Corsair CX500 PSU, Kingston V300 60GB SSD
Craft Wars 2
Corsair CX500 PSU, Kingston V300 60GB SSD
So you’re against the idea of allow legendaries to be achieved through multiple means? But what about people who like crafting?
I like crafting. Gets me super fast levels and the items I need in just a few clicks if I have everything. A good alternative option to obtain various specific things. I am grateful we have this option and it is still being considered/tended to within the HoT Xpac. Woohoo~
I hate crafting.
It’s not how I would have designed it, but what can you do?
Depends on how the crafting is done. Is it Mystic Forge based crafting, where you need no Profession skilll values? Or is it 500 level (whyyyyyy, when all Gifts are 400? Not to mention, the 500 level recipes are . . . I think . . . all Ascended.) crafting recipes?
Or is it “crafting” without actually relying on anything other than, say, finding and doing things and “crafting” by making it?
Umh. The crafting part is minor compared to aquiring the prerequisites. I am looking forward to the hunt.
Umh. The crafting part is minor compared to aquiring the prerequisites. I am looking forward to the hunt.
That’s just it. You need to acquire (read: grind) the prerequisites so you can craft it. They’re eliminating the luck-based component of the game and replacing it with token-based (sure, but slow) component. Boring, repetitive, often time-gated and no jump-for-joy effect after you get the lucky drop.
Corsair CX500 PSU, Kingston V300 60GB SSD
I’m glad that we will be able to craft precursors. I just wish that crafting in GW2 wasn’t so boring. It feels so unrewarding.
Umh. The crafting part is minor compared to aquiring the prerequisites. I am looking forward to the hunt.
That’s just it. You need to acquire (read: grind) the prerequisites so you can craft it. They’re eliminating the luck-based component of the game and replacing it with token-based (sure, but slow) component. Boring, repetitive, often time-gated and no jump-for-joy effect after you get the lucky drop.
So wait, you are complaining that they are removing the luck-based component?
Literally something 90% of the forum whiners have been crying about the last 3 years?
Good luck with that. The jump for joy effect comes from finishing or completing a goal, like completing a legendary. What you’re descrbing is joy felt from gambling or pure chance. Two different types of joy.
Boring, repetitive? Have you read the same stuff that I have at all? Isn’t their point to make every one of the precursors to have their own tasks? And since you can only crafted one of each, where does repetitive come from? Whether the tasks are boring, silly or frustratingly hard, remains to be seen.
I’m just glad there’ll be another way to get precursors. Have been playing since release, and have never had a precursor drop. I don’t really want to drop a ridiculous amount of gold on one from the TP, either. This new way to acquire them appeals to me so much.
Umh. The crafting part is minor compared to aquiring the prerequisites. I am looking forward to the hunt.
That’s just it. You need to acquire (read: grind) the prerequisites so you can craft it. They’re eliminating the luck-based component of the game and replacing it with token-based (sure, but slow) component. Boring, repetitive, often time-gated and no jump-for-joy effect after you get the lucky drop.
And farming random content for that chance to get it isn’t boring and repetitive?
Umh. The crafting part is minor compared to aquiring the prerequisites. I am looking forward to the hunt.
That’s just it. You need to acquire (read: grind) the prerequisites so you can craft it. They’re eliminating the luck-based component of the game and replacing it with token-based (sure, but slow) component. Boring, repetitive, often time-gated and no jump-for-joy effect after you get the lucky drop.
Lol. Jump-for-joy effect after getting the lucky drop??? Just give me that [BLEEP] lucky drop! I’ve played over six thousand hours and haven’t had any joy jumps. I’ve barely even had any oh-that’s-not-too-bad-jumps. I’m so glad they are making them craftable. You can keep your jump-for-joy effect. I bet I’ll have more than one crafted by the time you jump for joy once.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
It’s not just the crafting, you also need an insane amount of gold to have your crafting go to 500 and then I am not even talking about the mats you will need for the pre cursor kinda money. What ever happened to drops being good in a game.
It’s not just the crafting, you also need an insane amount of gold to have your crafting go to 500 and then I am not even talking about the mats you will need for the pre cursor kinda money. What ever happened to drops being good in a game.
People justifying the RNG only approach always seem to view the result from the “I will get it at some point” perspective.
Imagine this: You will never get the lucky drop which you need for that legendary (or any legendary for that matter). Period.
Now how fun is this? That’s basically how 95% of the players are off. For something to be valuable it has to be rare (mostly).
People are just happy they get an alternative method to aquire their precursors besides farming gold. You are free to keep playing the mystic toilet or waiting for that lucky drop from an enemy.
