Common Features that GW2 is missing

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mithion.1830


So I have been playing since the first betas and am still playing quite frequently each week. Something is bothering me though. A whole slew of common sense features are missing the game. I feel these items could be added relatively easily by the programming staff and would quickly get some game features up to snuff. I didn’t add this to the Suggestions area because to be honest, I am not suggesting these features. I am telling you that they are just outright missing.

  • Add the ability to filter out items by adding a check box “Usable by me” in the search on the BLTP. It would do just that, filter out armor I can’t use. Or weapons I can’t use.
  • The trading post is still a little clunky. For example, when I post multiple items up for sale. At a certain point errors get generated and I can’t post any more items up for sale. It is almost as if an anti-spam script kicks in and prevents me from posting more items up. This problem has lingered for quite some time now. Fix it.
  • Add the ability to preview items in the BLTP.
  • Add the ability to chat-link items in the BLTP. (Shift + Left Click)
  • Add the ability to /follow another player in your party.
  • Add the ability to see a player’s active title under their name. I shouldn’t have to click on the player and review the status bar at the top to see their title. It is odd and doesn’t provide value to earning titles in its current state.
  • Signet of the Hunt currently states “Grants 25% increased movement speed to you and your pet”. However, the boon displays “10% Increased movement speed”. Fix it.
  • Hints | Items & Equipment | Broken Equipment – To this day I can’t get this hint completed. I’ve had and fixed broken gear already. This hint is broken? Fix it.
  • Hints | Social | Mailbox Is Full – Again, I have had a full mailbox and corrected the issue. Yet this hint won’t complete. Broken? Fix it.
  • BIG BIG BIG one for me here. Why the heck am I going to to find dungeon / event parties? You seriously need to add a dungeon finder tool. I shouldn’t have to use an external website tool to fill a gap in your game’s functionality.

This isn’t meant to be a gripe post. But you seriously need to address these items sooner than later. Thanks.

“The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.”

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vince X.3840

Vince X.3840

Also, actual trading so we don’t have to use the trading post all the time.

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torqueblue.1945


Also, actual trading so we don’t have to use the trading post all the time.

I won’t but when others see this your gonna get burned. Loads of players here say it’s a bad idea due to Scamming and Spamming.

Scotch and Pills, what could possibly go wrong? – Max Payne

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rieselle.5079


You can right-click a person’s name to invite them into a party, but it fails if they are already in a party. This should be fixed.

At the moment you can type the name of a person who is in a party (into the top-left party UI), and then click “Join” to request membership into the party. Afaik, there is no convenient way to do this other than typing the person’s name.

The “join” functionality should be integrated into the right-click menu. Basically:
- Right click someone’s name.
- If they are not in a party, the option says “Invite to party.”
- If they are in a party (or if you are both in a party), the option says, “Join their party.”
(If you are both in a party, joining their party means you will leave your current party.)

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kiriwar.7382


I still say trading would be a better idea than using mail…. I’ve lost tons of stuff trying to send to friends, mails that just ‘disappeared’ and never came back even though there is 0/10 mail in mailbox…. unreliable imo.

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Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: simplesimon.2084


Mouse look mode with a taget in the middle for any target effects.

Ingame voice chat.

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sollith.3502


Mouse look mode with a target in the middle for any target effects.

An official Combat Mode option would be very nice

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryltair.2857


- An Elite Skill to summon nude drunk Norn women

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mithion.1830


My question is what is taking so long in getting some of these items implemented? I know some of these (not all) can easily be done. Some might be a little harder, such as the P2P trading. But come on… the game has been out how long now?

“The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.”

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hawkmoon.5849


Player to player trading will never be introduced. The TP exists as an anti-scam measure, and as a gold sink to “help stabilize the economy” (insert any number of “good joke” lines here.).

@OP: Preview in TP would be great, and should have been implemented at launch. And yes, having to go to a 3rd party website (for that matter, having to go out of game period) to find a group is beyond stupid. a LFG tool should have been introduced at the latest when FotM came out. Serious oversight there.

The rest of the ideas/suggestions/fixes are probably pretty low on ANet’s totem pole, assuming they even plan to fix or add them… but these two you mentioned are pretty common complaints. We’ll see how long it takes for them to follow through on the claim they actually listen to the players, and get this stuff in-game.

My bet is Jan. 2014… and no, that’s not a typo. 2014.

Hope is the carrot dangled before the draft horse that plods along in the vain attempt to reach it

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluejay.6739


I agree with most of these posts (maybe not the Nude Norn Woman button) but I don’t understand the complaints about the person to person trading.

How is right clicking on an item and selecting “mail to person” any different than right clicking on the person and selecting “trade”?

As I see it, the mail option is a more convenient way to trade in that you don’t have to be next to them. In my experience it has always been received by the person I send it to instantly.

I read that complaint that sometimes the mail gets lost. This has never happened to me, but that doesn’t mean we need an additional trading option. If that is happening they just need to fix the mail to be more reliable.

