Come on, guys..

Come on, guys..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gecko.1962


This is probably my first time using the forums since the Beta Weekends, and I’m absolutely appalled at what I’m seeing.

Everyone is complaining about how Heart of Thorns is making Guildwars 2 “Pay to Win”, and how they wish they could buy the expansion with in-game gold, and all this stuff..

I’m shocked by this, and personally outraged. The ArenaNet Team did an amazing job on this expansion. Not only can you continue to play and enjoy the content for FREE, you have the option of purchasing the new expansion and enjoying the new content as well.

I feel like the community has been spoiled by what we’ve been given. It’s not like they released an expansion, and you’re automatically shoe-horned into either buying it, or being left behind. If you want the new content, buy the new expansion.

Everyone’s Favorite Furry! – Serrow
“They can’t condi me if they’re dead.”

(edited by Gecko.1962)

Come on, guys..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amenaza.8346


Its especially laughable coming from ppl with thousands of play hours…even if you shelled out 50$ for NOTHING you would still have struck a pretty good deal time/cost wise.

I do not speak in the name of my guild

Come on, guys..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leaa.2943


Uuum i don’t know how far back you been reading but i don’t see anything of what you described. If you read back a few months then yes there was those topics, but why bring it up months later?

Come on, guys..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorDing.5890


There have not really been many pay-to-win arguments at all. There has been plenty of, um, “discussion” about the difficulty level, the pricing and the general shift in game direction. But I fear the two sides of that discussion are irreconcilable.

Come on, guys..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gecko.1962


Its especially laughable coming from ppl with thousands of play hours…even if you shelled out 50$ for NOTHING you would still have struck a pretty good deal time/cost wise.

Agreed – I have quite a few thousand play hours myself, and I’m planning to log a few thousand more. There is always something to do.

Everyone’s Favorite Furry! – Serrow
“They can’t condi me if they’re dead.”

Come on, guys..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blude.6812


This is probably my first time using the forums since the Beta Weekends, and I’m absolutely appalled at what I’m seeing.

Everyone is complaining about how Heart of Thorns is making Guildwars 2 “Pay to Win”, and how they wish they could buy the expansion with in-game gold, and all this stuff..

I’m shocked by this, and personally outraged. The ArenaNet Team did an amazing job on this expansion. Not only can you continue to play and enjoy the content for FREE, you have the option of purchasing the new expansion and enjoying the new content as well.

I feel like the community has been spoiled by what we’ve been given. It’s not like they released an expansion, and you’re automatically shoe-horned into either buying it, or being left behind. If you want the new content, buy the new expansion.

I am sincerely glad you like and enjoy it!!!!! But you have to understand that everyone who owns the game is entitled to there opinion and have every right to speak about it. Not only are many discussing it but they have brought up many legitimate concerns. Yes there are some that may be ranting, but as you have just demonstrated, the rants are coming from people on both sides!

BTW nerfing and changing many aspects of the core game is something you seem to ignore.

Come on, guys..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bigsexy.8302


Good luck in competitive WvW/sPvP without elite spec.

Come on, guys..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snow.2048


What if I want the old content that got removed and put in the “amazing job” of an xpac to fatten it up?
Oh right, repurchase it.

How about the features they reset in the past in order to add things they put into the xpac, and features that didn’t get added despite being supposedly in the works during the living story gem store model, that probably kept part of their paying audience supporting finally getting added with the xpac price tag.
Just keep playing and supporting us through the gem store while we get this stuff out there guys! Here it is guys, thanks for waiting and being patient. That’ll be 50$!

And how about the part which made me laugh ridiculously hard, the fact that the gem store has been spitting out new things at a rate that suggests they have been made during the making of the xpac (including first day 2k package ahahaha). Thanks for buying the xpac guys! Here are a TON of gemstore items for you to purchase as a thanks for your support, which we probably took resources away from the xpac to make!

And before someone takes apart my three points and answers them individually, they arn’t meant to be taken that way. Point 2 and 3, while ridiculous imo, are individually acceptable in the right light, but put all three together and you have a very clear message that the xpac was just a way of collecting money while continuing the living story model of releases being accompanied by heavy gem store focus.
Heavy gem store focus was good when we were getting living story, but we’re now paying for the living story and feature pack++ and its getting equal gem store craze to go with it…

I lost my train of thought… errm… oh yeah.
Stop telling people off just because you are happy with the design direction of reselling recycled stuff torn from the previous purchase

(edited by Snow.2048)

Come on, guys..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Its especially laughable coming from ppl with thousands of play hours…even if you shelled out 50$ for NOTHING you would still have struck a pretty good deal time/cost wise.

I shelled out hundreds of dollars for my playstation, if they locked up the basic features to it until I purchased the latest software update, I would be furious.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

Come on, guys..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amenaza.8346


Its especially laughable coming from ppl with thousands of play hours…even if you shelled out 50$ for NOTHING you would still have struck a pretty good deal time/cost wise.

I shelled out hundreds of dollars for my playstation, if they locked up the basic features to it until I purchased the latest software update, I would be furious.

If you buy a console, the basic features are already all disabled, but thats not the point. If you play on your PS offline it does not generate any cost or use any services that would have to be provided. In case you play online, there are additional cost involved (aka maintaining the PSN) which you already pay montly/yearly with your PSN membership.
GW2 also has continous costs such as general dev time, content updates (the actual game content that was added since launch is more than other games provide in a new expansion), maintaining the servers which are not covered by a monthly fee. All this was included in your first purchase.
Besides, you can still access most of the core game, it just became less rewarding.

It’s hard for me to defend Anet on that matter, since I really hate what they did to WvW (or did not) over the years in general and HoT specifically, but when it comes to pricing, I don’t see anything that is ‘unfair’, quite the opposite.

I do not speak in the name of my guild

Come on, guys..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

I’m shocked by this, and personally outraged. The ArenaNet Team did an amazing job on this expansion.

This is, of course, a matter of opinion. There’s quite a few players who think they did an amazing job with PARTS of the expansion but not necessarily every last thing.

And there’s nothing wrong with these people using the forums to mention things they didn’t think were amazing. Like some of the issues with precursor crafting, scribing, WvW, Fractals, etc.

So many people come to the forums and righteously and stridently post their positive opinions while ridiculing anyone that has concerns. Why is it fair for them to post “everything is amazing and wonderful” posts but it’s wrong for people to talk about concerns with the expansion’s content? They don’t seem to get the inequity of this, but I don’t know why it’s such a difficult concept.
