Continued World Boss Issues

Continued World Boss Issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrRuin.9740


Tequatl was hated when it was first revamped into what it is now. I always liked it from the start and had joined TTS at the time to get in on the action. Now it seems to happen on random maps with pugs, now that people know how to do it.
I’ve always thought that Shatterer and Claw of Jormag, also being so high ranked in their respective dragons armies, should be redone in a similar manner that Tequatl was.
Tequatl actually has the feeling of being a formidable enemy and high rank in his army. Shatterer feels like a joke for what he’s supposed to represent and Claw of Jormag is just tedious and a long fight for the sake of being long.
I would love to see them both get makeovers of a map-wide nature along the lines of the Vinewraith, beefing them up to be the dragon’s champions they are supposed to be.

(edited by MrRuin.9740)

Continued World Boss Issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Prototypemind.4026


Vine Wrath and the Cursed Shore/god battles seem to be the best content overall. Even with bigger groups they’re still a challenge, and because of how most of the fights work the mechanics are still necessary to clear often—VW champs—and there’s often not the boredom of sitting back and spamming a few attacks because the relative health pool is much, much better.

The god fights are not uncommon to end up with smaller sized groups, making it more challenging and enjoyable, but even in larger ones they aren’t cakewalks. Teq and VW seem to end up with decent numbers of new players often enough to make them more challenging as well. There’s also the fact that the Siege Carrier portions of VW still scale properly and dump additional champs during the Vine Wall phase if there are larger number of players, and there are much harsher penalties when people aren’t about their business setting up siege weapons, positioning for each wave, and properly using abilities, CCs, and staying awake. True, there are AFKs that abuse the rewards, but in general the Silverwastes scenarios can be quite involved and remain a challenge.

The only bad part in the end is that the rewards still lend themselves to RNG and the grind, but those series of fights are great as a whole.

Continued World Boss Issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


4. Taking away the safe spot is really needed. An alternative would be to give it a strong resistance to all ranged damage (90% reduction would work). Either risk the melee or fail the event.

I would only be fine with this if either of this is also true
1) the game was smarter about scaling, failing an event because of other people … well just look at the threads from around when the Marionette was active. This is a bad idea.
2) allow me to just go into an instance solo

oh and uh conditions says hi?

5. Jormag is another too long and annoying boss. Reducing it’s spamming of Fear would go a long way to making this boss FUN instead of annoying.

The #5 on the charrzooka and flamethrowers will block the fear.

7. Taida is also fine as is. If people fight her smart they get rewarded. Chasing her around the ship is kittening annoying, not challenging. Maybe she should get an aoe damage in response to getting rooted.

She already has a hard hitting AoE. The problem is that preventing her from teleporting also stops that attack and several others.

8. Megadestroyer: Again, a long, pointless, annoying and non-challenging pre. Either make the pre faster and more dangerous or cut a phase out.

The pre suffers from the same issue that the Shatter pre used to. The lab defense event takes longer the more people show up for the first part. On the other hand at least one person has to show up.

10. Modnir Ulgoth: Yet another pointlessly long pre and lackluster boss fight. By the time you get to him, you just want him dead FAST. Honestly, he needs a full redesign to be interesting to fight. A nice change would be to make him lead an attack out of the stronghold.

The pre can be great or terrible depending on timing. If you get the North/southpasture defense event then it is great otherwise it sucks. Also have you ever tried this without a blob around?

Continued World Boss Issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fyrebrand.4859


Relaxing? No. They’re world bosses, they’re supposed to be challenging. If you want to relax go farming.

Tequatl was hated when it was first revamped into what it is now. I always liked it from the start and had joined TTS at the time to get in on the action. Now it seems to happen on random maps with pugs, now that people know how to do it.

The thing is, whether Tequatl is “challenging” or not has little to do with any individual’s skill level. It is entirely about what time of day it is, how many people happen to pop into your map, and if you got lucky enough to get people who are semi-organized and understand the basic structure of the event. Beyond that, it really doesn’t matter how good a player you are. You either need to be in a large, organized Tequatl-killing guild, or just get lucky with map RNG. Is that “challenge”?

World bosses are, by definition, large-scale encounters. As in, the individual means nothing — the masses rule. There is some degree of coordination required, but in general you are dealing with random members of the public who cannot be depended upon to know the fight or perform efficiently. Sorry, but that is always going to be the reality. I suppose it’s a shame, in some ways, but it would be incredibly infuriating if every world boss were on this level. No one would ever see these events through successfully, except for a couple of hardcore guilds. I know there are a few people out there who are in love with that concept, but it really isn’t the reason anyone makes an MMORPG.

If you want a chance to truly shine and prove your performance as an organized, highly-skilled individual or small group, go for dungeons, fractals, some elements of WvW, or sPvP. That’s where the true skill tests lie. For large guilds, there is off-hours Tequatl or Triple Touble Wurm in the open world as guild-spawned events. Otherwise, I really don’t know why you expect to gather together large swaths of the general population and expect them to come together as highly-trained, in-synch, well-oiled killing machines.

Continued World Boss Issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


The commissar goes down so fast, that greedy players have been camping on his spot to kill it before any other player can get there, this both keeps his exotic trinket way too expensive, and prevents people from getting the trait unless they camp there too.

