Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nerva.7940


it’s laughably easy to rack up kills with a BS thief, even without the culling exploit. i fear thieves will blaze through prestige ranks and gain all the spoils with little effort.

is anything being done to address the faceroll of the thief in WvW (and to an extent, d/d ele)? i fear that this horrible imbalance, while it did not really matter before, will enable godmode spec/profs to dominate even more.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


There probably are plans to re-balance theives.

But on the other hand this sort of thing is what the meta-game in any multiplayer game of any genre is all about. As soon as they do balance/nerf this build those who actually grasp the theory crafting will begin working on another build that has the same degree of advantage and as soon as they work it out a bunch of other people will copy it. Then Anet will balance/nerf that one.

Rinse and repeat ad infinitum.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


They haven’t stated what will rack up prestige yet… likely kills, but will kills be the only thing? Guardians leaning more heavily into support may frown upon that for example. Until we know what it entails fully it’s premature to panic and claim the world is out to get you. (Not saying you are… staving off others that may.)


Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nerva.7940


wouldnt call it panic, more like hopelessness. thieves have been wrecking WvW for 6 months, and if prestige is mostly based on kills, they will get even more rewards.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoenixfudge.5290


Hopefully, it will not revolve around kills so much but instead capping objectives.

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blackwolfe.5649


Lets wait for details shall we? There are likely many different ways of earning prestige aside from just killing stuff.

Colin Johansen casts – Working As Intended
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: psybako.1903


Right now the most relevant currency from wvw (badges) are based on kills. No reason to think that kills won’t be a major contributing factor to the new system. Wvw related achievements in the monthlies have all been about kills too. Bet on it being connected to prestige.

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Balranar.6378


Hopefully not just by capping objectives, would turn wvw into an endless train of pve capping towers and avoiding any confrontation entirely just to get the prestige

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Roll a thief.

No, I’m serious. The difference between thieves and every other class in WvW is enough that it should be a no brainier to make a thief alt. I love mine. 3 seconds from appearing to their downed state. Hardly even enough time for them to figure out what happened.

And you can bet which of my characters will be racking up prestige for me

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sad Panda.6835

Sad Panda.6835

Thieves really aren’t that OP. I havent died to a thief in a long time on my necro. Maybe we are their counter or something? It should seem like if you dont spec total glass and have a defensive skill or 2 that you could survive the thief burst.

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erasculio.2914


The fact that kills are already rewarded with badges is a great sign that “prestige” should not be rewarded for kills – there is already a different reward for that.

Prestige should be given for defending an objective (so finally people would be more willing to defend), for escorting dolyaks, and a smaller amount for capturing objectives. Nothing more.

“I think that players are starting to mature past the point of wanting to be on that
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485

Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485

Im pretty sure it will be alot like leveling in PVE, kills will give a small boost, but capping, defending and the new additions they add will all give a faster level up in rank.

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

While thieves are running around trying to get kills with backstab, eles are getting 20-30 kills in under a minute in big zerg vs zerg fights with their AOEs.

Anet make Rev great again.

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nerva.7940


aoe can be bypassed, staff ele can be focused and annihilated. staff ele can be seen.

well played thieves are pretty broken in wvw, even without culling

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FateZero.8536


I usually handle thief with AoE bind > apply condition dmg > AoE slow > more condition dmg > Pushback > condition dmg > Stun > condition dmg them to oblivion with my ele. They couldn’t even catch up to me, lol.

Furthermore, if an ele spec their utilities and traits right they could negate 6 attacks, stability for 12 seconds and still teleport away.

aoe can be bypassed, staff ele can be focused and annihilated. staff ele can be seen.

well played thieves are pretty broken in wvw, even without culling

FYI, our ele AoE slow casts instantly and I doubt most thief could escape our AoE bind if they are close.

(edited by FateZero.8536)

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

aoe can be bypassed, staff ele can be focused and annihilated. staff ele can be seen.

well played thieves are pretty broken in wvw, even without culling

I’d like to see you get to a staff ele at the back of a large group without getting murdered instantly.

Anet make Rev great again.

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nerva.7940


thats not really relevant to the discussion. staff eles are balanced as 1) they can be seen, 2) theyre rather squishy, 3) AOE’s can be bypassed. thief can dump 16-20k burst and disappear, drop targets and leave combat basically on demand (unless chain stunned), and can almost always land their burst (most reliable burst dump in the game).

sure, culling makes everything a lot worse. but im saying thieves are not OK in WvW, even without the culling issue.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Columba.9730


Yes, with their perma stealth, massive burst dps and 50% speed buff in stealth, I can’t imagine facing thieves who can earn even more skills in WvWvW. Thieves who leverage the culling bug have already made WvWvW unplayable for me. It’s sad that anet hasn’t balanced the,.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


The only “unfair” thing about thieves are the culling issues, and those aren’t a game design thing, it’s a technical “glitch” (if you will) that needs fixing.