I myself wasted about 400 gold on the mf trying to get my precursor. Never happend, bought it for 970g off the TP (Dusk). 2 weeks later in a freak accident I get The Legend off of 3 random exotics+stone from the mf. Never seen a precursor drop. I consider myself super lucky. Would still wish for anet to implement something besides RNG or pure gold grind. I’m also completely against selling legendarys on the TP. Over 2.1k hours played.
(edited by Cyninja.2954)
In the end, the hunt for a precursor will come down to being the same as hunting the gold to buy one off the Trading Post. Precursor crafting really wasn’t necessary.
If you ask me, I would remove precursors from Mystic Toilet and made them account-bound (no trading), but increased boss drop rate to 1%. Maybe bosses should drop a box of precursors to choose one from (like ascended chests), so you avoid getting three aquatic precursors.
Now THAT would be fun! drooling while typing
Corsair CX500 PSU, Kingston V300 60GB SSD
(edited by Meehael.8240)
I’m glad that we will be able to craft precursors. I just wish that crafting in GW2 wasn’t so boring. It feels so unrewarding.
You level up crafting to get ability to craft high level stuff. What else do you want.
Boring, repetitive, often time-gated and no jump-for-joy effect.
This describes the process of doing every event, running every dungeon and never seeing a precursor. The “luck factor” sucks.
In the end, the hunt for a precursor will come down to being the same as hunting the gold to buy one off the Trading Post. Precursor crafting really wasn’t necessary.
If you ask me, I would remove precursors from Mystic Toilet and made them account-bound (no trading), but increased boss drop rate to 1%. Maybe bosses should drop a box of precursors to choose one from (like ascended chests), so you avoid getting three aquatic precursors.
Now THAT would be fun!
drooling while typing
Again, try imagining that while doing all that, you never get the precursor you want/need? How long would the game keep you interested? Especially once people left and right start having RNGesus bless them.
I’m personally happy there will be a non-RNG based way of getting precursors. Will it be a grind? I’m sure it will. But at least you’ll know what you’re getting, and that you will get it if you are patient and put the work in. I have always hated the current system. I don’t even like crafting, but hey, it will still be better than what we have now.
Wait, so he doesn’t want nonrandom ways to acquire a Precursor, he just wants the randomness made even more restrictive?
We’re done here.
Boring, repetitive, often time-gated and no jump-for-joy effect.
This describes the process of doing every event, running every dungeon and never seeing a precursor. The “luck factor” sucks.
Currently, you always have the option to slowly, but surely, grind for gold and buy one off the TP.
With 1% boss-drop chance (which would be reasonably high, if precursors would be accound-bound), you never know when you’ll get one. Currently, the drop chance from bosses is 0.1% or 0.01%, which is discouraging, to say the least.
Corsair CX500 PSU, Kingston V300 60GB SSD
Wait, so he doesn’t want nonrandom ways to acquire a Precursor, he just wants the randomness made even more restrictive?
We’re done here.
Yes, but with a higher drop rate and a box of precursors to choose one from (like ascended boxes).
Corsair CX500 PSU, Kingston V300 60GB SSD
You can still get ‘lucky’, and have the new Precursor drop. You can craft it, or wait for it to drop, just as before. So, best of both worlds, I guess.
‘So, should you get lucky and find a precursor out in the world, you won’t miss out on the skins.’
My idea was to get totally rid of precursors, or at least make them optional and
let you use an ascended weapon instead as precursor.
Its not as if a legendary wouldn’t still cost enough without precursor prices.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
My idea was to get totally rid of precursors, or at least make them optional and
let you use an ascended weapon instead as precursor.Its not as if a legendary wouldn’t still cost enough without precursor prices.
Getting rid of precursors need altogether is too much to even hope for.
Umh. The crafting part is minor compared to aquiring the prerequisites. I am looking forward to the hunt.
That’s just it. You need to acquire (read: grind) the prerequisites so you can craft it. They’re eliminating the luck-based component of the game and replacing it with token-based (sure, but slow) component. Boring, repetitive, often time-gated and no jump-for-joy effect after you get the lucky drop.
A hunt doesn’t always equate a grind you know. We know nothing of the details of the hunt, or the aquisition of the items needed to craft the precursor. To call it a grind simply because it may involve a long process is misleading, and ignorant.
How do we know its not something that involves collecting new drops that always drop from each of the world bosses, temple bosses, and dungeon bosses? Could something like that be considered a grind?
What about seeking out and defeating certain “secret bosses” as part of it.
Is that grinding?
The point is we don’t know anything about how its going to work. To call it a grind before we have any information on the matter is silly.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
Umh. The crafting part is minor compared to aquiring the prerequisites. I am looking forward to the hunt.
