Cosplay Screenshots
Haven’t played in months, logged in just to make a cosplay of Kagamine Rin from Vocaloid ( )
Here are mine:
1) Auron (Final Fantasy X)
2) Harley Quinn
3) Homunculus Wrath / King Bradley (Fullmetal Alchemist)
4) Yuffie (Final Fantasy VII)
Dr. Strange … I think I’m the only one excited to watch that movie next year.. and yes he is a Mesmer
What cap and shirt is that on Dr. Strange?
Elphaba Thropp from Wicked or Wicked Witch of the West (for non theatre ppl)….minus the wings of course but the hat combined with the wings and do make awesome looking necros!!!! Hoorah for S1 items GAME ON
(edited by Tasida.4085)
Here are my additions, they pretty much describe themselves…but just in case:
1. Steam Punk Tony Stark/ Iron Man (Engi)
2. Green Arrow (Ranger)
3. Santa (Uses Toy Weapons and Toy Bag Backpack)(Mesmer)
I’ll get some better pics and update the post.
I can because I want to
I want to because you said I couldn’t
Don’t know if this counts, but Sornic the Human:
Gotta go fast, gotta go fast, faster faster faster faster faster! :D
Moving at the speed of sound I’m the fastest human around… :D
(edited by Agemnon.4608)
The Flash Cosplay
Keep ’em coming…these are all great!
I can because I want to
I want to because you said I couldn’t
This is my collection
Iron Man
Captain America
Black Widow/Sailor Scout
Green Lantern
Faith Connors from Mirrors Edge
That looks incredible! What pants are those?
The Pink Power Ranger, Mr. T, Macho Man Randy Savage
Yo, Ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die
(edited by Kelly.7019)
Faith Connors from Mirrors Edge
That looks incredible! What pants are those?
Thanks. They’re duelist pants. You can buy them from low level karma merchants for only a couple hundred karma.
My cosplay of Holo from Spice and Wolf!
Finally! Ears!
This is my collection
Iron Man
Captain America
Black Widow/Sailor Scout
Green Lantern
Oh the little green lantern is so adorable.
Okay then, what do we have today? A handful of my best (and personal favorites) that I made over the past year.
Starting with:
1. Legacy of Kain series. Six pictures in 1, featuring:
Kain from BO1, BO2 Kain, Soul Reaver Kain, Human Raziel, Vampire Raziel, and Wraith Raziel.
2. Wraith Raziel (before the scarf shoulder piece was released).
3. Albert Wesker (Resident Evil).
4. Green Power Ranger (MMPR).
5. Winged (preview) Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7).
6. Classic Lara Croft (Tomb Raider PS1).
7. The 11th Doctor (Doctor Who).
8. Sephiroth and Auron (from FF7 & FFX).
9. Mixed Variations of Xiahou Dun from the many Dynasty Warrior games.
10. Master Chief (old picture) from Halo.
11. And the second SS of him.
12. Zhou Yu recreating the Dynasty Warriors 3 scene.
13. Zhou Yu in the imperial capital.
14. Mistuhide Akechi from Samurai Warriors.
15. LuLu the Black mage (FFX).
16. Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
17. Squirtle vs Tequatle (Pokemon Dragon edition :P).
18. Water Gun Squirtle.
19. Pokemon Stadium version of GW2.
20. Pokemon Stadium part 2.(Sorry for the long ^ss post
I love the Wesker one and also love that you’re using the Hero Sword on Xiahou Dun Cosplay because ever since I saw that sword I been calling it the Xiahou Dun sword and had to have it. XD
Some really great stuff in here. Love it
‘would of been’ —> wrong
Since this thread is “alive” again.
I made Chrono.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
revives the thread because she has ALOT of ingame cosplayers
In order of appearance:
Ruby Rose
Dark Valkyrie Diana
Homura Akemi
Poro (to go with Braum)
Kindred (specifically, Lamb)
Pyrrha Nikos (she’s a work in progress cause I’m still leveling her)
Weiss Schnee (she was hard to make as a Sylvari.)
and finally, Blake Belladonna
i had a crack at making Tracer from Overwatch,
as a thief ofcourse so she can zip around with shadowsteps
i couldn’t change the colour of her goggles though
My Swat Kat cosplay. Was my friend who took the screenshot, I’m Jake, the one on the right.
Thought I’d share mine:
Gilgamesh and Assassin from Fate/Stay Night
Guts Griffith and Zodd from Berzerk
Ithnan/Isnan from Magi
Currently working on Gilthunder from The Seven Deadly Sins and Emiya Archer from Fate/Stay Night but they are pretty incomplete.
Showcasing my fav bounty hunter gal, Samus. <—???-<
First 5 pics from very top, going down – Zero suit
2nd set of pics – Zero suit with Phazon corruption
last pair of pics – Power suit holo outfit
My newest one based from the game NieR: Automata
YoRHa No.2 Tb (2).
And lastly, Android 18 (4).
Just made an Gaara cosplay from the Naruto series, since there’s not really a huge gourd backpack skin I used the White Mantle Scrolls for the next best thing for ninjas… Also he’s a necromancer/reaper right now but with PoF coming out he’ll be a Scourge that manipulates sands to torment his enemies so I figure it’s quite fitting!
Now I really want to add 100 more character slots to the 11 I already have.
Can you guess who this is?
Lady Brienne of Tarth?
Mm, pic not included in quote. Anyway, original post is on the first page.
(edited by Tyncale.1629)
i only have one cosplaying character in gw2... but i think i did a decent job on him...
meet one of my 4 rangers... Sniperoth! XD
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
revives the thread because she has ALOT of ingame cosplayers
In order of appearance:
Ruby Rose
Dark Valkyrie Diana
Homura Akemi
Poro (to go with Braum)
Kindred (specifically, Lamb)
Pyrrha Nikos (she’s a work in progress cause I’m still leveling her)
Weiss Schnee (she was hard to make as a Sylvari.)
and finally, Blake Belladonna
love your RWBY cosplays! Blake is spot on!