Seriously, for a Thief to really put out that face melting damage they need to be glass cannons. Which means that they’ll be made of wet napkins. Their burst isn’t “insta-gib” for most characters unless they’re pure glass cannons themselves. And that’s the problem… Most people build pure glass cannon, because it works well in PvE and brings in those high damage numbers.

Ranger is currently one of the weakest classes in the game, and I have no bigger issues with thieves than I have with any other class. I’ve had actually killed my fair share of glass cannons by simply surviving their front load, dodging and CCing them, then unloading everything on them. My Necromancer just laughs at them. A decent Guardian should never, ever, ever, ever die to one. And then there’s the additional problem (for them) of WvW generally implying multiple people standing around. Usually that means someone other than the person you’re attacking will turn around to ask you a few questions with the sharp end of their weapon.

The glass cannong thief is a character that lives and dies on being able to insta-gib you then running away. The reason most of them work (culling bugs aside, mind you) is because most of you are glass cannons that take a trillion damage per hit. Stop building glass cannons, and/or running around on your own. I haven’t had issues myself.

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azmodeus.3409


sorry but for a game that claimed it wanted to be an e-sport the ability for a character to go invisible is just stupid. teleports are ok, shadowstepping is fine, but the way it is now is obviously imbalanced.

compare a glass cannon thief to a glass cannon warrior. warrior gets endure pain, long cooldown 5 sec, completely visable.. thats about the only comparable ability. really, play glass build classes in spvp, i made a thief the other day just to see how easy it was, consistantly getting top scores, or near top scores in random dropin within 5min.

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

thats not really relevant to the discussion. staff eles are balanced as 1) they can be seen, 2) theyre rather squishy, 3) AOE’s can be bypassed. thief can dump 16-20k burst and disappear, drop targets and leave combat basically on demand (unless chain stunned), and can almost always land their burst (most reliable burst dump in the game).

sure, culling makes everything a lot worse. but im saying thieves are not OK in WvW, even without the culling issue.

If you’re not stunning the thief when he shows up then you’re not playing right. There should be no way for a thief to get to the back of a zerg, attack someone, and leave. He should be slaughtered the moment his stealth wears off.

theyre rather squishy



Anet make Rev great again.

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daendur.2357


The best solution would be a system that will give prestige for killing opponents. In my opinion:
Prestige for defense = ppl afk inside a keep (like WAR)
Prestige for cap = bandwagons avoiding real fights

I hope they will put in prestige for kills in the way that the more ppl attack a target the less prestige they get.

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaxon.5392


play in a zerg, thieves are nothing

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


Please stop whining about thieves, they are supposed to be good in a 1v1 situation. Thieves are pretty much useless when it comes to AoE and fighting mulitple enemies.

I’d rather see elementalist being nerfed then a thief..

A Thief on Desolation

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Lol elementalist don’t need to be nerfed, they are more tricky to handle compared to thieves but there is no grounds to nerf it. Thieves are also fine as it is as long as they fix the culling. They’re only scary to nubs.

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GummiBear.2756


The best solution would be a system that will give prestige for killing opponents. In my opinion:
Prestige for defense = ppl afk inside a keep (like WAR)
Prestige for cap = bandwagons avoiding real fights

I hope they will put in prestige for kills in the way that the more ppl attack a target the less prestige they get.

prestige for kills =ppl specced for mainly support is kittened

where if for defence it will likely to tied to the DE that comes up when defending against ppl, where if you just stay afk in keep for it… well you dont get reward for that and thus likely wouldnt for prestige either so really is the best option imo

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kagee.8470


The only “unfair” thing about thieves are the culling issues, and those aren’t a game design thing, it’s a technical “glitch” (if you will) that needs fixing.

Seriously, for a Thief to really put out that face melting damage they need to be glass cannons. Which means that they’ll be made of wet napkins. Their burst isn’t “insta-gib” for most characters unless they’re pure glass cannons themselves. And that’s the problem… Most people build pure glass cannon, because it works well in PvE and brings in those high damage numbers.

Ranger is currently one of the weakest classes in the game, and I have no bigger issues with thieves than I have with any other class. I’ve had actually killed my fair share of glass cannons by simply surviving their front load, dodging and CCing them, then unloading everything on them. My Necromancer just laughs at them. A decent Guardian should never, ever, ever, ever die to one. And then there’s the additional problem (for them) of WvW generally implying multiple people standing around. Usually that means someone other than the person you’re attacking will turn around to ask you a few questions with the sharp end of their weapon.

The glass cannong thief is a character that lives and dies on being able to insta-gib you then running away. The reason most of them work (culling bugs aside, mind you) is because most of you are glass cannons that take a trillion damage per hit. Stop building glass cannons, and/or running around on your own. I haven’t had issues myself.

