Commander Tags

Commander Tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Firelysm.4967


I would like to split commander tags into two professions with special tasks:

PvP commanders:
- WvW + EOTM
+ Can Be used only in WvW and EOTM
~ Purchase price: 10g + 10.000 badges + rank 600 (just and idea)

PvE commanders:
- Open world Tyria
+ Can Be used outside of WvW and EOTM
~ Purchase price: 300g

I’m PvP person, and I love both WvW and EOTM, but clueless, uneducated, inexperienced, reckless and one of most common things of them all frightened PvE commanders, give me no desire to join EOTM. We call this people that follow PvE commander, walking loot bags. They lead people to death than tag down. They don’t even troll, lack of map experience is huge. We have 1 normal commander per day in EOTM.

Being commander in PvP is something that you can not buy with gold, and it shouldn’t be that way at first place. There is plenty of people that deserve Commander Tag, but can’t get it because they don’t do PvE.
NOTE: I know some people will argue that EOTM is PVE, but let’s keep this simple, and say that EOTM requires way more knowledge to lead a group than setting up for random PVE Boss.
EDIT: Keeping price 300g and upgrade it for PvP with 10.000 badges +600 rank would be nice.

Wish I could get back to GW1.. PvP-GvG. It feels like we are outcasted, not desired or rewarded..

(edited by Firelysm.4967)

Commander Tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


I think splitting the tags between wvw and pve is a good idea. But don’t change the gold price; keep it at 300g, plus however many thousands of badges and whatever rank.

That being said, I don’t see it happening since there are already so many tags in the game bought using just one system. I can’t imagine any way of changing the tags would go well.

Commander Tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Firelysm.4967


I think splitting the tags between wvw and pve is a good idea. But don’t change the gold price; keep it at 300g, plus however many thousands of badges and whatever rank.

That being said, I don’t see it happening since there are already so many tags in the game bought using just one system. I can’t imagine any way of changing the tags would go well.

Personally 300g for me, that i don’t attend any PvE(dungeons, fract, world bosses, etc etc) is kind of rocket heigh I could do it, in pve, but doing it in PvP to hit 300g is kind of huge deal if you don’t step to PvE for like 6 months

Wish I could get back to GW1.. PvP-GvG. It feels like we are outcasted, not desired or rewarded..

Commander Tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaz.5430


I’m pretty sure you find that most dedicated non-EoTM WvW players would not consider an EoTM commander to be in the same league as a Borderlands/Stonemist commander.

Personally I think it would make more sense to keep the current system as it is, and extend on it. They could create a few different option tag shapes, and make each shape earned in a different way. One earned through defeating large world bosses, another through EoTM, another in main WvW etc.

That way the normal dorito would indicate a new commander, and the other shapes would indicate expertise in a particular field.

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Commander Tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dasenthal.6520


No…. For a few reasons actually
1) 300g isn’t hard to get if you’re willing to play the market or expand your comfort zone. Believe it or not the best commanders actually do have PvE experience.
2)Making the tag require ranks/badges is worthless. You said it yourself EotM and PvE commanders are walking lootbags. Guess where most people go if they want to get wvw ranks though? It’s EotM. (Side note: I have been playing wvw as my main game mode in gw2 since launch. Yet I can guarantee most people are well above me rank wise though because I don’t K-train, and I don’t EotM)
3) Most people might only use their tag for one or the other, but plenty of people use it for both (myself included). If you make those people pick they’ll be very unhappy, and if you give both tags to them you don’t really solve the problem either. So…

“A conquered people will always resist you,
Edair. But allies-allies will fight by your side”~Cobiah Mariner

Commander Tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Firelysm.4967


No…. For a few reasons actually
1) 300g isn’t hard to get if you’re willing to play the market or expand your comfort zone. Believe it or not the best commanders actually do have PvE experience.
2)Making the tag require ranks/badges is worthless. You said it yourself EotM and PvE commanders are walking lootbags. Guess where most people go if they want to get wvw ranks though? It’s EotM. (Side note: I have been playing wvw as my main game mode in gw2 since launch. Yet I can guarantee most people are well above me rank wise though because I don’t K-train, and I don’t EotM)
3) Most people might only use their tag for one or the other, but plenty of people use it for both (myself included). If you make those people pick they’ll be very unhappy, and if you give both tags to them you don’t really solve the problem either. So…

Well the thing about rank is still people learn the game, there is to many people that feel special to tag up just because they can flip market.

3) point, no way.. People don’t deserve WvW/EOTM tags, and they can be experienced as much as they want, it’s the map that you should understand not the PVE, and for the record, i believe splitting PvE and PvP would make more people happy than angry because the number and damage that PvE players do in PvP, is astronomic.

