Could we get sigil change 4 leg. weapons?
Yes please. This has to happen.
Not likely to happen soon per the Dev statement in yesterday’s AMA due to technical/resource limitations.
Good luck.
One explanation they gave was for economic reasons and they are looking into it.
We had originally intended that you should be able to change the sigils in the same way as runes for armor (so we had thought of it for everyone out there who thought we forgot
). However, when we started our economic impact analysis it became clear that we needed to do a deeper investigation to kitten potential risks we had not previously foreseen. The investigation is currently ongoing.
However, I would luv to see it implemented. So ANET ogog surprise me
Thanks for posting the quote, Trogdor.
My translation: they want legendary sigil swaps, too. They also want to make sure it doesn’t have unintended consequences.
There are tons of legendaries out there and tons more being made, whereas last week there were zero legendary armor pieces and, since they are gated by raids, we won’t be seeing nearly as many. We’ve waited this long for l-weapon QoL improvements; we can afford to wait a little longer, so they have time to get it right.
Imho as long as you pay for it in the first place, I don’t see how badly it would impact economy.
It’s not like if you were destroying your 50G concentration sigil everyday in order to replace it. And then paying 50G again to put another one back.
One thing they could do is making it account bound once used though.
Or If they want it tied to a weapon somehow, you could make it so that once a sigil has been applied once, it’s added to a dropdown of previously used sigils that you can reapply, pretty much like the stats but with sigils. And you need to “unlock” them per weapon.
Considering 95% of all Sigils are already listed at vendor price, what possible harm could this do?
Make Sigils and Runes salvageable if you are concerned about prices dropping for the few that still have some value.
Imho as long as you pay for it in the first place, I don’t see how badly it would impact economy.
Considering 95% of all Sigils are already listed at vendor price, what possible harm could this do?
Sounds like they thought they same things, until they started investigating further. I imagine they can’t report the details because doing so would also have an economic impact.
As long as we get some progress reports, I’m willing to trust that they know better than we do that there are potential consequences and that it’s worth delaying a solution for managing sigils in legendaries.
What % of the population has a full set of legendaries across all their toons? Are we all just magically going to have full legendaries? Is no one ever going to use a sigil on an exotic or ascended weapon ever again? I think not.
Even if it does affect the sigil market… so what… So rich TP barons will have to adjust their financial empire strategies… Cry me a river.
And again Anet … suprise me … ogog
Not to mention the fact that MORE people will be buying Sigils if you made this change. Right now, I NEVER replace the Sigils in my Legendaries. If I could swap them for free, I’d be on the market for a whole new batch of them.
This should happen if they cared about the market so hard they would not do the whole rune thing or even better they would fix the leather issue. The same amount of time commitment and gold goes into weapons so it makes sense for the ti have such utility.
Not to mention the fact that MORE people will be buying Sigils if you made this change. Right now, I NEVER replace the Sigils in my Legendaries. If I could swap them for free, I’d be on the market for a whole new batch of them.
I think Player who want to optimize there build change it now and Player who dont care about will not change it after .
Not to mention the fact that MORE people will be buying Sigils if you made this change. Right now, I NEVER replace the Sigils in my Legendaries. If I could swap them for free, I’d be on the market for a whole new batch of them.
I think Player who want to optimize there build change it now and Player who dont care about will not change it after .
If your optimal build requires a very expensive Sigil, you aren’t going to be dropping a Ghost Slaying sigil on top of it just to do an occasional Ascalonian Catacombs run.
And again, if they are concerned about devaluing Sigils, they need only make them salvageable and the problem is immediately solved.
Like mtpelion already pointed out, at this time there are probably tens if not hundreds of thousands of legendary weapons in the game. If a large portion of those players suddenly wants to keep a fair collection of sigils on them it can cause a significant drain of sigils from the trade post. At the same time it is also possible sigils lose their value even more, but I don’t think expensive sigils will lose their value if this happens.. It may have opposite effects on a per-sigil basis. Where some people finally find it worth getting a super expensive sigil without the risk of never being able to re-use it. Whereas dirt cheap sigils may end up being bought up quite a bit. I only own 1 legendary weapon and that’s likely not to change, but I do hope they add this feature by the time the next expac comes out (or sooner). That way they can take things into account for potential new sigils.
They wont give this to us cause some legendaries supposed to be better than others. George Orwell saw that years ago.
If they are worried about the economy make it to where you have to make a “legendary sigil” to get the ability. Instead of mats it takes so many if certain types of sigils. Sigils still sell and we can have what we want.
I support this for the perceived 478th time.
Pet project: Outfit overhaul.