Congratulations ANET
Welcome to the club.
I voted with my money too – just bought a whole load of gems. Why? Cause as I was wondering around the world yesterday, finishing off my Monthly Jumping Puzzles, I came to the southern Diessa Plateau one (the one on the wall), now, around 10 new players were all attempting to do it, chatting in map chat about it, helping each other – that’s when I realised, this system is brilliant – so what about the Mega Bosses, whilst really annoying, a community like this is far more important, not just to me, but to everyone else too. If you don’t want a community like that, caring, giving, participating together when changes are made to make that happen more often – I’m sorry but I think you are playing the wrong game.
Lol ya probably my first and last thread here … tis a shame they chose to break the game this way.
edit used the word post when I meant thread*.
(edited by Strike.1340)
It isn’t broken.
Angel what server are you on? a lower pop one?
I already have a wonderful Community … the server of Blackgate.
We did all that that you mention in your post the problem is I just dont spend all that much time just wandering around random zone X. I like the concepts of mega servers .. what I dont like is the Schedule for various world events .. maybe you are not 80 yet and have yet to reach any content other than wandering around an empty zone. If so Im sorry for you.
Megaserver is fine. Servers are what is broken, and it is time they went away. Maybe you guys haven’t been in the MMO scene long enough to understand what it is like constantly having to pay alot of money to transfer servers just to have someone to talk to in the game. When I started GW2, I chose Jade Quary (a very high population server) so that this would not happen in this game, but even it was barren.
I will not ever miss the server concept, I hope it dies and never comes back.
That said, Megaserver does have some issues that need ironed out. Most of the game was simply not designed for such large numbers, and increasing the amount of zerg content added to the game is not the answer. Hopefully ANet can come up with some worthwhile fixes to the many issues in the coming months.
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/
The server concept .. is here to stay as long as wvw is server based. However i do agree it really is terrible on alot of the servers out there.
No more money from me, ever. And it was quite an amount each month, I assure you. Screw them and their money-grabbing mega-shenanigans.
William S. Burroughs
I really don’t see the problem.
Also, OP, when making a post ranting and kitten, try to like, format it properly, it’s a kittening pain in the kitten to read.
I already have a wonderful Community … the server of Blackgate.
walks backwards out of thread
I think Arenanet developers don’t play other games, or even don’t play their game….or they are on some drugs which makes them think everything is just rainbow and flowers, otherwise they would see how badly they damaged the game by megaserver feature…
The game is better than it was, not worse. Yes there are downsides, but these downsides are largely overstated.
You can’t get the wurm and tequatl. I wonder what percentage of the game’s players even care about those things. Certainly more people care about having people in dead zones. At least I’m pretty sure that’s the case.
There’s a certain type of person that does Teq and the Wurm and loves that. And if that’s all they log on for, they probably wouldnt’ stay around that long anyway.
This is best for the health of the game, over all. And yes, some demographics will be shafted. But I really do believe more people will play with and stay with the game this way than if they left Tequatl, the Wurm and the Karka Queen alone.
Yay… at least we can influence each other maybe anet will address these issues as well.
Also a few posters above took what I stated about world events and translated it to Zerg events in their heads… world events also include things like Taditha/Modinir/Ogre Wars not just the zerg fests like Jormag and Karka queen I used to level from 40-50 ish on quite a few of my toons Doing the Modinir event chain. 99% of the time it was me and maybe a dozen others IF that …
You should see the screencap I have of modiniir now .. i swear it had at least 200 people there (although i thought the server cap was 160) it was absolutely horrible.
Also Apologies for formatting issues… first time poster here and well not at all familar with “proper” formatting with these tools.
(edited by Strike.1340)
The game is better than it was, not worse. Yes there are downsides, but these downsides are largely overcrowded.
Fixed that for ya.
William S. Burroughs
The game is better than it was, not worse. Yes there are downsides, but these downsides are largely overstated.
You can’t get the wurm and tequatl. I wonder what percentage of the game’s players even care about those things. Certainly more people care about having people in dead zones. At least I’m pretty sure that’s the case.
There’s a certain type of person that does Teq and the Wurm and loves that. And if that’s all they log on for, they probably wouldnt’ stay around that long anyway.
This is best for the health of the game, over all. And yes, some demographics will be shafted. But I really do believe more people will play with and stay with the game this way than if they left Tequatl, the Wurm and the Karka Queen alone.
I do wonder how long will the players get sick of the constant zerging, world bsoses lagfests, the inability to do temples, guild missions, organzied teq or wurm runs and basically all the activites outside prancing in the wildflower fields in the open world…which mind you i can barely do anyways thanks to the overcrowded maps and the casual racism, xenophobia, homophobia, sexism and all kinds of wonderful things clogging up my chat log log lately…. that’s if it is at least in a language i can understand.
I had a great community in Gunnars Hold, we had mining runs, temple runs, world boss runs, teq runs, karka trains and so much more. We all knew the commanders running them and personally i was friends with most of them and the people running with them. We had fun without crossing lines and trolling was a very extreme occurance. All that wonderful social aspect for me is gone and instead i have faceless zergs killling things within seconds of spawning taking away all the little challenge that was left out of them talking about how queers should die and women should be in the kitchen all the while if i actually have time to do the bosses thanks to the schedule.
