(edited by Pyro.4765)
10 years later, I still hate the Charr for what they did to Ascalon.
Just wanting to let you know that you’re not alone in that.
My personal confession is that I can’t complete my map because of this heart:
Even if they’re virtual, unthinking and unfeeling pieces of code I can’t bring myself to take baby dolyaks away from their families.Edit: A third confession, I silently judge anyone with a world completion star next to their name because it signifies both that they support the Charr legions and that they abuse baby dolyaks. I really need to dial back my roleplaying instincts.
This is exactly like my girlfriend! She cannot STAND that quest. It bums her out so much. Had to do it for her.
This is exactly like my girlfriend! She cannot STAND that quest. It bums her out so much. Had to do it for her.
I can’t tell if I feel like that makes you sweet or if that makes me feel like you’re terrible.
Sometimes when i do something bad ingame and feel awful i go to quaggan kindergarten and swim with little ones ’till i feel batter.
edit: also: i once transmuted 2 armor sets to look the same, one was zerk, one was soliders and joined the most elitists party on lfg fractals lvl 50 who required meta zerk, i pinged zerk one but wore soliders. None of those pros noticed i run soliders.
(edited by Oxidia.8103)
When in sPVP or WvW if someone says “capture that, scout that, do that”, I like to say “I got this!” and then go afk.
I fundamentally dislike this game but somehow enjoy playing it.
I’m not buying ascended accessories although I have enough currency.
I actually played most of the game with rare/masterwork gear before being ‘forced’ by my girlfriend to buy exotics.
I believe most of the legendaries in this game belong on a gay parade float.
I cringe when i see another generic white colored Charr. In a few months the whole Charr population is going to be albino.
I cringe even more seeing other players have generic names for their characters like :Sarah Deathborn and Mia Shadowslayer (these are just generic names icame up with just now but if any of you have these names shame on your uncreativity.
When i see large Warrior or Guardian Norns with long white hair and beard i try really hard to not whisper them that they are unoriginal and generic.
I join 5k+ ap only lfg although i am still in 4.7k and tell them: lol how about 100k next time?
When i have spare time i go to people selling living season achievements and tell the people he gathered i will do it for free. The sellers rage at me i make fun of them and block them so they cant talk back and boil in their anger.
I always tip people who invite me in their homes for gathering nodes because i feel cheap not doing so after they write “donations are welcome”
My female light armor wearer is fully dressed and not using a bra and miniskirt skin.
When i am on a map where there is daily event completioner and people keep spamming “events?” “any events” i link them random waypoints
I trade so much that I buy some of my own listings quite regularly.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
-I bring a thief to pug fractals and stay on it when we fail over and over even if I knew I could carry the team with my guardian. I give boss fractals usually 10-15 fails until I swap to guard
-I feel bad whenever I convert gold to gems because I feel like I’m not supporting Arenanet
-I spend all of my gold on armor and weapon skins
-I care almost as much about my characters’ looks as I do about my own looks (if not more). I spend hours getting just the right looks for each of my characters
-I play male characters solely even though I’m a female
-When people call me “dude” I don’t correct them just to feel like one of the guys. This makes me happy inside
-I secretly judge everyone in pvp when they play bad in my opinion, except thieves. I also refuse to take blame for losses even when I know it’s my fault too
-I admire thieves in pvp who play well, no matter which side they’re on and wish I could be as good as them yet never ask for tips as I’m too shy
-I sometimes leech the first phase of Tequatl because I’m tired or just feeling lazy :/
I play how I want, with the classes I enjoy, with the builds I like. I don’t care what people think. Because I can
If people have under 2k AP I assume they are terrible and kick them from a group.
I know I’m fairy terrible at pvp, but still talk like I know what I’m doing and will troll in map chat pretending I’m good.
People that stomp with Rabbit annoy me when I know they have much higher ranks.
I hate dragons that sit in hot join all day just to stomp newbs/daily completers. I’m a dragon and I sometimes do this so I feel superior.
I only play human characters, except for Ele. Ele has to be Asura.
All of my characters generally look identical even when I really try to give a character a “fresh look”
I like dropping portals on supply depos in EoTM and getting people in awkward places.