Maybe some one can explain to me how the mail item option is not sufficient?

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mithion.1830


Maybe a good compromise is a more robust mailing system. For example a cash on delivery (COD) feature for secure trades via mail.


“The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.”

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Creeper.9360


I agree they really dropped the ball on a proper LFG tool. GW1 even has a much better one.

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EliteZ.1682


Also, actual trading so we don’t have to use the trading post all the time.

I won’t but when others see this your gonna get burned. Loads of players here say it’s a bad idea due to Scamming and Spamming.

If they did it like they had it in GW1 i don’t really see how someone can get scammed where both players have to click accept on the trade box and if any of the items/money changes it unclicks the box so they can’t quickly change the item at the last second. However, you’re right the worst part about this is the spam, yet without a LFG feature in the game all you get in map chat is fotm spam anyway, so if they cared so much about spam they’d think about changing the current spam. They can also do what they did in GW1 and any message with WTS/WTB at the start instantly goes to the trade channel which could be turned off easily.

Also @ bluejay it’s different because it’s stupidly easy to scam over mail “You send me the gold and i’ll send you the item” You send gold but never receive the item As for a person to person trade or a COD on the mail system you get the item that you’ve just brought. It wouldn’t be so bad if Anet returned any scammed items to you, but as they don’t TP is really the only way to trade in the game which sucks abit as you loose a 15% cut

(edited by EliteZ.1682)

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EliteZ.1682


We’ll see how long it takes for them to follow through on the claim they actually listen to the players, and get this stuff in-game.

My bet is Jan. 2014… and no, that’s not a typo. 2014.

Well as far as i’m aware they’ve been saying they’re working on a preview for TP pretty much since launch, must be pretty hard to do or they just are not actually working on it. I don’t expect to see it any time soon though as preview seems to be getting worse and worse, not only can you now not preview any other races armor, you can only preview items that you are able to equip. So if i get a leather chest item and want to see what it looks like to see if i want to keep it for my ranger i have to link it in chat, relog to my ranger, preview the item to log back on my warrior to then sell or save that item.

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wouw.5837


when it’s ready

Elona is Love, Elona is life.

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Guild management tools. They were in GW1 why were they not ported to GW2?

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Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fuz.5621


The TP exists as an anti-scam measure

How naïve.

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


How about being able to right click a name in chat and invite to group?

Kind of strange an MMO that was striving to facillitate player interaction doesn’t have such a basic feature.

downed state is bad for PVP

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


If you think the broken features are actually bugs you’d be better off using the bug report system in game so it goes to the relevant people. Posting it here you’ve got a small chance that the community relations person (or whatever they’re called) might see it and they might pass the message along. Although with it being the holidays people with less time-critical jobs like community relations are probably off.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akari Storm.6809

Akari Storm.6809

Agree with preview of the TP. They must be doing something with preview because prior to Wintersday and the patch around that time I could preview any armor type on my chosen character…now I can only preview medium armor for medium users. Sucks because now I have to take extra steps to get a piece for an alt.

Hope down the road we get something in the form of Alliances from GW1.

LFGtool is the second biggest thing I’ve seen asked for next to culling fixes. The current LFGtool ingame is extrememly lackluster. Totally agree with OP about having to minimize to venture to a website to do the job of what should have been in at launch. MMO=groups usually. You obvisously don’t want us spamming chat with the way we get supressed, make it happen. I just seen that gw2lfg is approaching 600,000 lfg postings to date…that’s alot and speaks volumes.

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zet.9130


The question that I keep being presented with is – “Why didn’t they take from GW1 the ideas/features that worked?”

- As stated above the Party Formation was better than none.
- The chat interface in GW2 is cludgy and stymies communication.
- The Bank & TP currency interface is cumbersome – almost as if it was designed to be anti-intuitive.
The list could go on…

I’m at the point in the game that I should be lusting after some weapon or armor and I’m not. The game feels like it was designed around the goals to make skills easy to balance and an economy that could be controlled and while saying it was fun just missed the mark. But hey I waited for 4+ years for this game I guess I’ll see how things develop.

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hawkmoon.5849


The TP exists as an anti-scam measure

How naïve.

rofl. You clearly missed the level of sarcasm that existed in my post. GOML.

Hope is the carrot dangled before the draft horse that plods along in the vain attempt to reach it

Common Features that GW2 is missing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savageaniml.8031


I read a lot of post about LFG interface or lack thereof. The point of wanting one is that sometimes I would like to find people that are trying to do the exact same thing, I’m trying to do without always having to ask someone to leave what they are doing to join me in my endeavor. Sometimes I want to run dungeons, or events or complete a map area. The map is amazing sometimes I give up because i look around for other players in the area but don’t find them because they’re all in Lions Arch trying to do an instance and their only means of finding a group is to go there if they can’t fill the members from their guild. just my view on the issue.