Title: Where is the ‘Content you would normally / traditionally see in an expansion’? time is up.
This question is maybe even more for the people who have been defending the LS expansion approach as it is for Anet. But is at the same time also directed towards Anet.
Somewhere around half a year after GW2’s release I noticed GW2 was turning into a cash0shop focus and it was also then that Anet stated about the then just started LS “If we do this right there will never be an expansion” also explaining that the content we would normally see being released with an expansion would then be spread out using the Living story in stead of being released as expansion. However when that did git a lot of negative feedback they said that expansions where of the table, there where working on content and had not yes decides how to release it (wat is an impossible statement but I will come back to that later).
While I personally did think Anet would be able to release it that way my main reason to be against it was because it would mean that in stead of focusing on an expansion every year to earn there income they would need to focus on the cash-shop to earn income with a negative effect to the game. Pretty much exactly as we have seen over the last 1,5 year.
However every-time if this discussion came up and people complained about how the LS was not delivering the content we could expect from an expansion Anet’s response was they had things in the background and the people on the forum defending it said it was unfair to ask that from Anet.. We needed to give them more time, maybe the next patch would bring it, they had already made progress bla bla and other games also took much longer to release an expansion. While for me that was irrelevant (I wanted a B2P game, they need to release expansions sooner, those other games are P2P of F2P games) it was at least relevant for people who just had complains about the lack of the content and it was brought up a lot by people defending it.
We got the release dates of expansions of those other games thrown in our face. What was somewhere between 1,5 year and 2 years. In fact of all the bigger more successful mmo’s out there WoW seemed to take the longest (I know many people here dislike the WoW comparison but be satisfied with knowing it’s a negative reference as they took the longest). They took 2 years, 1 month and 24 days to release the first expansion.
You know when GW2 was released? 2 years, 1 month and 25 days ago. So here I am. I (and many with me) waited for over 1,5 year just ask the ‘defenders’ asked us to do and where is it??
Looking at what the LS did bring us we for sure got something of it. It’s hard to really hang a number to it in percentages but it is for sure less then 50% of what you would normally see an a expansion.
And before somebody tells me to again wait for the next part of this LS season to see what they add and so they might still include enough content. No the waiting time for that is over, ‘we’ waited at long and us has been asked. All the those excuses of ‘look at other games’ have become invalid as from now. And even if they would add everything missing is those upcoming patches (so about 10 more maps, an new race or profession, one more dungeon, and at lease one completely new feature like guild-halls or mounts or factions or something like that) that they would still not have been able to spread out the content we would normally see in an expansion over that period but would have still released most in one bunch. While the spreading out was exactly what was the hole point of the expansion.
Then to Anet the question. Does that then now mean we move away from this Living story Approach and back to traditional expansions? Like you said “If we do this right there will be no expansion” but we can now conclude you failed at that attempt. So then it’s time to move back to expansions and then please focus on them, back to the real B2P model. We waited long enough, gave you the appropriate time (in fact much longer because it this was to be a true B2P game we would have seen an expansions much sooner and had the second one by now). Now it’s your turn to make things right.
And about the “we are working on stuff in the background but are still looking at how to release it”. Considering that time-travel is not possible irl that statement does not even make sense if it comes to the LS vs Expansions approach. The idea with the LS was to release the content spread out over the period in stead of all at one bunch. So that means then everything being worked on also needs to get released overtime. It would be impossible to at this moment decide “we are going to release it using the LS” because then you would have to travel back in time to release it considering the time-period we would normally see for content we usually see in an expansion has passed.