Combat mode Configuration Sugestion

Combat mode Configuration Sugestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Lag.9742

The Lag.9742

This is probably a controversial issue, … may be, but it cannot be addressed enough

As many of you already know, there is this Combat Mode Mod that allows your to turn the camera with your mouse (mouselook, sort of fps type of camera movement) without keeping pressed the right button of the mouse, also, allow you to personalize what you want to do withe the right and left click and you have no idea how comfortable this is for a numerous amount players of this game.

Many can disagree that the default system is perfect and shouldn’t be changed, and that’s fine, we don’t want to eliminate the … let’s call it, classic system, we only want the option that better suits or necessities or tastes, for me the classic system is really painful (seriously, i got cramps in my wrist) and i wish there was an option that allow us to play this way, again, without messing with the default configuration that many other players are already used,

Please a-net, add this option, if a single guy could do it, you can

here a little example of how it would look

Thanks for your time
Sorry for any grammar and orthographic mistake, my English is quite rusty

I am, THE LAG!
also check my gallery

(edited by The Lag.9742)