As for the health of the game, THIS GAME WAS NOT DESIGNED WITH MEGASERVER IN MIND, they are trying to fit a round peg in a square shape and it’s showing, and no matter how much they hammer it in it won’t work.
(edited by AlexEBT.7240)
I voted with my wallet. I bought gems because of it.
Mega servers is a god-send. The desert MMORPG is now lively again. I actually see people.
I’ll make sure to cover up your missing donations.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
The game is better than it was, not worse. Yes there are downsides, but these downsides are largely overstated.
You can’t get the wurm and tequatl. I wonder what percentage of the game’s players even care about those things. Certainly more people care about having people in dead zones. At least I’m pretty sure that’s the case.
There’s a certain type of person that does Teq and the Wurm and loves that. And if that’s all they log on for, they probably wouldnt’ stay around that long anyway.
This is best for the health of the game, over all. And yes, some demographics will be shafted. But I really do believe more people will play with and stay with the game this way than if they left Tequatl, the Wurm and the Karka Queen alone.
Spock:“… The Needs of the many….outweigh the needs of the few.”
Kirk: “… Or the One.”
We can’t rage this much against ANet, we need to yes, insist with them till they melt so this game’s community voice is finally heard.
There are problems that are actually minor things (but with great impacts on players) with some of their new systems that they need to first admit and then discuss with the community the paths to take from there.
Not that the changes are bad by themselves, the ideas are nice, some specific implementations work awfully, specially hurting PvE Players.
Asura thing.
(edited by Max Lexandre.6279)
We can’t rage this much against ANet, we need to yes, insist with them till they melt so this game’s community voice is finally heard.
There are problems that are actually minor things (but with great impacts on players) with some of their new systems that they need to first admit and then discuss with the community the paths to take from there.
Not that the changes are bad by themselves, the ideas are nice, some specific implementations work awfully, specially hurting PvE Players.
Couldn’t Agree more and I find it funny how people from the low pop servers (that were probably guesting to a High pop server) all like the mega server which is an excellent Idea I agree … but they dont EVER mention the real complaint I had which is the world event schedule.
It’s so good to see other people in the game. As an European on Tarnished Coast (My dear Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP]‘s home server), the afternoons used to be really quiet and boring. Now I see plenty of people and it’s fun to chat while gathering/completing the map.
Angel what server are you on? a lower pop one?
I already have a wonderful Community … the server of Blackgate.
We did all that that you mention in your post the problem is I just dont spend all that much time just wandering around random zone X. I like the concepts of mega servers .. what I dont like is the Schedule for various world events .. maybe you are not 80 yet and have yet to reach any content other than wandering around an empty zone. If so Im sorry for you.
I am on Piken Square, which whilst not the population size of BG, is still highly populated, I have 3 level 80s, I participate in all forms of gameplay: WvW, sPvP and PvE. I never guest. The problem is, you cannot have both systems – the megaserver and the old boss timers it would simply not work due to the server infrastructure. The fact remains the Megaserver system is better for the game as whole in the long term, whilst it may seem rough on the short term to those who like to hunt the bosses.
I like the megaderver. The boss schedule will have me doing less events because real life doesn’t work out that I can be on for teq or three headed wurm which bums me out. I will just Pvp more.
It isnt ONLY hunting the bosses … its the whole kit and kaboodle for the world events. I am happy for you and others on lower pop servers that most of what mega servers are has been positive for those servers with a smaller player base.
However Large pop servers have more people and well if it affects them negatively it will cost Anet more.
I completely understand the server infrastructure changes … that being said they still can expand the schedule. Its like a person eating 3 meals a day is now required to survive on one bowl of oatmeal for the month. Sorry but that is the best illustration of what this boss schedule has done for my enjoyment of the game.
Also not attacking anyone else’s servers here but I’ve been on BG since day one and other than a short period when a few specific trolls were controlling general/map chat the helpfulness of the players and the community is by far one of the best I’ve ever played with in a mmo.
And up until recently .. never touched wvw so if anyone has wvw baggage regarding BG ….. please find the appropriate thread. This is not it.
(edited by Strike.1340)
The Megaserver is aimed that those who play the game for maybe an 1-2hours a day, who want to log on kill maybe 1 world event, and log off, this update seems to ruin the game for anyone who liked to play longer, and jump from event to event, or heavens forbid farm cursed shore events, which have all but been destroyed from this update, so to the casual players who play a couple of hours a day, im glad you got what you wanted, in 3 or 4 months when the zones are again dead because the people who played longer have all but left, you can always look back and be well for a few months we had what we always wanted.
Track records around here show that they never go back something they deem to be right, until its at critical mass, so this update will not go away, world events are apparently being tracked but nothing will change, for the first time im glad there are other games on the market now to check out to kill time in.
I’m finally seeing people on maps I’ve rarely if ever seen people on. I can shout out and say “Hey!” and get half a dozen replies back. Sorry, but I think this is a good thing and I hope ANet keeps it.
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
Since we are receiving a lot of feedback about this topic, we are gathering it in dedicated threads. You are very welcome to repost your question, comments and concerns in this discussion.
Thank you for your understanding.