(edited by Eddie Mo.7169)
Coming from other mmo's (suggestions)
Actually I didn’t really care if it’s 33% as opposed to 50%, I just threw a number out there so it’d make sense as a horse should travel faster than human on foot. Any percentage is fine really, even if it was 0%, they just have to make it make sense, meaning instead of a running horse, it’d be a walking/hopping/jogging horse. Same thing as that magic carpet, 0% speed boost.
Anyway, when did they try out mounts?!
Invisible thieves can trait for a 50% speed buff, which is excessive.
Actually, thinking back WoW charged £28 for some horses that were no better than the base. I and others had a good laugh at that. I played LotRO which had horses, didn’t improve the game any. Aeon had the same, again no real improvement except for profit for the company and ability for people to stand around showing off. Those that had them thought they were swanky, those that didn’t thought those that did had more money than sense.
In the end it’s a distraction from the game.
Well considering that the game is not P2W, it would sort of make sense that the things in the item mall doesn’t affect game play much.
We buy stuff in the gem store mostly for aesthetic reasons, maybe sometimes to make game play a tad bit more convenient. But mostly just to look cool. We have costumes, and hats, and scarves and cool wings and what not. We have a magic carpet, so why not a horse?