I enjoy dropping fake siege in EoTM
I dislike being in a guild. I am really only in one for comms.
I often play on my alt account and tell people I usually play with they are terrible, so they don’t know it’s me. I’m not a great player I just don’t like others thinking they are better than they are.
I spend all my gold on skins rather than gear I need. And I regularly have less than 50 silver on my account.
I really like seeing RP’ers. I tell people off for being mean to them.
I secretly feel I want to do it too, but am far too lazy
I really disliked the black wings they have no reason to be in the game. We can’t fly and they look stiff and stupid, but I still have them.
I complain endlessly about LB4 on Ranger, people using it should get a temporary ban for disturbing my gaming experience. It’s the first skill I use in pve / EoTM on my ranger and enjoy making others mad.
I endlessly complain in /w to a friend about my party yet am outwardly pleasant and positive about the run.
I don’t res rangers with bear pets.
Most Rangers hate that bear as much as you do, believe it or not. Sadly, depending on the dungeon it’s basically the only pet that can withstand…pretty much anything from the boss. The cats and birds that do the most DPS generally go down immediately once the fight starts, especially in AoE intensive fights. As Rangers we need a pet out doing some damage. Bear doing damage is better than nothing.
(edited by Woljnir.7810)
I’m glad that Abaddon was behind the Searing and sinking of Orr. It serves the humans right for squabbling over magic then begging the gods for help. If you can’t play with your toys responsibly, your race deserves to be extinct.
When an NPC asks for help because the situation they’re in is a result of doing something incredibly stupid, I turn my back and walk away. I don’t help stupid people, let them suffer. Lesson learned.
I rooted and still root for the Inquest when they attack the labs in Metrica. You can’t make progress without going to the edge. The regular Asura are afraid and should embrace change.
When I role play and see other people in Orr downed and trying to rally, I watch and wait to see if they die and become Risen.
I don’t res rangers with bear pets.
Most Rangers hate that bear as much as you do, believe it or not. Sadly, depending on the dungeon it’s basically the only pet that can withstand…pretty much anything from the boss. The cats and birds that do the most DPS generally go down immediately once the fight starts, especially in AoE intensive fights. As Rangers we need a pet out doing some damage. Bear doing damage is better than nothing.
Bring a dog. My ranger runs both wolfs! The Fern hound and the regular one. I have yet to have them die in AC or COF and even in TA, if im paying attention to them of course xD
- When I do the heart where I have to capture the dolyak calves, I go out of my way to avoid fighting the Dolyak mothers. If I get their aggro, I either run away to break aggro or let them kill me. I can’t abide killing dolyak mothers while I’m trying to steal their calves.
- I sometimes troll people who are about to jump in a puzzle by firing off a speed boost just as they do the running jump.
Not gonna lie, because of that final bullet point I will head into wayfarers with my lowbie tonight and relish killing every single dolyak mother while stealing their babies. Just. For. You.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
I silently curse every time my zerg wipes when I know 80% of them can’t be bothered with TS3. It’s a viscous cycle.
edit: also: i once transmuted 2 armor sets to look the same, one was zerk, one was soliders and joined the most elitists party on lfg fractals lvl 50 who required meta zerk, i pinged zerk one but wore soliders. None of those pros noticed i run soliders.
This made me laugh.
- I solo’d the last 30% of Mai one time and felt so accomplished even though it was only a scale 3.
- I’m so bad at jumping puzzles because my connection can be choppy and unpredictable and I want to cry everytime I roll Uncatorgrized/ Cliffside/ Jade Maw fractals.
- I recently learnt how to solo the Reactor Room and I assure my party I can do it, but everytime my hands are shaking because I feel there is so much pressure to get it right the first time.
- I can’t take Asura melee characters seriously at all.
- I’ve come back from a 2 year break and haven’t done most of the dungeons/paths. When I do join a new one I rarely know where to go, so I silently wait and watch everyone else so I can learn. Which doesn’t work when I’m the only 80 in a AC group and they are expecting me to lead.