This guy get’s it. Thieves really aren’t that OP. I main a thief but also Have a level 80 Guardian. My guardian can faceroll a thief if he doesnt kill me with his first attack(Which he won’t) Stealth is more of a defensive skill anyways. Thieves are one of the squishiest classes in the game

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


The only “unfair” thing about thieves are the culling issues, and those aren’t a game design thing, it’s a technical “glitch” (if you will) that needs fixing.

Seriously, for a Thief to really put out that face melting damage they need to be glass cannons. Which means that they’ll be made of wet napkins. Their burst isn’t “insta-gib” for most characters unless they’re pure glass cannons themselves. And that’s the problem… Most people build pure glass cannon, because it works well in PvE and brings in those high damage numbers.

Ranger is currently one of the weakest classes in the game, and I have no bigger issues with thieves than I have with any other class. I’ve had actually killed my fair share of glass cannons by simply surviving their front load, dodging and CCing them, then unloading everything on them. My Necromancer just laughs at them. A decent Guardian should never, ever, ever, ever die to one. And then there’s the additional problem (for them) of WvW generally implying multiple people standing around. Usually that means someone other than the person you’re attacking will turn around to ask you a few questions with the sharp end of their weapon.

The glass cannong thief is a character that lives and dies on being able to insta-gib you then running away. The reason most of them work (culling bugs aside, mind you) is because most of you are glass cannons that take a trillion damage per hit. Stop building glass cannons, and/or running around on your own. I haven’t had issues myself.

This guy get’s it. Thieves really aren’t that OP. I main a thief but also Have a level 80 Guardian. My guardian can faceroll a thief if he doesnt kill me with his first attack(Which he won’t) Stealth is more of a defensive skill anyways. Thieves are one of the squishiest classes in the game

Mainly, though, thieves aren’t OP because we’ve all learned our lesson and have rolled one. You can’t be overpowered when everyone is your class >_>

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


I never killed killed by thieve’s any more (not directly) but man if there not good at running away when thay relize thay cant spike me down

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Necro’s get far more kill credits/loot bags than thieves do with their circles tagging so many more players in a zerg than just a single target HS spammer… I presume it’ll be an aoe class that’ll top the charts if they make it all about kills.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rukia.4802


And no one is complaining about warriors with their insane AoE burst with way more HP? Lul. Thieves are nothing, in fact a BS thief would probably be one of the slowest ones.

“I find this rain quite pleasant, it feels as though raindrops are blessing our victory”

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: irrimn.3192


If they do make prestige based on kills I want to see DAMAGE be a factor in how much prestige is awarded! Something along the lines of 100% damage on a person from full to dead = full prestige (so 1v1 will be very rewarding essentially) and likewise, doing 5% damage on a kill rewards 5% of the prestige. This would make it so people that AOE and do like 1% of the damage on a kill only get 1% of the prestige (read: not a lot) and people that are actually doing the majority of the work get the majority of the reward! Granted, everyone only should get prestige if the target dies obviously.

I admit keeping track of exactly how much damage each person has done on a target in a large fight might have technical restraints but I think that’s the only way to actually make it fair.

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


I’m pretty sure the people who get the most kills are the ones who play in organized groups – the ones tagging dozens of kills wiping zergs, not the thieves picking lowbies off one at a time. These groups will have support players in their parties, so tagging isn’t really an issue for those specs either.

Doubt it’ll be a kill-based system anyhow.

Talleyrand, Captain and Commander of the Bloody Pirates
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Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Samhayn.2385


it’s laughably easy to rack up kills with a BS thief, even without the culling exploit. i fear thieves will blaze through prestige ranks and gain all the spoils with little effort.

is anything being done to address the faceroll of the thief in WvW (and to an extent, d/d ele)? i fear that this horrible imbalance, while it did not really matter before, will enable godmode spec/profs to dominate even more.

And I thought maybe this thread would actualy be about prestige. Nope just another nerf thread about a class that can pick of stragglers really easy. I find it funny that people complain so much. I hated thief to till I rolled one. I found out that sure I can drop someone fast as a bs theif but then I need to get out and reset for the next target where as when plaing my guard I can just stay in the fight and keep on killing.

BS is really good at killing of unaware and lone players but in a group fight it kinda sucks. That’s why I moved over to sword/dagger with my thief. So even if they do nerf BS I don’t mind as long as they go and fix the problems we have with our other weapons (looking at you sword #3).

It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bullfrog.1324


It’ll probably work exactly like glory/rank in sPvP (and’ll probably include “prestige boosters” in the gem store). Some prestige for killing enemies away from points, some for kills at points, some for kills with siege weapons, some for teammate revivals, some for capping points, etc.

As for thieves, I used to hate them and call them unfair. Then I rolled one for the express purpose of learning how they play. Once you know how a thief operates, what skills they’re likely to use, how many times they can spam heartseeker before running out of initiative, etc, they cease to be a problem.

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