Condition Builds has ruined this game for me
This may be new information, but you can actually play however you want. Playing a certain way because that’s what the ~~~meta~~~ is and all the Cool Players tell you to is dumb.
This may be new information, but you can actually play however you want. Playing a certain way because that’s what the ~~~meta~~~ is and all the Cool Players tell you to is dumb.
The problem is, its hard to get into raids unless you play Meta..
Hmm, I wonder how people who liked condi builds felt for the majority of the game’s life when their builds were not only not as good, but actually awful.
The problem is, its hard to get into raids unless you play Meta..
Then do what all the Good Players do and find a bunch of people who don’t care about the dumb meta and just want to play the game together. Like play it for yourself, not for other people. Duh.
“There’s always a bigger fish.”
What seems to be meta and ultimately perfect is very temporary. If you stick to a certain class and playstyle you will come across ups and downs. Seasons when you are considered superior, seasons when you are considered weaker – for the same playstyle/build/gear. People who like and enjoy their classes can maintain during all seasons without big trouble. When it comes to certain content, e.g. raids/fractals they have to prove their value by actions and skill. The others just have to say they play the current meta and probably need to link their gear/insights as a proof.
What Xca said is somehow true. But there are tons of guilds out there who raid a lot. Many of them do not allow pugs at all. So you would not get into their groups anyway, even if you obey the meta 1 by 1. Some guilds allow their members to play what they like, even in raids and fractals.
tl&dr, play as you want – power or condition build, or even hybrids. If you have problems with getting accepted, join a guild that suits to you.
Why don’t you just ignore the meta? I’m a Knight-Cavalier Reaper and Celestial Engineer, having lots of fun and I play the way I want. Everything in the game can be played in anti-meta gear except for high lvl fractals and raids. Hell, my guild told me to grab Exotic meta stuff only for raid training so even THAT is possible if you get a nice guild (I declined because I don’t give a kitten about raids).
This may be new information, but you can actually play however you want. Playing a certain way because that’s what the ~~~meta~~~ is and all the Cool Players tell you to is dumb.
The problem is, its hard to get into raids unless you play Meta..
Some groups realize that understanding the raid mechanics matters more than being fully optimized. Besides that, player research shows that most PUGs aren’t operating at peak efficiency, regardless of build. In other words, apparently lots of people raid without running meta.
This may be new information, but you can actually play however you want. Playing a certain way because that’s what the ~~~meta~~~ is and all the Cool Players tell you to is dumb.
This is absolutely true advice for the solo player. However, if you do anything group oriented, meta matters. Your idiosyncrasies will only compromise group efficiency and effectiveness—and the group will notice.
This is absolutely true advice for the solo player. However, if you do anything group oriented, meta matters. Your idiosyncrasies will only compromise group efficiency and effectiveness—and the group will notice.
What’s it like playing to have 0 fun? I don’t know what that’s like because I don’t let other people dictate what gear I use. And I haven’t had any problems doing group content with the gear/build I use.
I have plenty of fun. And Raine is right. When it comes to difficult group content, it’s not just about YOU. It’s about the group. And someone walking in with a Celestial guardian or Soldier necro is a detriment to the entire group. You don’t need perfect meta to raid. You can get away with exotics. You can get away with a class that might not be meta, like a condi rev or a necro. But even if you play a class that is not considered meta you need to play it to the best of your ability and you need to play the best build for that class. You need to put some effort in. Otherwise you are being a drain to the group. You are just being carried. Now if you are upfront with your group and say you want a carry and they are perfectly ok with it. Then hell, go ahead. But don’t lie or try to be sneaky about it. You are just going to be found out in the end when people look at their dps meters.
(the “you” here is a general one, not one specifically directed at you op.)
(edited by xarallei.4279)
This is absolutely true advice for the solo player. However, if you do anything group oriented, meta matters. Your idiosyncrasies will only compromise group efficiency and effectiveness—and the group will notice.
