I make PvP & WvW videos
Cracked Fractal Encryption for Fractal Relics
I make PvP & WvW videos
I’d wait for the fractal patch since it will be much more valuable then.
Okay, they only spoke of more gold / ascended chests, but it’s entirely possible that the relic drop chance will increase, too.
When is the fractal patch?
Also, what is the current drop rate like?
I make PvP & WvW videos
Somewhen this december. Probably on 15th, but that’s just a guess.
I honestly have no idea, I lost track of my fractal relics amount for months now.
December 15 if I remember right
“commander can i have a word”
December 15 if I remember right
That was the date given for Wintersday return/patch. Not for Fractals. All they’ve said was later this month, which could be either the 15th or 29th if they stick with 2 week intervals.
Gailes wording:
To be clear, speculation isn’t something we can control, nor will we bounce into every thread that contains a speculative comment to try address it. We did not announce, and never planned for, a drop on December 1st. If you are disappointed, I really am sorry to hear that. I’m familiar with speculation — we had a lot of it as we prepared to release Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, Guil… well, you follow my drift.
It’s part of the nature of our sharing info about upcoming games, features, or improvements, that someone will speculate a date and that the date — even while never stated by us — may come to be seen as “obvious” or even “official.”
In this case, we wanted to share the news that good things are coming, but as in other cases, a date was not tied to that info.
I just checked with Production, and everything is on track to see the introduction of fractal changes later this month.
Please give us a keyring…
(edited by skullmount.1758)