If it’s a bad staff ele, I’d imagine they would die in a few seconds. Esp if they are all signets- that’s just no sense…. I main an ele & I get irritated @ other eles quite often. A good player knows how to play their build & knows when to adjust it for any fight. I run staff or scepter/dagger depending on the situation in fractals.
A bad ele IS one that never switches attunements, even if it’s every once in a while, that ele understands why they need to switch attunements.. one that never switches thinks they can just faceroll & have their team carry them. I’d jump & dance on their body if they were that casual.
I’ve voted to kick mainhand staff necros that use fear on wrong situations & have fear as a trait when they get hit , minion necros bc minion AI should be like ranger pets but it’s not. A necro who uses plague form instead of lich, I’ve voted to kick & I have no regrets. It made things run smoother
Another one: I’m constantly annoyed by people shortening Claw of Jormag to “Jormag”, and it always makes me wonder how many of them don’t actually know that they’re NOT fighting the Elder Dragon itself, but rather his weakling lieutenant.
What’s wrong with shortening it to “Claw”? It’s even less characters, dagnabbit!
Another one: I’m constantly annoyed by people shortening Claw of Jormag to “Jormag”, and it always makes me wonder how many of them don’t actually know that they’re NOT fighting the Elder Dragon itself, but rather his weakling lieutenant.
What’s wrong with shortening it to “Claw”? It’s even less characters, dagnabbit!
I still hate that it’s pronounced GEORmag. -_-#
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
- I dislike Ascalonians who they think they’re victims of a big bad race of evil cat monsters that robbed them of their homeland. FACT – Charr were there first and the humans were the ones that screwed THEM when the gods brought them to Tyria. The land never belonged to the humans in the first place. Get over it. The Charr took THEIR land back, and good on them.
- I equally dislike Charr who plonk down their soapboxes and cry about humans who took their land from them. FACT – Not a single living Charr in game was around when it happened. It didn’t happen to THEM. They have no excuse what-so-ever to say they felt or feel the heavy hand of evil human oppressors. Get over it.
- I secretly wish Queen Jennah would die. She’s a puppet queen and an idiot to boot.
“No Logan, you can’t stay here and kiss my feet.”
“B.. bu… but…”
“Go save the world Logan.”
“But I lo…”
“Go save the world Logan, that’s your job. Stop being whipped over something you haven’t had yet.”
Which brings me to.
-Logan should have died in Arah. He’s about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.
“Logan is such a brave soul for staying behind and cutting a rope, let us all elate and venerate him as an angel. He has redeemed himself.”
Really? Blowing the first big mission is suddenly wiped clean by doing the job of a red shirt or other expendable anonymous henchmen?
I think people who play other genders are creeps (unless it’s a game where you have no choice. Then it’s fine. Or if you get some bonus out of it like in Fire Emblem)
really bad ROLEPLAYERS. if y ask me. =3.
I find this way of thinking quiet silly.
I find people who have these thoughts…
A true creeps who trying to blame others for their feelings and trying to hide it cuz ashamed of that .. : )
If you feel a creep when u create opposed gender char it doesn’t make everyone else a creep who make opposed gender char in Videogame.
For me personally. I never play as human if there are other races. Also I usually have 50/50 gender variation in my character selection.
(edited by DeT M.4319)
-Logan should have died in Arah. He’s about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.
“Logan is such a brave soul for staying behind and cutting a rope, let us all elate and venerate him as an angel. He has redeemed himself.”
Really? Blowing the first big mission is suddenly wiped clean by doing the job of a red shirt or other expendable anonymous henchmen?
I hope he dies in HoT and becomes the shield aligned legend Revs can stance to.
Then again I feel bad for every Rev having him in their head.
-Logan should have died in Arah. He’s about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.
“Logan is such a brave soul for staying behind and cutting a rope, let us all elate and venerate him as an angel. He has redeemed himself.”
Really? Blowing the first big mission is suddenly wiped clean by doing the job of a red shirt or other expendable anonymous henchmen?
I hope he dies in HoT and becomes the shield aligned legend Revs can stance to.