What’s it like playing to have 0 fun? I don’t know what that’s like because I don’t let other people dictate what gear I use. And I haven’t had any problems doing group content with the gear/build I use.
I play to have fun. And, for me, it’s fun to do well in combat in PvE and PvP. It’s also fun to contribute to a teams ability to do well in combat. There are many factors involved in “doing well”, e.g., player ability, experience with encounter mechanics, what you ate and drank for dinner, internet connection, gear, and builds. Objectively, gear and builds combine to set your power level in the game. And, in games where the goal is to reduce an opponents HP to zero before they reduce your HP to zero, your power level will dictate both whether you can meet the goal (gear check), how efficiently you can meet the goal, and how much you can contribute to your team.
For lots of content it’s not necessary to be playing at the top of the meta. However, in group content with any challenge your choice to perform less well in terms of your idiosyncrasies of build and gear, will mean that your team members will have to take up your slack. It’s just an objective fact that can be reduced to a set of numbers. For me, it’s not fun to play less well than I could (solo even) and not something I want to saddle my team with. And, this goes for both games and IRL.
This may be new information, but you can actually play however you want. Playing a certain way because that’s what the ~~~meta~~~ is and all the Cool Players tell you to is dumb.
Yeah… no.
Actually since I started playing, it’s evident that even for open world, some builds are infinitely better than others, there’s no really a “Play how you want” regarding builds unless you wanna be stomped. For example, try using a Hammer Only or Power Mace build with Revenant, using full zerker. Taking a Veteran mob solo on Maguuma with said builds can be downright impossible or incredibly hard, whereas using S/A or Staff makes the job easy. Same with Mesmer, there’s no current way t build a DPS Mesmer as no weapon avaiable to the class presents sustained damage, only Burst.
Same way you can’t expect to kill anything with the speed of a Viper Build on Carrion/Rabid or other condition alternatives. There are many, many unused stat combinations, and the Mob HP and Attack scaling are off the charts, meaning that hybrid defensive-attack builds STILL have a hard time killing them, as opposed to a pure Power build that doesn’t even needs that much survibability because the enemies will die in 1/3 or even 1/4 the time it takes for a “tank” to heal.
The stat system or in any case mobs need to be completely reworked, the game is right now an unbalanced mess.
This is absolutely true advice for the solo player. However, if you do anything group oriented, meta matters. Your idiosyncrasies will only compromise group efficiency and effectiveness—and the group will notice.
What’s it like playing to have 0 fun? I don’t know what that’s like because I don’t let other people dictate what gear I use. And I haven’t had any problems doing group content with the gear/build I use.
I play to have fun. And, for me, it’s fun to do well in combat in PvE and PvP. It’s also fun to contribute to a teams ability to do well in combat. There are many factors involved in “doing well”, e.g., player ability, experience with encounter mechanics, what you ate and drank for dinner, internet connection, gear, and builds. Objectively, gear and builds combine to set your power level in the game. And, in games where the goal is to reduce an opponents HP to zero before they reduce your HP to zero, your power level will dictate both whether you can meet the goal (gear check), how efficiently you can meet the goal, and how much you can contribute to your team.
For lots of content it’s not necessary to be playing at the top of the meta. However, in group content with any challenge your choice to perform less well in terms of your idiosyncrasies of build and gear, will mean that your team members will have to take up your slack. It’s just an objective fact that can be reduced to a set of numbers. For me, it’s not fun to play less well than I could (solo even) and not something I want to saddle my team with. And, this goes for both games and IRL.
Team members do not, necessarily, have to, “take up your slack,” as even end game content in this game has a cushion that allows for suboptimal play to still reach the goal you describe.
This is absolutely true advice for the solo player. However, if you do anything group oriented, meta matters. Your idiosyncrasies will only compromise group efficiency and effectiveness—and the group will notice.
