Coming back... completely lost

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Hello all,

I played GW2 at launch, I have a capped Engineer but with all the publicity and forthcoming expansion I thought I’d delve back in… and am confronted by what feels like screens full of shiny dialogs and flashy things and ohlookitsalldifferent.

It’s actually kinda overwhelming!

Pointers as to where I should start to find my feet? I’m (probably) in semi decent 2 year old gear and have a vague recollection of how to play my class


Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


Most important .. you have to learn the new trait system and find a new build.
Engi is great with burning actually btw ^^

The good thing is at level 80 you now can skill ALL traits and all skills without
problems .. so get them all .. and then read the descriptions and test maybe
a little at the golems in the mists .. or just try to kill some mobs ^^

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rob.1705


I was in the same boat, capped a warrior and had other toons in their 20’s – 40’s when I stopped playing a while ago. When I first came back, I was totally lost and frustrated to the point of like “ugh, I’m not even going to try.”

I had dinner with a RL buddy and was telling him about my frustration and he had showed me his mesmer. He went step by step thru the traits. It looks confusing at first, but if you read thru each one, it really comes together pretty fast.

Not that I’m a master of my builds or anything, but definitely have a little better grasp on the new system… and as Beldin says, hit the mists… It allows you to try out builds on the fly to see what works and what doesn’t.

The GW2 bug bit me again, and I started my own Mesmer and have been having a blast again!

If you do want to check in to see what other people are running, you can visit: for all sorts of builds and good info

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sparks The Rescue.5043

Sparks The Rescue.5043

The good thing is that gear stats and the meta have not changed much in 2 years. Berserker (Power/Prec/Ferocity) is still BiS and easiest to gear into. Exotics are dirt cheap now a days on the trading post, and CoF 1+2 parties take maybe 20-25 minutes for 120 tokens to buy exotics from the dungeon vendor. MetaBattle has a nice Power Grenadier build on it for dungeons if that is something you want to pursue. It breaks the build down into traits, gear, runes, sigils, and gives info on the rotations and how to play it efficiently.

As far it goes once you have full exotics, you can either start collecting materials and daily mats for ascended if that is something you want to pursue for the slight statistical advantage as well as agony for fractals, or you can start to pursue wardrobe skins to outfit your engineer. If you find yourself needing gold, the Silverwastes has map-wide farms to participate in and also dungeons reward you with 1g-1.5g per path daily.

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nacario.9417


I would also start finishing the personal story if you havent, and then finish living season 2 so that u have vanilla gw story done up to the expansion.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kolompi.1287


Welcome back!

I’d start by sorting out my build. The trait system has changed so if it is very complicated at first, try for a few pointers.

Your gear should still be viable since for most content 2 years old gear will be fine. Open world events are a good way of getting used to playing your engineer again. I would recommend the Silverwastes mobs though, they require a bit more attention.

Beyond that, dungeons, wvw, pvp. And most importantly, after you have tried all those, do whatever feels like fun.

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


Or .. just start a new character.

But its still much easier here than in other MMOs. I recently startet my EQ2 client
since long years .. and just looking on my 7 hotbars with 12 slots each alone already
makes me wan’t to logout. And then the next minutes there were masses of
message of new skill i got that i never heared of …

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

Same boat, quit around the introduction of Laurels, just came back about a week ago.

Pretty much everything is a daily now. Not just the actual achievements but also world bosses, fractals, events, etc. Basically just about everything you do gives a lot of gold/tokens your first time through, and less in subsequent runs. Each CoF path for example gives about 1 gold and 60 tokens first time, and 20 tokens and 26 silver. In the past it was same for tokens but I believe the gold amount changing is new. Killing Tequatl gives like 4 bonus chests the first time each day.

Silverwastes are the new way to farm gold. It’s an area with a long meta event that will typically give you a ton of rares, some tier 6 crafting mats, and a lot of gold. Also you can get cores, I typically get at least 1 charged core.

Anet make Rev great again.

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrooksP.4318


I would just make another character(you have 5 slots anyways) and go through the paces. As you go things will start coming back and you can speed up or start going back to your capped character. Starting at level cap might be a bit overwhelming with very little context on what to do.

E: But don’t delete your original character. If you do you will have to wait for Birthday gifts since they are character based.

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Majic.4801


Welcome back!

Take it slow and have fun.

“Not the same, real and true. True you feel inside.
Always follow what is true.” — Sentry-skritt Bordekka

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Welcome back! Yea, your gear is probably fine. Nothing has really changed there. They did release “ascended gear” but it’s a very minimal stat boost and totally not needed.

For your stats, now you just pick 3 specializations (basically the lines like before) and then just pick from the 3 options at each level.

As for what to do, I’d suggest personal story or open world stuff while you get a feel for how things work again. When you feel ready for group content, you can check out places like for build suggestions.

Good luck!

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Thanks all… quick question. I seem to have all things trained (everything in “training”) and still have 110 hero points… do these get used anywhere else?

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


They will be needed for the elite specialization once HoT launches. Current datamining suggests you’ll want, oh, around 90 more points for that on top of your 110. You get them by doing what used to be skill challenges with blue chevrons on the map. They are the same challenges but now are called hero challenges and have almost invisible brown icons.

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


I can’t believe after 2 years or so my gear is still as good as 99.9% of stuff on the AH.

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


They will be needed for the elite specialization once HoT launches. Current datamining suggests you’ll want, oh, around 90 more points for that on top of your 110. You get them by doing what used to be skill challenges with blue chevrons on the map. They are the same challenges but now are called hero challenges and have almost invisible brown icons.

Ah Awesome, thanks. My main “aim” previously was to do… everything. As I’m at 69% map completion, I’m guess I can easily pick up 90 or more with the 30% left

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chemiclord.3978


Ah Awesome, thanks. My main “aim” previously was to do… everything. As I’m at 69% map completion, I’m guess I can easily pick up 90 or more with the 30% left

I do believe that was the stated intent… that characters with 100% completion would have enough points to unlock everything (in terms of the elite specialization) initially available once HoT goes live.

(edited by chemiclord.3978)

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChasingDreams.3250


Trait system, silver wastes, Lions arch, Drytop.

Main changes I’ve noticed since starting again, I’m in the same boat as you ^^

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Yeah, spent the evening looking at things… once I’d figured out the trait system and spent points, I actually had the exact same build as I always had, so playing wise, same ol’ same ol’. Never got to Lion’s arch, nor did any story missions. Am currently in Silverwastes but not really understanding what to actually do.

Not heard of drytop haha!