Could we get some better male light armors?
Gotta love the trend of MMORPG’s to put casters in dresses regardless of sex. Not even very many robes or cowls/crowns.
Are you sure? Mesmer armor look from gw1 is the reason I stay away from gaysmers
Guys I’m playing a mesmer on human male and i LOVE my armor. I’m wearing Masquerade armor in royal blue and white and Embroidered mask.
Norn male ele. I couldn’t stand it any more and 350 gems for a sex change is cheap. Problem solved.
I would love to see the female versions too! I actually spend quite a bit of time either looking for less revealing armour, or reskinning it.
+1 really.
We need more suit-inspired male light armors, both formal and casual.
GW1 male Mesmer armour sucked so much. GW2 is way better for male casters.
Had to switch all of my male light armor wearers to female. Can’t stand how gross they look in EVERY set of armor.
Honestly, as much as the medium armor classes complain about the excess of longcoats, at least their armors tend to be good looking. I would much prefer an excess of coats over an excess of robes and frills. Guild Wars 1 Mesmers had an incredible selection of armor that encompassed a range of tastes. I would be willing to pay cash for Guild Wars 2 renditions of these:
kitten those armor’s look AWFUL, i would not go anywhere near that garbage looking armor, I personally think all cloth armor look like garbage in guild wars, people use the excuse ‘’well it’s cloth’’ so what? WoW has some of the best looking cloth set’s, some of the best looking set’s are cloth, so don’t use that excuse that it’s cloth so it cant look as cool, it really can, WoW did it, why cant gw2 ? jesus
Yeah, the feminine light cloth armor for males made me glad I rolled a female toon especially in light of the new chest-less Daydreamer’s Finery armor, LOL.
As the new trend in GW2 are the outfits im pretty sure anet will bring out a new light armor outfit. Yippppieh. Maybe T3 armor with blue flames? Who knows?
Honestly, as much as the medium armor classes complain about the excess of longcoats, at least their armors tend to be good looking. I would much prefer an excess of coats over an excess of robes and frills. Guild Wars 1 Mesmers had an incredible selection of armor that encompassed a range of tastes. I would be willing to pay cash for Guild Wars 2 renditions of these:
kitten those armor’s look AWFUL, i would not go anywhere near that garbage looking armor, I personally think all cloth armor look like garbage in guild wars, people use the excuse ‘’well it’s cloth’’ so what? WoW has some of the best looking cloth set’s, some of the best looking set’s are cloth, so don’t use that excuse that it’s cloth so it cant look as cool, it really can, WoW did it, why cant gw2 ? jesus
It’s all preference. Frankly I think most of the cloth armour in WoW looks like trash. But that’s just me. I also think that as far as medium and light armour on males is concerned, GW1 beats out GW2 hands down – I’d rather have GW1 male mesmer armour over practically anything GW2 has to offer at the moment (light armour wise) – which is disappointing.
Wow! what a necro! but still quite relevent. Please anet! less buttskirts/skirts/trench coats and moar pants!
Yeah there’s too much fancy baroque draping clothes for light armor. Even the heritage light armor they transformed from a suit to heavy draping robes. Some classy/simple attires would be a welcome change.
Why necro though?
Totally agree with that. Male light armors are the least to say average. Id love to have some 100% mage like MALE MALE light armor for my mesmer instead of that femal-ish thing
I whole-heartedly agree with this.
There are way too many skirts for male characters.
I’ve made one light armor class a male…. (my necro) and it was a huge struggle to get him into some actual pants.
(I think there are like 3 pairs of pants available for light armor males…. one pair makes him look like Aladdin, one pair looks like tight jeans, and the last one, which I ended up using, was Legacy Armor Skin’s pants from the gemstore)
After that every light armor class I made was a female for this exact reason.
You can’t dress them to look manly.
…..also this:
(edited by TheBlackLeech.9360)
I tend to wear the Explorer or Exemplar outfit just to hide the hidious light and medium male armours. At least they look like men then and not butch females.