Stuff! Stuffy stuff stuff stuff!!
Confusion About Large Events
Stuff! Stuffy stuff stuff stuff!!
You are right, they did say that and that was specifically why they added so many during season 1.
They either changed their mind, or realised they aren’t as well integrated and found them less seamless to activate. Either way, it would be nice for an official communication saying why there are no festivals.
Why in the world of Tyria would they want to give us a festival or SAB that people are clamoring for when there is absolutely nothing else going on?
Crazy talk.
[/end sarcasm]
Chalk it up to another “foundation” that was abandoned, sacrificed to the god, “Iterate”.
Now, whenever they roll out another blog post about some great idea, and how it is going to be a foundation for exciting new things going forward, I sigh. At this point I have almost zero confidence that we will get anything beyond one elite specialization for each profession, or that there will be any development of guild halls beyond what we get at HoT launch.
We’ve been sold the “hey, this new thing is the beginning that wil let us do amazing things going forward”, only to see little to now maturing of that idea because a new one catches ArenaNet’s attention.
(edited by Gibson.4036)
It takes time to set up all of the decorations. I recall one of the Dev’s that did Wintersday saying he spent an entire month off and on doing LA.
I thought it was odd last year when they didn’t include Dragon Bash again in the line-up.
Since they are working on an expansion I certainly didn’t expect the Living Story update schedule that they previously had, but I’d be lying if I said I thought they were going to drop Festivals in the meantime. I guess this is the price for having the festivals tied in with the Living Story I liked the Bazaar of the Four Winds as well, but I figure that won’t make the cut either due to the story they incorporated.
I’ll specifically refer to Dragon Bash first…when was the last time we killed an Elder Dragon and celebrated it? Yes, there have been new players to join the game since the first time, but not that many that it’s needed to hold another Dragon Bash(the reason for the first one was to celebrate the fall of Zhaitan). Second, there have been many changes to the game since the first time it was out, perhaps some of those changes have made it so that they would need to rework the event so that it works with any new systems/changes made in the interim.
SAB, Colin has said it before, those that don’t care have said…it will be back, when it’s appropriate, those that spend the coin in the cash shop for the permanent key will get access…at some point in the future, when the time is right. That time is not now.
The festivals were set up for returning. Here are the festivals they set up:
- Halloween – returned every year
- Wintersday – return every year
- Dragon Bash – returned partially as Lunar New Year; it hasn’t returned because Lion’s Arch has been a steaming pile of kitten upon Dragon Bash’s first anneversary.
- Bazaar of the Four Winds – returned the second year, we haven’t reached the third year point yet.
- Crown Pavilion – returned the second year, we haven’t reached the third year point yet.
What’s not a festival? Super Adventure Box. That was an April’s Fools joke that was brought back because one dev (forgot who it was) did the entire second world on his spare time, and the devs working on the Living World needed a break (the team who did Tequatl Rising wasn’t the same team that did Living World releases). So there’s really no reason for it to be back except to continue Moto’s story – which, imo, never should have been made canon.
Maybe it’ll be back April 1st next year… only time it should be back in my opinion.
I’ll specifically refer to Dragon Bash first…when was the last time we killed an Elder Dragon and celebrated it?
It was said during Dragon Bash that it would be an annual event, though NPCs also said it was to celebrate Zhaitan’s defeat. I don’t recall if it was an NPC or a dev who said this though.
But, yes, it was started because we beat Zhaitan, but it was intended in-story to be annual – at least from an in-story perspective. However, it wasn’t thanks to Scarlet who destroyed the place that was going to celebrate it. We might see Dragon Bash launch alongside the renewal of Lion’s Arch, or have to wait until next year to see it again. Anet knows we want it back, so they’d be foolish not to bring it back.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Maybe we’ll get “Scarlet Briar Bash” when the new Lions Arch rises from the ashes.
Maybe we should just forget about her and never bring up that monstrosity of butchered storytelling again?
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
I’ll specifically refer to Dragon Bash first…when was the last time we killed an Elder Dragon and celebrated it? Yes, there have been new players to join the game since the first time, but not that many that it’s needed to hold another Dragon Bash(the reason for the first one was to celebrate the fall of Zhaitan). Second, there have been many changes to the game since the first time it was out, perhaps some of those changes have made it so that they would need to rework the event so that it works with any new systems/changes made in the interim.
SAB, Colin has said it before, those that don’t care have said…it will be back, when it’s appropriate, those that spend the coin in the cash shop for the permanent key will get access…at some point in the future, when the time is right. That time is not now.
Dragon Bash was in GW1 well before the defeat of Zhaitan.
(edited by Ayrilana.1396)
Yes, Dragon Bash had been started as an annual event.
In that defense- when was the last time the US gained Independence from England? We still seem to manage to celebrate the 4th of July each year… and have for quite a few years. So why would an annual event require defeating another Elder Dragon to be celebrated?
Just my thought.
To the comment about the Wintersday Event taking so much time to setup- I believe that was the first time it was ever setup. I remember reading about that. Maybe since they trashed LA now all of those plans for where items should be are now scrapped. But in all honesty, they should’ve planned for that when they trashed the place versus just scrapping the events they started as “annual events” and then left on a spare USB drive someplace gathering dust.
Just my opinion:
In a world where there’s so much destruction the last thing you need is to be constantly reminded of it every day. You need to have something to not only celebrate, but you need to keep your traditions alive. The only other alternative is lose who you are at the core. When that happens, you’re no better than the mindless mobs you drive back on a daily basis to survive.
Survival isn’t everything.
We need a reason to LIVE in Tyria.
Bring back our Traditions.
Stuff! Stuffy stuff stuff stuff!!
This was the second year that they did Wintersday right before Scarlet had her way with LA. There was a twitch interview with the dev that created the Wintersday version of LA.