I wanted to see what is everyone’s take on the game so far. I have been hanging with friends and some other people in-game and it seems I keep hearing the same thing over and over again.
Here are a few things I have heard over the past 3weeks: One thing that hits home for me is this, if you haven’t already know when you level up the cost to the waypoints goes up. Well when you hit level80 it costs from 2.5s up to 3s+ for quests we gain about 3silver per quest. This goes for instances as well you don’t gain as much as you did the first time.
I have been hearing this and starting to agree with it is that arenanet should switch it back to the trinity style of playing. Reason why is like arenanet said you will most likely wipe once or twice no matter what. Well that is gonna cost us some $$ for repairs and the instance is gonna take bit longer to finish.
Here is yet another one that is starting to hit home again. I know a few people that are playing melee professions (classes) and they keep saying the melee is broken. It’s not worth it they said its better to just go range and kick his/herkitten
We all know about the TP problems or the gem problems. Now I have been having problems since day one for selling. What I do is pretty much hoard everything then sell it all at one whack, I end up getting the “Error Attempting to Sell” (mind you I have send in enough tickets for my whole server).
I believe this one will hit home for just about everyone. We all know we “love” those gold spammers. I remember arenanet saying that since they have the gem system where you can buy gems from people that bought it with real money for in-game gold. They ask people to do this so there won’t be “any” gold spammers.
I see one bigkitten flaw in that. If you are gonna have it where gold is hard to get and have to “grind” for it. You’re gonna see gold spammers selling gold at a cheaper price than the gem prices for gold.
This I have been a bit po’ed about. It’s about guilds, now I know which I personally do not get one bit of why arenanet did it this way. For your information guilds are cross servers no matter what. Example: guild A’s home is server1 someone from server 2+ can be in guild A.
Now that part I don’t understand since guilds are cross servers you would think that the upgrades/research you did would cross over to other servers are well. Well guess what you’re wrong, you have to start all over again.
Another thing about guilds is the inviting/representing. When you invite someone to the guild they have if I remember correctly an accept or ignore. If you ignore you pretty much have “joined” the guild just not representing. I’m thinking shouldn’t it be accept or decline.
There is one thing I like about able to represent more then one guild you could help out a friend who is starting his very own guild. The only thing is this kinda pisses me off as well, it ends up either the person forgets he/she has one or more guild(s) which in turn those other guild(s) lose a person for influence.
You could argue about a few other things about guilds. One for instance is that guilds can have up to 500 people. Well if on one server there ends up being one or more guilds with over 100+ people in it, they will be able to get more people unlike new guilds starting out. Since people want those benefits that guild’s give out from researching the whole nine yards of upgrades.
Now I have only heard rumors about the legendary weapons and not sure about a few things. Supposedly the “gifts” are soul bound, I think that means so is the weapon I guess. Which in turn means you have to level three different crafts to level 400. Another thing is the bloodstone is worth 200 skill points. Well wouldn’t everyone want two 1handers and one 2hander for their character?
If so that means you need 3 bloodstones 3*200=600skill points, that will take you forever!!!! You could say who in the world would want to sell a legendary weapon. True it would take you awhile to gather the materials needed for the legendary weapon or a crap load of gold.
Pretty much all of these are cons with maybe a pro here and there. Also most of these have to deal with the $$ well guess what here is another one for the $$. I heard on the forums as well in-game about the cultural armor. If you don’t know what I’m talking about go to your race’s home town and look for 3 blue helms.
Go to the one that says Teir 3 that will be the level 80 armor. I have not heard anyone say bad about the looks of this armor at all, the only bad thing about them is the whole set will cost you 120g give or take a gold.