Condition Wars
Im sorry if I may sound a bit “hostile” for those who like Conds, but…
When will Conditions drop to second source of dmg (or equal) to balance Burst Builds?
Just curious if such a thing will ever happen, srsly.
It is second, and a distant one at that (sadly enough.) Perhaps you are just focusing on 1v1 PvP. Your statement has zero applicability to PvE environments, which are an integral part of the game as well.
No offense intended, though.
It depends on the game mode. I assume you’re talking about PvP, or possibly WvW since condition builds aren’t popular in PvE.
And in answer to your question shortly after one of the following happens:
- Someone creates an effective counter to popular condition builds and it spreads through the meta.
- The professions favoured in the meta change to ones less suited to condition builds.
- New skills/trait perks come out which allow new builds (kind of related to the two above, although new meta builds don’t necessarily require new skills/traits)
- Anet nerf conditions and/or boost other forms of damage.
If you want to encourage the process along you could work on effective counters to popular condition builds and/or better burst damage builds. If you make something that works it will catch on.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Indeed, my complain is related to PvP, my bad forgetting to mention it.
Danikat, the only problem in working on builds that counter Coundition ones, is that you are “forced” to play out of your style, leaving the fun aside, I guess you understand what I mean.
For WvW it has become “Immobilize Wars 2”…
For WvW it has become “Immobilize Wars 2”…
More like “Stack Wars 2”
I can’t fathom why they would cap AoE at 5 (random!!) targets yet leave buffs uncapped and applicable beyond the party members.
For WvW it has become “Immobilize Wars 2”…
More like “Stack Wars 2”
I can’t fathom why they would cap AoE at 5 (random!!) targets yet leave buffs uncapped and applicable beyond the party members.
I’m pretty sure that buffs are capped at five, and prioritize party members…
For WvW it has become “Immobilize Wars 2”…
More like “Stack Wars 2”
I can’t fathom why they would cap AoE at 5 (random!!) targets yet leave buffs uncapped and applicable beyond the party members.I’m pretty sure that buffs are capped at five, and prioritize party members…
Quite certain of that as well, otherwise guardians would have been basically invincible in a zerg.
For WvW it has become “Immobilize Wars 2”…
More like “Stack Wars 2”
I can’t fathom why they would cap AoE at 5 (random!!) targets yet leave buffs uncapped and applicable beyond the party members.I’m pretty sure that buffs are capped at five, and prioritize party members…
Quite certain of that as well, otherwise guardians would have been basically invincible in a zerg.
Haha. Guardian gets out staff; presses #4. ~You Win! Perfect!~
For WvW it has become “Immobilize Wars 2”…
More like “Stack Wars 2”
I can’t fathom why they would cap AoE at 5 (random!!) targets yet leave buffs uncapped and applicable beyond the party members.I’m pretty sure that buffs are capped at five, and prioritize party members…
Quite certain of that as well, otherwise guardians would have been basically invincible in a zerg.
Haha. Guardian gets out staff; presses #4. ~You Win! Perfect!~
It wouldn’t even be that lol. It would be every crit would heal me for stupid amounts and GS#4 is invul. for 4 seconds.
The only real counter to condition builds that I’ve seen in PvP is proper teamwork (fields/finishers, proper AoE removal timing, conditions to boons skills etc) and unless you’re in a pre-made in tPvP, that option is pretty much not available, which is why Condi builds are so powerful in most PvP situations.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
The (arguagably?) most popular class in the game has one of the most amazing condi counter builds out there, but good luck convincing any or those warriors to use a warhorn :p
The (arguagably?) most popular class in the game has one of the most amazing condi counter builds out there, but good luck convincing any or those warriors to use a warhorn :p
Heck yeah! Regen banners and warhorns converting conditions to boons. I’m basically a beefed-up mobile healing turret that doesn’t die. Bee-tee-dubs, how you all likin’ dat Vigor? That’s what I thought.
“Shake It Off!”
Mix in soldier runes, Shrug it Off and a second shout to taste.
(edited by Clockwork Bard.3105)
It can be argued very strongly condition damage in pve is worthless. Most legendary bosses take half condition duration and structures are not affected by conditions at all. Then there is the simple fact condition damage will not stack past 25stacks. There is even more damage lose for a pure condition build.
Personally I think the only answer for anet (since there bid to become a esport failed horribly) would be to either focus skills more on pve then pvp or just create a second set of skills that are pvp only versions that are balanced for pvp.