Then again I feel bad for every Rev having him in their head.
well.. might aswell lay out my logan skillset…even if it de-rails the topic a tiny bit…
- Heal: For the queen! : Makes the rev run from battle, refills the entire health bar and
gets an asura in your group killed, if no asura is present a random member
of your group gets killed
-#7: Dishonor friendships: Taunts a random charr in your group and if the player of said
charr is on your friendslist he gets removed, if no charr is in your group a random
friend gets removed from your friendslist
-#8: Disregard the fate of tyria: Ports the rev far enough away from enemies to occ
-#9: Ego blast : Makes the rev immune to taunt and blocks for 5 minutes all members
of your group
Elite: Must protect the queen: Summons queen jennah, the strongest known mesmer
in tyria to carry the group and make the rev look pathetic weak in comparison
and a confession:
- I dont really like logan…lets leave it at this
I lose respect instantly for anyone who pings zerk and boasts how great it is for everything.
I actually am starting to like Trahearne since he showed up in Season Two and wasn’t a complete spotlight hog. His voice even sounds better.
I don’t care how anyone plays as long as they play fine and listen – even bear/bows, zerks, and staff eles.
I am afraid to go in a dungeon because I’m petrified of being kicked or finding the build that works for me is one of the ‘bad’ ones that will get me kicked.
People who judge others for having a toon that is opposite of their RL gender are branded as close minded unimaginative creeps in my mind – even though I try to tell myself not everyone grew up as a roleplayer or a writer and understands the idea of playing what you aren’t.
Sometimes, I am afraid to say I’m a woman because of all the sexist crap that can happen in map chat if I do.
I hate rangers who don’t understand they need to control their pets in dungeons – same for anything with a minion or summon.
I play mainly by myself because I am terrified of being judged and made fun of. I have no idea how to use skills to help other players because of this.
I have fought Tequatl over a hundred times and I still get shivers when he jumps out of the water and the fight starts.
I am convinced I don’t play well because of elitists. Others have told me I listen well and execute things fine enough but I don’t believe them.
Due to disability, I don’t understand numbers and percentages well and that reflects on me not understanding most game mechanics that require math. I have no idea what 161% magic find actually means in game lingo other than better chance to find shinies.
Every time the reactor fractal comes up, I wish I would have voted for Gnashblade.
I have 21 character slots… and I intend to do world completion for every last one of them.
I’m afraid this community will become as toxic as WoW.
During the recent beta, I really had to bite my lip because of one complainer in chat who seemed determined to ruin it for everyone.
I hated Charr and Asura when I started playing. I love them both now.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Oh and also…
I hate Kasjory. It has nothing to do with them being lesbians, it has to do with me not wanting mushy romance in my dragon slaying adventures.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
I keep re-rolling human characters as ‘noble’ as I think Countess Anise is kind of cute. Although I grimace all through Faren missions. He and Trahearne need to hook up and go live in Elona or some other continent far far away.
First time playing the game I was wandering through Godslost Swap and nearly had a coronary as the kittening Behemoth appeared.
I play this song when a pvp match has too many thieves, mesmers or elementalists cause I know I’ll got wrecked.
-I cannot stomach “zerk only ping gear 5k+ AP ele/war/thief/wtfiswrongwithyou” groups in LFG and would rather start my own for a dungeon or fractal than join them.
-I just whispered someone whose LFG description was “p1 p3 no rangers” and gave them a dose of my thoughts.
-I also whisper people that join and leave a party without saying anything. Same goes for people that leave without saying thank you etc. Sometimes I block them, too.
-Although I main necro, I did a low level fractal on my ele today because I enjoy it, but I changed to my necro for the boss just to kitten my meta-loving team off. I also explained why I do not stack for the Aetherblade boss when running 49/50 fractals with my team (because we play the game for fun).
-I twitch everytime someone asks to kill the Mossman underwater. I also report it as a bug as often as possible, although I doubt Colin cares.
-I make a point of chasing down and violently murdering rangers that only 211112111121111 from a distance in PvP.
-Although I enjoy classes such as ele or mesmer and would like to do dungeons etc with them, I’m often reluctant to because I vehemently dislike the idea that it’s easier to find a group as an ele than as a necro.
