side of things for them.

Reticle combat could be interesting here; however, I personally probably wouldn’t use it any more than I would in TSW.

In both TSW and GW2, your ability to hit a target isn’t really based on the same type of “leading the target” shooting from an FPS game (or a quasi-FPS action shooter like Planetside 1/2). It feels like it sometimes, but to me it’s more in the ability to quickly evade a shot at the last minute than in predicting where your opponent will evade to and hitting them there instead of where they were.

Then there’s the positioning. I play pretty zoomed out to max because I’m constantly moving and changing direction.

So for me it wouldn’t work. But I’m really curious what others think.

Combat Mode: TSW going this road next update, what about gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


I dunno, I really enjoyed the combat in TERA which did that but I also really like GW2’s combat and I’m not sure how it would turn out in GW2. So I’m on the fence. I might say keep GW2’s combat as is unless they create some demo that just blows me away with awesomeness.

Combat Mode: TSW going this road next update, what about gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlexanderFaust.4518


I dunno, I really enjoyed the combat in TERA which did that but I also really like GW2’s combat and I’m not sure how it would turn out in GW2. So I’m on the fence. I might say keep GW2’s combat as is unless they create some demo that just blows me away with awesomeness.

I’m guessing you haven’t seen the mod then?

Can check it out here::

Combat Mode: TSW going this road next update, what about gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: delmarqo.5038


Huh, that’s pretty cool. I don’t remember that from TERA though. Maybe it was a toggle? I didn’t play that one for very long.

Combat Mode: TSW going this road next update, what about gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


I’ve read about the mod but I haven’t tried it since I’d like to keep my account lol.

As for TERA, yes the game was a free targeting system. You didn’t even have the option of using Tab Targeting (my Tab key was my self heal lol). The game was an action combat game where there was no tab target, the mouse controlled the camera movement, instead of a mouse pointer you had a targeting reticule (and as a result you had to keybind since clicking was literally impossible). They did the action combat thing quite well I think.

But I don’t see anything wrong with GW2 so unless ANet came up with a playable demo I’m going to say I’m hesitant to see that in GW2, even though I loved it in TERA.

Edit: Creating a mod that just changes a few things is entirely different from building the game’s combat around it. They’d need to get rid of the tab targeting mechanic entirely and as a result they’d need to adjust many skills in the game to function in a free-targeting environment, as well as camera controls, player movement controls, mouse buttons 1 and 2 would need to be able to used for keybinds as well as other things like Tab. It’d need an overhaul of the game’s current combat system. So it could work, but it’d mean a lot of changes and right now we don’t know how that would look. If they do it well it could be fun, but GW2’s current system is still a tab target/action game hybrid.

(edited by Leiloni.7951)

Combat Mode: TSW going this road next update, what about gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cortechs.3265


The only part I would be interested in is having a crosshair to use with quick ground-targeting.

Combat Mode: TSW going this road next update, what about gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.2890


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