Could we get something to do until HoT?
You can do:
1. Fractals
2. Season 2 Achievments
3. WvWvW
4. Hunt down Mystic Forge recipes (Spirit Crafter, Infinite Light, Wings of Dwayna, etc.)
5. Dungeons
6. Hunt skins
There is no Living Story update releasing before HoT (although technically Restored Lions Arch was a living story update). Currently all of their attention is focused on HoT I believe, but I do also hope that some of the festivals happen, such as a Lions Arch reopening festival.
Also, whya re you playing if your not having fun???
Also, whya re you playing if your not having fun???
For me, it is more of a habit/unpleasant need to grind achievements or gold, not necessarily because I like playing a lot of the time. Although I do think a lot of the points you made are valid, if you play a lot like me you have just done them all and there is quite literally nothing new. While I do have a certain amount of fun repeating content, I would absolutely love the pavilion to return and I would be happy to do that a lot (especially if they added some extremely grindy achievements with it to keep me occupied). I would happily have HoT delayed for a while however much I am looking forward to it to get the pavilion back.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
You can do:
1. Fractals
2. Season 2 Achievments
3. WvWvW
4. Hunt down Mystic Forge recipes (Spirit Crafter, Infinite Light, Wings of Dwayna, etc.)
5. Dungeons
6. Hunt skinsThere is no Living Story update releasing before HoT (although technically Restored Lions Arch was a living story update). Currently all of their attention is focused on HoT I believe, but I do also hope that some of the festivals happen, such as a Lions Arch reopening festival.
Also, whya re you playing if your not having fun???
But that’s stuff most players have already spent tons of hours doing, including myself :/ I realize they need to focus on HoT but I’m sad to say that it has happened before that a game company has spent so much more time focusing on an expansion than the current game that people stop playing until the release. And then when it gets released you don’t feel like buying it because “hey I don’t even play that game anymore, why should I buy the expansion?”. Right now I’m just logging in because I’m trying to keep interested until HoT. :/
Anet has kindly given me plenty of time to work through my recently acquired steam summer sale game backlog.
But that hype can’t keep you playing a game you don’t find fun when you don’t even know the release yet :/
But but…isn’t HoT also Guild Wars 2? When it comes out, won’t you just play it a little, determine it is no longer fun, and then return here to re-hash this post? o.O
If you haven’t yet, try role playing a little! Go on patrol duty somewhere or become a nomad in the wilds chasing other players and shouting about your lawn!
This is the exact thing that the opponents of an expansion said would happen. People would get bored with no new content, and will complain. Then when the expansion is released they’ll burn through it and have nothing left to do for awhile. Of course the proponents of an expansion said that would never happen, and yet here we are.
Lack of content during expansion development is the price we are all paying because people wanted an expansion. You’ve all made your bed, now it’s time to lie in it.
In the meantime, as stated, there are plently of things to still do. If you are having problems with finding things to do in game, thats not Anets fault, thats your own.
Good luck!
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
But that hype can’t keep you playing a game you don’t find fun when you don’t even know the release yet :/
But but…isn’t HoT also Guild Wars 2? When it comes out, won’t you just play it a little, determine it is no longer fun, and then return here to re-hash this post? o.O
If you haven’t yet, try role playing a little! Go on patrol duty somewhere or become a nomad in the wilds chasing other players and shouting about your lawn!
I mean right now I don’t find GW2 fun. And if I quit I’m afraid that I won’t come back for HoT, which I’m really looking forward to Haha yeah that might be a breath of fresh air!
Don’t know about you, but I have a shedload of stuff to do in my achievements panel.
You can do collections achievement. That’s very time consuming
In the meantime, as stated, there are plently of things to still do. If you are having problems with finding things to do in game, thats not Anets fault, thats your own.
Good luck!
I’m not trying to blame Anet for lack of things to do! It’s just that the things that are available are the same things that we have been doing for months, even years. And there should be something they could quickly throw in to keep players active, right? cough Crown Pavillion cough ;D
Dude, just take a break. It isn’t like we pay a monthly fee. I was in fact taking a break my self for a few weeks when they announced the new traits and restored L.A.. just figuring out these traits will probably keep me at least another couple weeks.
THIS IS NOT TO SAY I WOULDN’T LOVE A RECYCLED EVENT LIKE CROWN PAVILION OR ADVENTURE BOX. But I am ok with them going full throttle on the expansion, and would rather them not waste too much dev time when they could be delivering an even more polished expansion.
Blue Dorito-S/Re|Transitor-S/En |Tina Feyspirit-N/M|
Bmoe-A/T|Peter Whatsherface-H/G|Acolyte Rin-H/N
Fifty five karka hatchliiiiings on the wall!
Fifty fifty karka hatchliiiiings!
If I were to shoot one karka off the wall
Fifty four karka hatchliiiiings on the wall!!!
Anet has kindly given me plenty of time to work through my recently acquired steam summer sale game backlog.
I really want Crown Pavilion back. SAB too because I never got to experience it. Or even the uh, Zephyrites place? That was fun and I’m missing event items/skins from that.
I really want Crown Pavilion back. SAB too because I never got to experience it. Or even the uh, Zephyrites place? That was fun and I’m missing event items/skins from that.
Pretty sure the Zepharite place won’t be coming back anytime soon considering it got all blown up in the last Living Story Season.
Anywho, I’d be surprised if we don’t get another event thing sometime soon. Right now would be a perfect time to have some sort of celebration for the rebuilding of LA. Also I would think they’ll open up SAB again even if there isn’t anything new added to it.
They just added new content for the veteran players…it’s call killing Teq.
They just added new content for the veteran players…it’s call killing Teq.
This sounds like something I would like! My guild has kinda stopped doing the world bosses tho, but hopefully I can persuade them to organize something. Cheers!
Anet has kindly given me plenty of time to work through my recently acquired steam summer sale game backlog.
Probably poe, but also correct! Or poe. >.> <.<
I’m appreciating the lull for what it is, a no-pressure break from playing the game for hours on end.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632