That’s just it. You need to acquire (read: grind) the prerequisites so you can craft it. They’re eliminating the luck-based component of the game and replacing it with token-based (sure, but slow) component. Boring, repetitive, often time-gated and no jump-for-joy effect after you get the lucky drop.
A hunt doesn’t always equate a grind you know. We know nothing of the details of the hunt, or the aquisition of the items needed to craft the precursor. To call it a grind simply because it may involve a long process is misleading, and ignorant.
How do we know its not something that involves collecting new drops that always drop from each of the world bosses, temple bosses, and dungeon bosses? Could something like that be considered a grind?
What about seeking out and defeating certain “secret bosses” as part of it.
Is that grinding?The point is we don’t know anything about how its going to work. To call it a grind before we have any information on the matter is silly.
Ignorant, you say?
Check out these and tell me is this not a grind? Also, are rewards from these bigger than a precursor?
I think grinding for these would take me five years. I can only hope that precursor hunt wont go down that road.
Corsair CX500 PSU, Kingston V300 60GB SSD
Umh. The crafting part is minor compared to aquiring the prerequisites. I am looking forward to the hunt.
That’s just it. You need to acquire (read: grind) the prerequisites so you can craft it. They’re eliminating the luck-based component of the game and replacing it with token-based (sure, but slow) component. Boring, repetitive, often time-gated and no jump-for-joy effect after you get the lucky drop.
A hunt doesn’t always equate a grind you know. We know nothing of the details of the hunt, or the aquisition of the items needed to craft the precursor. To call it a grind simply because it may involve a long process is misleading, and ignorant.
How do we know its not something that involves collecting new drops that always drop from each of the world bosses, temple bosses, and dungeon bosses? Could something like that be considered a grind?
What about seeking out and defeating certain “secret bosses” as part of it.
Is that grinding?The point is we don’t know anything about how its going to work. To call it a grind before we have any information on the matter is silly.
Ignorant, you say?
Check out these and tell me is this not a grind? Also, are rewards from these bigger than a precursor? think grinding for these would take me five years. I can only hope that precursor hunt wont go down that road.
Bioluminescence certainly does not take years (maybe 20-40 hours). Spirit crafter might take a bit longer, but it’s about 2 legendarys worth of gold. There is enough people with 5+ legendarys after 3 years of gameplay.
Umh. The crafting part is minor compared to aquiring the prerequisites. I am looking forward to the hunt.
That’s just it. You need to acquire (read: grind) the prerequisites so you can craft it. They’re eliminating the luck-based component of the game and replacing it with token-based (sure, but slow) component. Boring, repetitive, often time-gated and no jump-for-joy effect after you get the lucky drop.
A hunt doesn’t always equate a grind you know. We know nothing of the details of the hunt, or the aquisition of the items needed to craft the precursor. To call it a grind simply because it may involve a long process is misleading, and ignorant.
How do we know its not something that involves collecting new drops that always drop from each of the world bosses, temple bosses, and dungeon bosses? Could something like that be considered a grind?
What about seeking out and defeating certain “secret bosses” as part of it.
Is that grinding?The point is we don’t know anything about how its going to work. To call it a grind before we have any information on the matter is silly.
Ignorant, you say?
Check out these and tell me is this not a grind? Also, are rewards from these bigger than a precursor? think grinding for these would take me five years. I can only hope that precursor hunt wont go down that road.
What do achievements have to do with obtaining the pieces needed to forge a precursor?
Again we know VERY LITTLE about how to obtain the various pieces, what those pieces are, and how rare are those pieces.
The only thing we really know is that pieces are required.
Unless you can point to a statement/blog/wiki/video/interview/etc. stating that X precursor requires ABCDEFG items, and those items are RNG based, and require you doing the same thing over and over again in order to get them, calling it a grind is ignorant.
We simply don’t have enough information to make such statements. Period.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
Umh. The crafting part is minor compared to aquiring the prerequisites. I am looking forward to the hunt.
That’s just it. You need to acquire (read: grind) the prerequisites so you can craft it. They’re eliminating the luck-based component of the game and replacing it with token-based (sure, but slow) component. Boring, repetitive, often time-gated and no jump-for-joy effect after you get the lucky drop.
they are not eliminating the RNG for precursors. That will still be there. This other method is for those of us that want to actually go on quest to build a legendary weapon like we asked to be able to do ages ago. Especially since there are many of us who have HORRIBLE (nonexistent) luck with RNG.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
It’s not just the crafting, you also need an insane amount of gold to have your crafting go to 500 and then I am not even talking about the mats you will need for the pre cursor kinda money. What ever happened to drops being good in a game.
