Hi there everyone. My name is Pawstruck. I’m currently a 23 year old male. I am married and enrolled in a master’s program at Princeton. I have no children, so I get a breather there. However, I also really enjoy League of Legends, and play it on a daily basis.
My point is that I don’t have a lot of time to play. Not nearly as much as I’d like, although I constantly feel like I play games in general far too much for my age/profession/marital status. I probably play about 10-15 hours of GW2 per week.
I was a pre-order-early-launcher, and my first character was a thief. I fantasized about how my friends and I would be storming castles in WvWvW, I’d be stealthing around assassinating people, and etc. I would even be Sylvari; Autumn-themed, to be exact, to fit the onset of death that my character would bring. (Nerdy, amirite?)
This is before I realized thieves don’t play like Rogues/Druids on WoW. There’s no perma-stealth, and a TON of precision is required (despite what QQ on the Thief forums might indicate) to 100-0 someone. If you miss, you’re toast. It feels like you’re an assassin trying to kill someone by throwing a grain of rice down their throat to choke them. Fail it and you feel like a dumby.
My thief hit level 50… and thing started to slow way down. (Currently lvl 63).
I started an Elementalist, knowing nothing about perceived class balance. I LOVED the fighting-game-esque button-mashing playstyle. For 28 levels I facerolled my heart out. Then I realized there are really only one or two cool combos for each weapon set, and a lot of the spells are flat out underwhelming (Water Trident, lolol). So there he sits…
Tonight I took a Necromancer to the Heart of the Mists… and it felt AWESOME. Condition damage, you say?! It’s an entire CLASS fully built around buffs and debuffs. How cool is that!? I didn’t know what the heck I was doing, but MAN they seem to have some awesome spells. I particularly like the one that instantly turns all enemy boons into conditions. >:D
Annnnnd you can guess where this is going. I have a couple of RL friends who have been 80 since like week 3, and they want to play with me. They want me to be 80, and to be honest don’t play much at all since I’m not. We all usually play MMO’s and raid/PVP/etc just together, the 4 of us. So… they’re kind of depending on me (they would never admit it, it’s just how our social circle works) to get to 80 “so we can all play together.”
My problems are 1) every class has SOME minor design flaws I can see, and 2) every class looks feels AWESOME. So what do you guys suggest? It’s really actually stressing me out, and I don’t like to get stressed out over games, so I usually just don’t play at all. What do?
P.S.: My perceived pro’s/cons
+Cool ninja/assassin theme
+Closest to 80
+Overall tight design feel
-Often forced to use Shortbow in WvW and dungeons, which is kitten br />
-100-0 builds are nerfed, leaving.. ??? in PVP
-Weird stealth mechanic
+Fighting-game-style “keyboard piano” playstyle
+Sweet combos
+Able to do more than just damage in dungeons
+Level 28, better starting than level 1
-Community seems to warn of extreme underpowered-ness at 80
-Questionable PVP viability
-Combos get repetitive quick
-Can’t switch weapons even out of combat, which is annoying as hell because I have to manually equip them
-Many spells feel useless and flavorless; many glitch out and don’t work
-SUPER crappy elite skills.
+Awesome theme and spell effects
+Unique condition-centered gameplay
+Probably better than Ele in PVP :p
+Overall design feels good, all spells feel effective and unique
-Idk much about it
-The pets are disgusting, I’d probably rarely use any unless I had to…
-I’d be starting ALL OVER again