Commander tags
Nothing, it’s just a QoL feature to avoid confusion when there are multiple squads on the same map
What are the commander tag colors representing?
Did you really need to make another thread for that? I already answered your question the first time around.
I tried to delete the other one the first time
It depends on which server you are for WvW. Mostly:
- Blue is open squad (mostly for pugs).
- Purple for closed guild raid.
- Green for scouts.
- Yellow for Ranged squad (nor Red).
It depends on your raid squad.
- Raid leader will let you know what color for what.
It depends (realy realy rare) on PvE. For example, Triple Trouble: Jungle Wurm has 3 heads. So, 1 color for each head squad. Generaly;
- Purple for Amber
- Blue for Cobalt
- Red for Crimson