1. He should change from champion to legendary and get tons of extra scaled health.
2. At the start of the event, he should start invulnerable and run to the area with the constant explosions before the fight starts, and get a leash so he gives priority to staying inside the area with explosions to following enemies, so he can’t be pulled outside.
2. At 50%, he should become invulnerable and summon a scaled number of APCs with a scaled number of dredge inside each. He will stay invulnerable until all APCs are destroyed.
3. At 75%, and 25%, HP he should become invulnerable and summon a scaled number of dredge armorer suits highly resistant to direct damage, but vulnerable to conditions.
4. At 10% he should become invulnerable and run to where the chest is and get inside, then turn vulnerable again for the end of the fight, so it’s harder for newbies to miss the chest. The chest will also get a map icon.
5. He should drop nothing himself, all his drops should be in the event as a Map Reward, in the daily bonus chest, and in the world chest.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Continued World Boss Issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrRuin.9740


The thing is, whether Tequatl is “challenging” or not has little to do with any individual’s skill level. It is entirely about what time of day it is, how many people happen to pop into your map, and if you got lucky enough to get people who are semi-organized and understand the basic structure of the event. Beyond that, it really doesn’t matter how good a player you are. You either need to be in a large, organized Tequatl-killing guild, or just get lucky with map RNG. Is that “challenge”?

World bosses are, by definition, large-scale encounters. As in, the individual means nothing — the masses rule. There is some degree of coordination required, but in general you are dealing with random members of the public who cannot be depended upon to know the fight or perform efficiently. Sorry, but that is always going to be the reality. I suppose it’s a shame, in some ways, but it would be incredibly infuriating if every world boss were on this level. No one would ever see these events through successfully, except for a couple of hardcore guilds. I know there are a few people out there who are in love with that concept, but it really isn’t the reason anyone makes an MMORPG.

If you want a chance to truly shine and prove your performance as an organized, highly-skilled individual or small group, go for dungeons, fractals, some elements of WvW, or sPvP. That’s where the true skill tests lie. For large guilds, there is off-hours Tequatl or Triple Touble Wurm in the open world as guild-spawned events. Otherwise, I really don’t know why you expect to gather together large swaths of the general population and expect them to come together as highly-trained, in-synch, well-oiled killing machines.

Why should we expect that? Because it happens now, many several times a day.
The biggest counter-point to what you’re saying is the Vinewraith. It is a map-wide event that requires many people knowing what to do to successfully complete….and it is done, many several times a day. So many, that it is a farming event.
Whats the difference between Vinewraith and Tequatl/Triple Wurm? The payout.
Vinewraith, the events leading up to it, and the events after it all payout a large portion of chests, champ bags and other kinds of loot. Vinewraith takes longer, needs more coordination, and is all around a tougher boss.
The payout is all it takes to motivate people to be that well-oiled machine. Tequatl and Triple Wurm don’t pay out nearly as much, so not nearly as many go to them or bother. But if you increased the loot to be on par for what Vinewraith is giving, I would bet that all of a sudden these bosses are not so hard and get farmed.

Continued World Boss Issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hayashi.3416


But the bosses can’t get their skills off and a lot of them were designed for 10-20 people as opposed to 150. Like GolemMKII, if you only had 10 people you couldn’t sit on the afk spot because you’d get flooded with inquest.

This is false. I’ve done the golem several times with very few people both before and after the electric floor. The most recent time was within a week ago with just two people. There is very little that changes with the golem except we killed it slightly faster than the usual blob. The only thing that really changes is that at the lower scale it spawns additional turrets to attack you. That part doesn’t make any sense so it is probably a bug.

It’s not a bug and the golem isn’t the one spawning the turrets. The turrets in question are Antipersonnel Turrets, summoned by Inquest you aggroed.

Incidentally the exact centre of Mark II is too far to attract aggro from any mob at all. If you melee, soloing Mk II is possible. with no mob distractors.

Also, zergs used to take 6 minutes to kill Mk II when I’ve killed it solo in less than 3 minutes before. Since the removal of the triple damage spot, zergs now take 8 minutes to kill – I’d suppose that if it was soloed it would die in 4-5 minutes now, but there’s no easy way to test unless I get lucky enough to be dumped onto a dying overflow again.

Continued World Boss Issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


But the bosses can’t get their skills off and a lot of them were designed for 10-20 people as opposed to 150. Like GolemMKII, if you only had 10 people you couldn’t sit on the afk spot because you’d get flooded with inquest.

This is false. I’ve done the golem several times with very few people both before and after the electric floor. The most recent time was within a week ago with just two people. There is very little that changes with the golem except we killed it slightly faster than the usual blob. The only thing that really changes is that at the lower scale it spawns additional turrets to attack you. That part doesn’t make any sense so it is probably a bug.

It’s not a bug and the golem isn’t the one spawning the turrets. The turrets in question are Antipersonnel Turrets, summoned by Inquest you aggroed.

Incidentally the exact centre of Mark II is too far to attract aggro from any mob at all. If you melee, soloing Mk II is possible. with no mob distractors.

Also, zergs used to take 6 minutes to kill Mk II when I’ve killed it solo in less than 3 minutes before. Since the removal of the triple damage spot, zergs now take 8 minutes to kill – I’d suppose that if it was soloed it would die in 4-5 minutes now, but there’s no easy way to test unless I get lucky enough to be dumped onto a dying overflow again.

Pretty sure the turrets were not from the inquest since only the turrets were attacking. At least I don’t remember the inquest attacking and there were quite a few turrets around the platform. More turrets than inquest.

Melee solo would probably be faster but it’s not required.