What’s it like playing to have 0 fun? I don’t know what that’s like because I don’t let other people dictate what gear I use. And I haven’t had any problems doing group content with the gear/build I use.
I play to have fun. And, for me, it’s fun to do well in combat in PvE and PvP. It’s also fun to contribute to a teams ability to do well in combat. There are many factors involved in “doing well”, e.g., player ability, experience with encounter mechanics, what you ate and drank for dinner, internet connection, gear, and builds. Objectively, gear and builds combine to set your power level in the game. And, in games where the goal is to reduce an opponents HP to zero before they reduce your HP to zero, your power level will dictate both whether you can meet the goal (gear check), how efficiently you can meet the goal, and how much you can contribute to your team.
For lots of content it’s not necessary to be playing at the top of the meta. However, in group content with any challenge your choice to perform less well in terms of your idiosyncrasies of build and gear, will mean that your team members will have to take up your slack. It’s just an objective fact that can be reduced to a set of numbers. For me, it’s not fun to play less well than I could (solo even) and not something I want to saddle my team with. And, this goes for both games and IRL.
Team members do not, necessarily, have to, “take up your slack,” as even end game content in this game has a cushion that allows for suboptimal play to still reach the goal you describe.
As I said, in trivial content it’s irrelevant how optimized you are in terms of gear/build. And you are right in non-trivial content it’s always possible to be suboptimal and be carried by your group. But, your teammates will be making up for your under-performance. For example, let’s say it takes 50k to down a boss in a 5 man group. The group succeeds with one player contributing 5,000 damage and the other four contributing 11,250 damage each. What has happened is that four people took up the slack of one sub-optimal player. Can it be done? Yes, but it’s the very essence of taking up the slack; one person under-performed and the four other team mates had to make up for the under-performance.
And, it’s important to note that this is not a matter of opinion. In any encounter it can be reduced to a set of numbers. With combat logs it’s easy to measure, without them the same thing occurs without the metrics.
I have plenty of fun. And Raine is right. When it comes to difficult group content, it’s not just about YOU. It’s about the group. And someone walking in with a Celestial guardian or Soldier necro is a detriment to the entire group. You don’t need perfect meta to raid. You can get away with exotics. You can get away with a class that might not be meta, like a condi rev or a necro. But even if you play a class that is not considered meta you need to play it to the best of your ability and you need to play the best build for that class. You need to put some effort in. Otherwise you are being a drain to the group. You are just being carried. Now if you are upfront with your group and say you want a carry and they are perfectly ok with it. Then hell, go ahead. But don’t lie or try to be sneaky about it. You are just going to be found out in the end when people look at their dps meters.
(the “you” here is a general one, not one specifically directed at you op.)
This is probably why I run solo 99% of the time and don’t get into group events. I don’t want to be scrutinized by those who spend 14 hours a day played and know every aspect of the builds. I have played on and off for almost since release, have a couple of 80 toons and others 40-60-ish, but I’ve never completed a single dungeon in the game.
I have done PvP very little and found that while my level 80 hits people for about 20 damage (yes 20), they hit me for 4000. I can’t for the life of me figure out why there’s such a discrepancy.
OP, about which endgame content are you upset? There are power builds in the meta for raids, fractals, and WvW.
I can get some people liking to play a tank or some kind of support like a healear, because both the role and gameplay are completely different … but power over condi or the other way around? Unless we talk about PvP (and that’s not even the case for GW2, because condi is still bursty in this game), both are exactly the same: use skills and deal damage.
I still think we have a terrible balance and I hardly get why some builds are favored over others which are more compex and rely on conditional bonuses like scholar, but this condi over power drama, that’s too much for me :P
…I have done PvP very little and found that while my level 80 hits people for about 20 damage (yes 20), they hit me for 4000. I can’t for the life of me figure out why there’s such a discrepancy.
You don’t have an amulet equipped.
Meta = mainstream, don’t like it? Fine. No one’s holding a knife to your throat or threatening litigation against you if you choose not to follow it.