There are in average 15-20 commanders during day, they tag up and tag down next fight or in next 15 min…

I would let people keep the tag, but they would be unable to tag up in PvP if they are not rank 600+

Wish I could get back to GW1.. PvP-GvG. It feels like we are outcasted, not desired or rewarded..

Commander Tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azrael.4960


Let’s ask the obligatory “who are you to dictate how players play?” question.

Personally though, I rarely use my tags except in events or what have you where I know what I’m doing, like Tequatl. Or when I was roaming dry top. Although I play wvw every now and then, that realm is so far out of my expertise I don’t even bother. EOTM is another place I rarely go. It’s worse now that I’ve moved out of Europe but my account still lives on a European world so my latency is so high I wouldn’t be able to play wvw or eotm effectively let alone command it.

However, one thing I do use the dorito for is marking things on the map. Like when the sandstrom in Dry Top kicked in and the chests started appearing, I’d pop my tag to mark it for people. Or if I drop food or banners in a random spot.

Kaz is right that WvW commanders totally look down on EOTM commanders. Pit any competent wvw commander and their zerg against an equivalently sized and kitted eotm zerg and the outcome is obvious.

What would have worked at the outset of GW2 was the splitting of pvp and pve characters like the system in GW1. One couldn’t cross into the other but items unlocked in PVE could be used in PVP. Of course, that would have meant map exploration for WVW would have to have been removed, but I doubt that would have made too many people cry. This would have meant seeing a commander in WvW would have meant that player earned their stripes there. WvW characters would have started at 80 but to unlock your first WvW character would have required an initial progression in PVE.

But that’s all water under the bridge.

Commander Tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dasenthal.6520


No…. For a few reasons actually
1) 300g isn’t hard to get if you’re willing to play the market or expand your comfort zone. Believe it or not the best commanders actually do have PvE experience.
2)Making the tag require ranks/badges is worthless. You said it yourself EotM and PvE commanders are walking lootbags. Guess where most people go if they want to get wvw ranks though? It’s EotM. (Side note: I have been playing wvw as my main game mode in gw2 since launch. Yet I can guarantee most people are well above me rank wise though because I don’t K-train, and I don’t EotM)
3) Most people might only use their tag for one or the other, but plenty of people use it for both (myself included). If you make those people pick they’ll be very unhappy, and if you give both tags to them you don’t really solve the problem either. So…

3) point, no way.. People don’t deserve WvW/EOTM tags, and they can be experienced as much as they want, it’s the map that you should understand not the PVE, and for the record, i believe splitting PvE and PvP would make more people happy than angry because the number and damage that PvE players do in PvP, is astronomic.

There are in average 15-20 commanders during day, they tag up and tag down next fight or in next 15 min…

I would let people keep the tag, but they would be unable to tag up in PvP if they are not rank 600+

Go ask in your EB whatever server you’re on: "Does wvw rank determine A. Skill in wvw, B. Knowledge of wvw maps, C. Does it make you automatically a wvw (or non-pve player).

The answer you’ll find is no: because all 3 points are mute on the same thing: EotM. I guarantee that guy who leveled 64 80’s in Eotm is a Pve player. In the same breath I’ll tell you he is above rank 600. Not a single one of the things I mentioned (out of assumption of what you mean by ‘deserve’) is met by that guy.

Take a different example: Me. I commanded at launch extensively for a few months and I know the maps better than most people (rank not really mattering). However I changed servers, quit multiple times, got a life. Now I solo roam and largely avoid popping my tag (why would I on a regular basis, PPT doesn’t matter with current matchups) and you’re going to tell me I don’t deserve to pop my tag when I decide my server actually can use a tag? (If you didn’t pick up on it (I am<600))
Tacking this with that thought : Every single person who paid $ for their tag at launch did it for wvw. Most of those people have quit by now because Anet failed to fulfill what they wanted, let’s say they come back the day after this suggestion gets put in. You kittened off a bunch of $ paying customers. (In case you didn’t know, wvw rank was not with us at launch)

“A conquered people will always resist you,
Edair. But allies-allies will fight by your side”~Cobiah Mariner

Commander Tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.8456


I like the idea of a rank requirement but I think 600 is a bit excessive. This is because commander tags are currently adapted to represent roles such as scouts & guild raids. With a 600 rank requirement I think you would be pushing a lot of people out of scout roles and making it more difficult for guilds. Maybe something more simple like rank 200, just to demonstrate a basic understanding of WvW at least. Also these sorts of things are virtually impossible to implement retrospectively

Desolation EU
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast

Commander Tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mental Paradox.3845

Mental Paradox.3845

Why do people look down on others? Aren’t we all gamers trying to have fun?