-I am a member of a guild but only rep them when they’re doing guild missions.
-I frequently arrive late to fractals/dungeons/anything because I’m too busy snuggling my cat…
-I always say hi to my team in PvP and gg at the end (unless it was a disaster), but I won’t hesitate to shut down someone that’s complaining because “hurr durr u guiz suk am gonna afk at spawn”
-I am that kitten that votes for Skyhammer
-I have also been told to include the fact that, quote on quote “you turn into a verbal She-hulk when things in PvP aren’t going your way”
- I Dislike my main, and cannot choose what class to play still after playing so long and trying every class.
-I have not done even half of the dungeons in the game, including Story mode just…
-I’m afraid to try PvP and WvW because I don’t want to make people mad for sucking at pvp x.x
-Game Grumps motivate me for World Completion (I dont know either.)
-I chose my main based on no other friends playing it much.
-Most of my time online I just RP with my guild.
-Sylvari butt leaf is adorable.
-I dont play Warrior or Ranger despite them being the most appealing classes for my play style because I want to i feel unique in my group that has a very large amount of both warriors and rangers. :x
(edited by Infenso.6329)
I hate it when I get into a dungeon, and I get told how to play my class, i played it for 3 years.
-I sometimes afk in the eye of the north by the scrying pool and reminisce about the good ol’ days in GW1.
-I eat foods that sound good at the time, like a cup of potato fries.
-My favorite ranger pet is a brown bear, I never use it because it’s not effective.
-I love scepter/dagger condition necromancer in PvE but I hate it in PvP, so I never use it. ;/
-I have characters names based off of Game Of Thrones, Spartacus, Hannibal, Dexter, and Star Wars.
50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want
-After 2.5 years, I don’t like any of the current classes enough to pay attention while playing them.
-I hardly talk to anyone that’s not in my guild.
-When people ask me if I’m meta, I lie that I am, and consider a gender swap so I can explain that meta is a derivative of metamorphosis. (only the dutch people will get it)
-All my characters have names derived off dungeons and dragons or story characters I wrote up, but I never RP in game, since an RPing couple in another game gave me a quite wrong view of “RP”
-I use an alias when making youtube vids.
I like to level alts through the Ascalonian territory because it lets me kill more Charr.
I once played while being totally drunk. I was so focused that I ended up doing the best PvP game of my life (I got 325 points during the game)
Whenever I see a Ranger in pvP I assume he’s a total noob even though I play Ranger in PvP
Whenever I see another Elementalist, I feel the need to be superior to him, even though my Elem isn’t my main.
Whenever I see someone with less than 5k AP, I think he’s lame (I have 3400 AP -_-)
I make a Background Story for each of my characters in my mind, and can think of a name for more than an entire hour.
I’ve never managed to stay alive during the canon rain against Mei in the fractals.
I once stayed in from 11pm to 3am in Caudecus Mansion, just speaking with two strangers.
I created a Guil few months ago, but because of my actual job I couldn’t recruit members, we are a Guild of only 3 friends.
I hate when people say that I’m a PewPew ranger when most of the time I use the LB 2 then I switch to my sword.
I judge people’s skills according to their look. The uglier you are, the more useless you are.
I don’t do RP but can’t play any other race than human male because I always indentify as my characters (They don’t all look alike though)
I think I have created more than 100 characters (deleted them after lvl20 or 40), but only got 4 at lvl 80.
One time an Asura flirted with me. In the game. In a video game. Why? I was so confused and disturbed I told her I was asexual and ran away.
I run a full ascended zerk set on my ele, but with a cleric orange staff.
Then, every time ppl ask for “Ping gear on join”, I ping the gear, and don’t do it for the weapon.
I Even say “Thats enough?”
I run a full ascended zerk set on my ele, but with a cleric orange staff.
Then, every time ppl ask for “Ping gear on join”, I ping the gear, and don’t do it for the weapon.I Even say “Thats enough?
how could you!
I have the same thing with my staff on my ele, except it just has a corruption sigil that gives it away…should probably change that. lol
50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want
Spend more money in GW2 then a subscription game (not much but I do)
My main character is a female asura engie 60 years old.