It works for some people, some people hate it, no one thing fits all preferences. Do whatever.
Meta is meta for a reason. It is mostly BiS gear wise and overall the best way to do content properly. But it is the best way for them who made this meta, for those who decided that a specific gear is now BiS.
They don´t care about playability or how easy it is to handle.
When the previous berserker-meta was present, I decided as a necro-player to use valkyr instead of berserker, because it fit my playstyle more. When I got better at the game I switched to berserker because I wanted to play more out of shroud and the high healthpool wasn´t necessary anymore.
Now conditions are strong and viper´s is considered BiS. For myself conditions are bad, I can´t get used to use them so I´ll stick to power ´till I have figured out a way to play with conditions properly.
At the end yout stats matter less than your own skill and it´s completely up to you which build you use but you have to keep in mind: you want to kill the enemy fast as possible, no matter how.
If you have to follow meta to do so, do it. If the meta doesn´t suit you, make your own thoughts and find a build that fits your own playstyle.
Yet returned last week and finding out condition build are better than Power Build i mean ruined the mood and motivation to play power build for end game content
Thanks Anet
And at the same time people playing condi builds now have the motivation to play them, unlike how it was throughout first few years of the game.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
The real problem with this game is it is plain shallow. DPS builds are ridiculously overpowered to the point they make anything other than glass cannon DPS less than ideal. This showcases how poorly this game has catered to the kitten DPS crowd to the point where anything other than pure DPS is not “meta”.
So this all renders half the armor in this game pointless, and 3/4 of the possible builds pointless. At what point does ANET take a step back and realize the DPS is out of control in this game. I for one am tired of some no skill elementalist in pure DPS gear and the cookie cutter META build running into mobs and melting them all in 2 seconds when I run dungeons.
You know its not “elite” or hard to create a OP’ed DPS build in this game. I think some people like to mistake doing this as actually being “elite”. This has got to be the most dumbed down game I have ever played. What on the surface looks like a deep game with a ton of different play options and roles is actually just a facade, because unless you are pure DPS with pure DPS builds you are a “detriment” to the group.
GW2 is an example of what not to do. I will not be purchasing GW3.
The real problem with this game is it is plain shallow. DPS builds are ridiculously overpowered to the point they make anything other than glass cannon DPS less than ideal. This showcases how poorly this game has catered to the kitten DPS crowd to the point where anything other than pure DPS is not “meta”.
So this all renders half the armor in this game pointless, and 3/4 of the possible builds pointless. At what point does ANET take a step back and realize the DPS is out of control in this game. I for one am tired of some no skill elementalist in pure DPS gear and the cookie cutter META build running into mobs and melting them all in 2 seconds when I run dungeons.
You know its not “elite” or hard to create a OP’ed DPS build in this game. I think some people like to mistake doing this as actually being “elite”. This has got to be the most dumbed down game I have ever played. What on the surface looks like a deep game with a ton of different play options and roles is actually just a facade, because unless you are pure DPS with pure DPS builds you are a “detriment” to the group.
GW2 is an example of what not to do. I will not be purchasing GW3.
DPS is powerful for a reason, because they melt in an instant. I actually think DPS isn’t good enough because everything and its mother can block half the burst any DPS build dishes out.
This is absolutely true advice for the solo player. However, if you do anything group oriented, meta matters. Your idiosyncrasies will only compromise group efficiency and effectiveness—and the group will notice.
What’s it like playing to have 0 fun? I don’t know what that’s like because I don’t let other people dictate what gear I use. And I haven’t had any problems doing group content with the gear/build I use.
I play to have fun. And, for me, it’s fun to do well in combat in PvE and PvP. It’s also fun to contribute to a teams ability to do well in combat. There are many factors involved in “doing well”, e.g., player ability, experience with encounter mechanics, what you ate and drank for dinner, internet connection, gear, and builds. Objectively, gear and builds combine to set your power level in the game. And, in games where the goal is to reduce an opponents HP to zero before they reduce your HP to zero, your power level will dictate both whether you can meet the goal (gear check), how efficiently you can meet the goal, and how much you can contribute to your team.
