Costume brawl is waste of an update!

Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sef.6918


The Halloween update is ok but this costume brawl? what is the point in it, you think just spamming the same move on some random dudes for a title is fun huh? well its a waste of an update imho, why couldnt you just add a simple dueling mechanic, im sure 99% of the people would prefer it. Fire the guy that made this idea please this is a MMORPG not animal crossing!

I have had quite alot of patience with GW2 it is a great core for an mmo and i have stood by it whilst people were saying “theres no endgame” after 2 weeks of it being out but now this recent “costume brawl” update has came out my hope for the future of this game dwindles.


Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


And earlier we had another user here begging for costume brawl to be permanent…

Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Humor.5763


I can kind of see where you’re coming from, and some what could agree to what you’re saying. It does feel like a rather “Pointless” addition in the update, I’ve only been doing the brawl for about 10 minutes, and afterwards, it became dull, and boring, I didn’t feel like I was actually working towards anything.

However, it is undeniably fun for others, and simply a feature to screw around when you have too much time on your hands. I would actually personally love to see the costume brawl as a permanent feature in Guild Wars 2, where you can just simply screw around for an hour, host an event that’s not “Quite” PvP, rather a waste of time as something to do while waiting on dungeon runs, or waiting for friends to come back from being away, etc.

You have to also remember, the update was not simply for content alone, it’s meant to be a festivity in Guild Wars 2, and transforming into “Haunting Creatures”, and beating each other up does in fact seem some what festive.


Lol @ second comment and costume brawl being permanent.

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Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sef.6918


Ah, i didn’t know that costume brawl was only for halloween. Anyway it still sucks and they should of added some more content for the more hardcore croud they have. like i said a dueling feature will feed me for a month or so because who doesn’t like fighting one versus one combat to test your build out ay?

Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


Well it does have potential that’s for sure. They could have more interesting costume skill sets, and even some more focused mini-games or instances for Costume Brawl pvp.

Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hunterdan.4921


Yeah, it’s not hardcore. They should delete it.

Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: coglin.1496


Why does every clown who dislike one single miniscule aspect of the game feel they need to complain about it as if they plan to convince others to hate it with them. Just because you do not like it, doesn’t mean it sucks. Many others like it or the idea of it.

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Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalocin.5982


Whoa whoa whoa guys he just said something really good here: " not animal crossing"….This game would be so much more awesome if we could have animal crossing features. He makes a good point, it isn’t like animal crossing, there’s more to be improved on if that’s the case. Think about it…Imagine having like townfolk we can get to know in our main cities…and like…buy house objects. Yeah, totally needs more animal crossing.

Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


You guys realize that there are 3 more acts that are going to unlock right?

Whats with people being impatient and expecting everything on day 1?

WAIT AND SEE what happens!

Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: spacemayu.4817



It’s been said multiple times, in the patch notes and by the devs:

Costume brawl is a PERMANENT addition to the game.

Stop all this talk of it being temporary.


Halloween costumes will be unavailable to purchase once Halloween is over, but the brawl will continue to work and the fun will go on with existing costumes and tonics.

Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smitt.8602


I really like the costume brawling. I am a sucker for fluff anyways.

Have none.

Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rekia.1480


I liked it too. I don’t understand why people have such a huge problem with things they don’t enjoy. You don’t like it? Fine, leave it for the people who do.

Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NetherDiver.6079


The Halloween event isn’t just limited to costume brawling.

There’s the scavenger hunt with this act.
There are still 3 acts with more content left to come.

And I could’ve sworn one of the devs (in a video) said that costume brawl was here to stay.

Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hendever.6043


Well…. yeah. I think it is fairly fun. That’s all it’s meant to be, silly fun. It’s about 5-10% of a huge update to the game. If you didn’t like it, do the mini-dungeons, or the jumping puzzles, which were also in the update and are also permanent. Or do the halloween stuff while it’s here. You don’t need to like the whole entire game down to the last iota, you not liking something doesn’t make it bad, and other people can like things you don’t.

Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Novalight.7568


It’s an event, you don’t have to participate in it. Though I’d rather see some more class fixes than rolling in new content but idk, I guess I understand (somewhat) the logic behind events and new content. All in all, as long as they’re adding to the game, not removing stuff, it’s fine by me (no matter if I like or dislike the new content).

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Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

it’s fun to kill the time while you are gathering players for a dungeon for example. So I would not mind it being permanent

Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


I only wish costumes would be bit more balanced (witch, mad king), less griefing options (longer knock-out time, timer to prevent switching in/out combat) and something done about the utility skills (while quite cool to tweak your build I expect it to be quite unfair).

Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mandrax.7342


Any new content is welcome, particularly if there are people having fun with it, which there clearly are as if you go anywhere near the cauldron or the statue in LA, people are brawling non-stop.

If YOU don’t like it, don’t participate. I personally had a go for about 10 minutes, but after that I was bored and haven’t played it since, but I’m not going to complain about it.

Besides the Brawl is just one part of a four part update which should have a fair amount of extra content. We might not like it all, but there are bound to be some aspects that we do. The beauty of games like these is that you can more or less choose the parts you want to play.

Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


And earlier we had another user here begging for costume brawl to be permanent…

Because different people have different opinions ? I myself dont really care for the title aswell,and am not really into the whole brawl thing.

@Mandrax…it’s just his opinion,no reason to start telling him to NOT participate,wich im sure he already doesnt do since he doesnt like it…Its his right to complain about it and let arenanet know there are people that dont like the brawl.If arenanet gets zero responses from people telling them they dont like something,then they can never fix something to make it better…You see his post as negative and complaining,i see it as quite the opposite and a way for arenanet to improve things.Without posts like this arenanet wouldnt know what people like,dislike to concentrate more on it for future events or to try something completely new.

(edited by Caedmon.6798)

Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neve.7134


I personally like Costume Brawl at the moment (not for more than 1h tough).
But I do think this will not evolve in the future because of many aspect, if they will not evolve too.
The main thing is that, when Halloween event will finish, there will be no Big Cauldron in L.A. to transform people and they will not have the same rights like those who bought the witch costume and can fight against friends, gaining title.
Also, it will depends on people and I don’t believe that most witches-costumes’ buyers will go in L.A. in the future, spam the Cauldron and wait someone to fight that Costume Brawl with.
Also again, tonics drops in Trick-Or-Treat’s bags is low for me, I actually opened 160+ Personalized ToT and found 6 tonics.
If things about Costume Brawls won’t change it will not be funny for all, but only for those who spent real money on costumes and this is weird .
Thank you.

Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kobi.5236


I personally dont like this kind of minigame and probally many people who played gw1 agree to this opinion. Gw1 delivered to every "big event " like halloween a Great Mini-game. These minigames was fun because u needed skill , got rewarded if u where good and u could get a really nice title . This was much more fun then this custom brawl where people with a Custom just spam " 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3" .

I hope that anet got a real minigame witch will come in a later act but i may be disapointed .. If u see around how many custom brawls where in the start of halloween and u compare it to now u see a big different . there arent anylonger so many brawls so maybe more people feel the same way even if they dont complain about it

Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raf.1078


Costume Brawl is just fun. Some people seem to have forgotten that concept in their unending race for gear and digital gold.

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Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyferwolf.1089


Uh… as they said here:

“Costume Brawl is a fun thing to do when you need a break from all that hero-ing you’ve been doing.”

It’s for fun dude. That thing that you’re supposed to have when you play games.