Insane ammount of gold? With a little more than 230g you can get pretty much any crafting profession to lvl 500. You can get that in 2 – 3 weeks if you are lazy or just cannot play too much. If you have time and the will, u can safely farm that in a single week. Now, how is this hard? >_>
7,000 hours of playing and no Pre-drop. RNG is a terrible, terrible thing. The scavenger hunt is better regardless if it is a grind or something actually enjoyable.
Is that a gauranteed 1%? If i kill a boss 100 times, one precursor will drop?
I hate crafting.
It’s not how I would have designed it, but what can you do?
Well I really-really-really like crafting… but not in this game, hatez it. It was nice pre-ascended crafting (had master crafter early), but now it’s just more profitable to sell the raw mats It’s bunk, they crashed the market as far as for being a crafter-seller, one of the worst markets in mmo history imo.
As for crafting pre’s, likely you will have the mats to craft them by day two thx to gems, just like ascended was. I’d fully agree with an above poster, just increase the drop rates of pre’s, but there is money to be made by anet from gem sales by the few willing to pay that much, even at the expense of actual fun factor for the rest of us. That’s how that stuff works now in most mmo’s
If you ask me, I would remove precursors from Mystic Toilet and made them account-bound (no trading), but increased boss drop rate to 1%. Maybe bosses should drop a box of precursors to choose one from (like ascended chests), so you avoid getting three aquatic precursors.
1% drop rate seems extremely high though.
I’ll shamelessly use a online calculator for this one ( cause you know math and stuff.
By boss I’ll assume you mean world boss. There’s several of them but let’s assume you do 10 a day. After a week (70 bosses) you’d have a 50% chance of gotten a pre-cursors, after 2 weeks you’re up to 75 percent, 3 weeks is 87% and after a month (say 30 days) you’d have a 90% chance of having gotten a pre-cursors.
With a 1% drop rate basically everyone would have a pre-cursors in the first month.
I’m glad that we will be able to craft precursors. I just wish that crafting in GW2 wasn’t so boring. It feels so unrewarding.
You level up crafting to get ability to craft high level stuff. What else do you want.
Which is actually a very good question. How can crafting not be boring?
With 1% boss-drop chance (which would be reasonably high, if precursors would be accound-bound), you never know when you’ll get one. Currently, the drop chance from bosses is 0.1% or 0.01%, which is discouraging, to say the least.
Granted I’m using online calculator (so if might all be wrong) but 1% is very high.
Is that a gauranteed 1%? If i kill a boss 100 times, one precursor will drop?
Apparently not please see
Is that a gauranteed 1%? If i kill a boss 100 times, one precursor will drop?
That’s not how probability works. Each time you try the chances “reset”. When you kill the boss once, you’ll have 1% chance to get the precursor. The second time you kill it, you’ll have another 1% chance. By your logic the probablility would stack until you get one no matter what.
Wait, so he doesn’t want nonrandom ways to acquire a Precursor, he just wants the randomness made even more restrictive?
We’re done here.
Yes, but with a higher drop rate and a box of precursors to choose one from (like ascended boxes).
No, we’re done here. That’s what “we’re done here” means. You don’t understand the issue, you’re stuck in the idea of RNG = Good Design, and aren’t paying attention at all to what effects might follow from it.
About the only thing we did agree on? That Precursors should be Account Bound. They always should have been so.
Kill the boss once, get a precursor. Kill the boss 99 more times before being able to get another precursor.
Is that a gauranteed 1%? If i kill a boss 100 times, one precursor will drop?
That’s not how probability works. Each time you try the chances “reset”. When you kill the boss once, you’ll have 1% chance to get the precursor. The second time you kill it, you’ll have another 1% chance. By your logic the probablility would stack until you get one no matter what.
It’s not just from a boss though, anything has a potential to drop a pre. But like I mentioned, I’d rather see the drop rate increased instead, but that much would likely be a monthly drop from casual play. A 1% would probably result in pre’s being salvaged for mats. That’s like greater than beta portals.
But like I mentioned, I’d rather see the drop rate increased instead, but that much would likely be a monthly drop from casual play. A 1% would probably result in pre’s being salvaged for mats. That’s like greater than beta portals.
I’d rather see the act of acquiring a Precursor and turning it into a Legendary be something more monumental and meaningful per character, but that ship’s sailed long long ago in the design process.
Give me a 70% chance of getting it 100% of the time.
(edited by Zahld.4956)
Wow, what a ridiculous thread. The only specific thing we know about the new precursor acquisition system is that one of the things you need to do for The Moot is to dance in front of Queen Jennah. General references were also made to doing research and performing heroic feats. Basically, everything that has been said indicates that it’s an achievement/questing system, likely very similar to creating Mawdrey. Is it likely that some steps might include crafting? Sure. Is that the heart of the system? All signs point to “No.”