My girlfriend’s main character is a female sylvari mesmer 5 years old.
They share a flexible and open minded trans-cultural, same-sex, off-aged, inter-species, multi-biologic-kingdom love that is way more torrid, yet not a iota as mawkish as the Marjory-Kasmeer coupling thingie.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
I would like to give whoever decided Joe-Ton was the pronunciation a piece of my mind.
I flushed 700g in the Mystic Toilet and got 0 precursors.
I flushed 700g in the Mystic Toilet and got 0 precursors.
-This is why I am afraid to use the Magic Toilet of gold stealing.
I cringe when i see another generic white colored Charr. In a few months the whole Charr population is going to be albino.
I agree! I thought I’d be in the majority, not the minority, when I made a sort of tabby Lion with yellow coat and orange/Brown stripes and an golden orange mane. I didn’t really spend much time thinking about how he looks, but I get compliments on his looks often. I also made a white female charr (so guilty of that) but I used the fur pattern (the patch one than is asymmetrical over one eye and the top of her tail). I spent a long time making her look cute (not cutesy, mind you) and people want to cuddle her all the time!
Confession: my female charr cuddles with no one because I’m jealous I can’t cuddle her myself
I cringe even more seeing other players have generic names for their characters like :Sarah Deathborn and Mia Shadowslayer (these are just generic names icame up with just now but if any of you have these names shame on your uncreativity.
Guilty. My male charr has a human name! But it’s not that I’m uncreative, is just his backstory says he was named and raised by humans for the 1st 3 years of his life and the continued to influence him through his life. Basically, I have reasons! Try not to judge all the time when you see it in game.
(edited by Leo G.4501)
Due to disability, I don’t understand numbers and percentages well and that reflects on me not understanding most game mechanics that require math. I have no idea what 161% magic find actually means in game lingo other than better chance to find shinies.
Fyi, no one really knows what the percentage of magic find actually do as the data on the matter is so limited and up to interpretation. All you really need to know about magic find is what you perceive already: it just increases chance of getting shinies. As for the other percentages like crit, duration augmentation and procs, I suppose not knowing percentages might be a slight disadvantage but not much. You seem to be doing fine without all that info, right?
-I’ve owned this game since the second day of launch and I never bothered to mess with with the “Mystic Toilet” until like 2 months ago.
-I sometimes spend an hour or more reorganizing the guild bank, only to decide I don’t like how its set-up
-I’m secretly judgmental about people who don’t say hello back to me in pvp :’(
-sometimes I wonder aimlessly in wvw with no real intention of doing anything.
-sometimes I post a controversial topic in map chat just to watch the chaos that follows.
Edit: -I also go out of my way to join the groups that specifically state requirements that I don’t meet, out of spite.
-Retired Thief
(edited by TheMurkMuffin.8213)
General Dungeon Discussion Thread is something i avoid for 2 something years now, when i click on the thread i get this weird undomfortable feeling, the same one i got when i first discovered goldshire. I honestlly think of a cesspool when i see that thread because i every time i click on it somebody is making fun of somebody else (but never of somebody who actually posts there, interesting) and there is allways links with: huehuehue look at this thread, the OP is so dumb, lemme grab my popcorn michael jackson popcorn gif
There is allways same people posting there all day every day i wonder if they know there are other topics, people should tell them if they don’t.
Confession #1: I love the fact that the Asura had the cojones to blast an undead, magic eating dragon with a magic laser. This is why I’m Asura and darned proud of it!
Confession #2: My blue plushie Quaggan backpack is perhaps the best part of my wardrobe. I will never not display it.
Confession #3: At heart, I am a role-player. I am Huggy Wuggles, Tyria’s most fearsome amd terrifying Asura Warrior. I hate the Colleges and prefer to just beat stuff up; Magic can fail. A good sword never does.
I deleted my asura guardian because empower animation was asura poledancing around the staff. It was too much.
I deleted my asura guardian because empower animation was asura poledancing around the staff. It was too much.
I like to respond to people who necrofy threads