For lots of content it’s not necessary to be playing at the top of the meta. However, in group content with any challenge your choice to perform less well in terms of your idiosyncrasies of build and gear, will mean that your team members will have to take up your slack. It’s just an objective fact that can be reduced to a set of numbers. For me, it’s not fun to play less well than I could (solo even) and not something I want to saddle my team with. And, this goes for both games and IRL.
Team members do not, necessarily, have to, “take up your slack,” as even end game content in this game has a cushion that allows for suboptimal play to still reach the goal you describe.
As I said, in trivial content it’s irrelevant how optimized you are in terms of gear/build. And you are right in non-trivial content it’s always possible to be suboptimal and be carried by your group. But, your teammates will be making up for your under-performance. For example, let’s say it takes 50k to down a boss in a 5 man group. The group succeeds with one player contributing 5,000 damage and the other four contributing 11,250 damage each. What has happened is that four people took up the slack of one sub-optimal player. Can it be done? Yes, but it’s the very essence of taking up the slack; one person under-performed and the four other team mates had to make up for the under-performance.
And, it’s important to note that this is not a matter of opinion. In any encounter it can be reduced to a set of numbers. With combat logs it’s easy to measure, without them the same thing occurs without the metrics.
If it takes 80k dps to take the foe down before the boss stomps the group and an optimal group is capable of 100kdps then the entire group can be suboptimal without anyone picking up anyone else’s slack.
Currently no encounter in the game requires the full output of fully optimal/optimized characters. Full optimization is overkill, as demonstrated by entire groups using green gear in raids, or all suboptimal build groups, etc.
My last pug raid consisted of a guy asking me why I had a certain sigil on a weapon (which I had overlooked cause I swapped it off another character weeks before). Several minutes went by before I realized he could see all my gear (which he “approved”) without me linking it.
It was then followed by 3 guys from “the best raid guild in GW2” as they referred to themselves, wanting to know how (and it what order) I had all my abilities macro’d. Cause apparently, not macro’ing everything into just about 1 button is frowned upon.
They seemed less concerned that I was using an older power meta build.
Te Nosce [TC]
well, when i started raiding i joined several training groups, but didnt feel any progress at all. ppl with random builds and exotic gear etc. makes it hard to be successful. i then joined a raid guild who offered weekly training w ts. only requirement was to use meta / being fully geared. this helped me so much to get into raiding
Condi builds are about to get a major balance pass, so you should be seeing Power builds on par with Condi builds very soon. The main reason why condi builds are so strong right now is because they can crank out insane condi duration from buffs. That is about to be nerfed and standardized.
My last pug raid consisted of a guy asking me why I had a certain sigil on a weapon (which I had overlooked cause I swapped it off another character weeks before). Several minutes went by before I realized he could see all my gear (which he “approved”) without me linking it.
It was then followed by 3 guys from “the best raid guild in GW2” as they referred to themselves, wanting to know how (and it what order) I had all my abilities macro’d. Cause apparently, not macro’ing everything into just about 1 button is frowned upon.
They seemed less concerned that I was using an older power meta build.
When did anet start allowing anyone to macro? Thought that was a ban-able offense.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
I’ve been playing DoT based characters since Everquest debuted it’s glorious Necromancer back in 1999. Those awful condition builds are one of the main reasons I play this game Power builds bore me, dot builds make me happy.
Condition builds were nearly impossible to pull off and pretty much a meme for the whole duration core GW2
“Condition Builds has ruined this game for me”
I never played an RPG were every classes best build was a DoT spec, by a large margin (for most of them).
That’s honestly just very silly. Seems like the GW2 lead class developer must have played a warlock in WoW or something.